

`Ha!' said Nicholas, gravely. `I am afraid they don't keep many animals of either kind on board ship, Smike, and even when they have horses, that they are not very particular about rubbing them down; still you can learn to do something else, you know. Where there's a will, there's a way.'

`And I am very willing,' said Smike, brightening up again.

`God knows you are,' rejoined Nicholas; `and if you fail, it shall go hard but I'll do enough for us both.'

`Do we go all the way today?' asked Smike, after a short silence.

`That would be too severe a trial, even for your willing legs,' said Nicholas, with a good-humoured smile. `No. Godalming is some thirty and odd miles from London -- as I found from a map I borrowed -- and I purpose to rest there. We must push on again tomorrow, for we are not rich enough to loiter. Let me relieve you of that bundle! Come!'

`No, no,' rejoined Smike, falling back a few steps. `Don't ask me to give it up to you.'

`Why not?' asked Nicholas.

`Let me do something for you, at least,' said Smike. `You will never let me serve you as I ought. You will never know how I think, day and night, of ways to please you.'

`You are a foolish fellow to say it, for I know it well, and see it, or I should be a blind and senseless beast,' rejoined Nicholas. `Let me ask you a question while I think of it, and there is no one by,' he added, looking him steadily in the face. `Have you a good memory?'

`I don't know,' said Smike, shaking his head sorrowfully. `I think Ihad once; but it's all gone now -- all gone.'

`Why do you think you had once?' asked Nicholas, turning quickly upon him as though the answer in some way helped out the purport of his question.

`Because I could remember, when I was a child,' said Smike, `but that is very, very long ago, or at least it seems so. I was always confused and giddy at that place you took me from; and could never remember, and sometimes couldn't even understand, what they said to me. I -- let me see -- let me see!'

`You are wandering now,' said Nicholas, touching him on the arm.

`No,' replied his companion, with a vacant look `I was only thinking how --' He shivered involuntarily as he spoke.

`Think no more of that place, for it is all over,' retorted Nicholas, fixing his eyes full upon that of his companion, which was fast settling into an unmeaning stupefied gaze, once habitual to him, and common even then. `What of the first day you went to Yorkshire?'

`Eh!' cried the lad.

`That was before you began to lose your recollection, you know,' said Nicholas quietly. `Was the weather hot or cold?'

`Wet,' replied the boy. `Very wet. I have always said, when it has rained hard, that it was like the night I came: and they used to crowd round and laugh to see me cry when the rain fell heavily. It was like a child, they said, and that made me think of it more. I turned cold all over sometimes, for I could see myself as I was then, coming in at the very same door.'

`As you were then,' repeated Nicholas, with assumed carelessness; `how was that?'

`Such a little creature,' said Smike, `that they might have had pity and mercy upon me, only to remember it.'

`You didn't find your way there, alone!' remarked Nicholas.

`No,' rejoined Smike, `oh no.'

`Who was with you?'

`A man -- a dark, withered man. I have heard them say so, at the school, and I remembered that before. I was glad to leave him, I was afraid of him; but they made me more afraid of them, and used me harder too.'

`Look at me,' said Nicholas, wishing to attract his full attention.

`There; don't turn away. Do you remember no woman, no kind woman, who hung over you once, and kissed your lips, and called you her child?'

`No,' said the poor creature, shaking his head, `no, never.'

`Nor any house but that house in Yorkshire?'

`No,' rejoined the youth, with a melancholy look; `a room -- I remember I slept in a room, a large lonesome room at the top of a house, where there was a trap-door in the ceiling. I have covered my head with the clothes often, not to see it, for it frightened me: a young child with no one near at night: and I used to wonder what was on the other side. There was a clock too, an old clock, in one corner. I remember that. I have never forgotten that room; for when I have terrible dreams, it comes back, just as it was.

I see things and people in it that I had never seen then, but there is the room just as it used to be; that never changes.'

`Will you let me take the bundle now?' asked Nicholas, abruptly changing the theme.

`No,' said Smike, `no. Come, let us walk on.'

He quickened his pace as he said this, apparently under the impression that they had been standing still during the whole of the previous dialogue.

Nicholas marked him closely, and every word of this conversation remained upon his memory.

It was, by this time, within an hour of noon, and although a dense vapour still enveloped the city they had left, as if the very breath of its busy people hung over their schemes of gain and profit, and found greater attraction there than in the quiet region above, in the open country it was clear and fair. Occasionally, in some low spots they came upon patches of mist which the sun had not yet driven from their strongholds; but these were soon passed, and as they laboured up the hills beyond, it was pleasant to look down, and see how the sluggish mass rolled heavily off, before the cheering influence of day. A broad, fine, honest sun lighted up the green pastures and dimpled water with the semblance of summer, while it left the travellers all the invigorating freshness of that early time of year. The ground seemed elastic under their feet; the sheep-bells were music to their ears; and exhilarated by exercise, and stimulated by hope, they pushed onward with the strength of lions.



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