

`He is a kind soul. I am very much obliged to Trimmers. Trimmers is one of the best friends we have. He makes a thousand cases known to us that we should never discover of ourselves. I am very much obliged to Trimmers.' Saying which, Mr Cheeryble rubbed his hands with infinite delight, and Mr Trimmers happening to pass the door that instant, on his way out, shot out after him and caught him by the hand.

`I owe you a thousand thanks, Trimmers -- ten thousand thanks -- I take it very friendly of you -- very friendly indeed,' said Mr Cheeryble, dragging him into a corner to get out of hearing. `How many children are there, and what has my brother Ned given, Trimmers?'

`There are six children,' replied the gentleman, `and your brother has given us twenty pounds.'

`My brother Ned is a good fellow, and you're a good fellow too, Trimmers,'

said the old man, shaking him by both hands with trembling eagerness. `Put me down for another twenty -- or -- stop a minute, stop a minute. We mustn't look ostentatious; put me down ten pound, and Tim Linkinwater ten pound.

A cheque for twenty pound for Mr Trimmers, Tim. God bless you, Trimmers -- and come and dine with us some day this week; you'll always find a knife and fork, and we shall be delighted. Now, my dear sir -- cheque from Mr Linkinwater, Tim. Smashed by a cask of sugar, and six poor children --oh dear, dear, dear!'

Talking on in this strain, as fast as he could, to prevent any friendly remonstrances from the collector of the subscription on the large amount of his donation, Mr Cheeryble led Nicholas, equally astonished and affected by what he had seen and heard in this short space, to the half-opened door of another room.

`Brother Ned,' said Mr Cheeryble, tapping with his knuckles, and stooping to listen, `are you busy, my dear brother, or can you spare time for a word or two with me?'

`Brother Charles, my dear fellow,' replied a voice from the inside, so like in its tones to that which had just spoken, that Nicholas started, and almost thought it was the same, `don't ask me such a question, but come in directly.'

They went in, without further parley. What was the amazement of Nicholas when his conductor advanced, and exchanged a warm greeting with another old gentleman, the very type and model of himself -- the same face, the same figure, the same coat, waistcoat, and neckcloth, the same breeches and gaiters -- nay, there was the very same white hat hanging against the wall!

As they shook each other by the hand: the face of each lighted up by beaming looks of affection, which would have been most delightful to behold in infants, and which, in men so old, was inexpressibly touching: Nicholas could observe that the last old gentleman was something stouter than his brother; this, and a slight additional shade of clumsiness in his gait and stature, formed the only perceptible difference between them. Nobody could have doubted their being twin brothers.

`Brother Ned,' said Nicholas's friend, closing the room-door, `here is a young friend of mine whom we must assist. We must make proper inquiries into his statements, in justice to him as well as to ourselves, and if they are confirmed -- as I feel assured they will be -- we must assist him, we must assist him, brother Ned.'

`It is enough, my dear brother, that you say we should,' returned the other. `When you say that, no further inquiries are needed. He shall be assisted. What are his necessities, and what does he require? Where is Tim Linkinwater? Let us have him here.'

Both the brothers, it may be here remarked, had a very emphatic and earnest delivery; both had lost nearly the same teeth, which imparted the same peculiarity to their speech; and both spoke as if, besides possessing the utmost serenity of mind that the kindliest and most unsuspecting nature could bestow, they had, in collecting the plums from Fortune's choicest pudding, retained a few for present use, and kept them in their mouths.

`Where is Tim Linkinwater?' said brother Ned.

`Stop, stop, stop!' said brother Charles, taking the other aside. `I've a plan, my dear brother, I've a plan. Tim is getting old, and Tim has been a faithful servant, brother Ned; and I don't think pensioning Tim's mother and sister, and buying a little tomb for the family when his poor brother died, was a sufficient recompense for his faithful services.'

`No, no, no,' replied the other. `Certainly not. Not half enough, not half.'

`If we could lighten Tim's duties,' said the old gentleman, `and prevail upon him to go into the country, now and then, and sleep in the fresh air, besides, two or three times a week (which he could, if he began business an hour later in the morning), old Tim Linkinwater would grow young again in time; and he's three good years our senior now. Old Tim Linkinwater young again! Eh, brother Ned, eh? Why, I recollect old Tim Linkinwater quite a little boy, don't you? Ha, ha, ha! Poor Tim, poor Tim!'

And the fine old fellows laughed pleasantly together: each with a tear of regard for old Tim Linkinwater standing in his eye.

`But hear this first -- hear this first, brother Ned,' said the old man, hastily, placing two chairs, one on each side of Nicholas: `I'll tell it you myself, brother Ned, because the young gentleman is modest, and is a scholar, Ned, and I shouldn't feel it right that he should tell us his story over and over again as if he was a beggar, or as if we doubted him. No, no no.'

`No, no, no,' returned the other, nodding his head gravely. `Very right, my dear brother, very right.'

`He will tell me I'm wrong, if I make a mistake,' said Nicholas's friend.

`But whether I do or not, you'll be very much affected, brother Ned, remembering the time when we were two friendless lads, and earned our first shilling in this great city.'

The twins pressed each other's hands in silence; and in his own homely manner, brother Charles related the particulars he had heard from Nicholas.

  • 续异记


  • 道法宗旨图衍义


  • 道基


  • 佛说称赞如来功德神咒经


  • 宗玄先生玄纲论


  • 陌上晚斜阳


  • 问鼎记


  • 千古传诵老人言


  • 进化游戏


  • 半街梨落半阙词


  • 夫人她又失忆了


  • 猎凶记


  • 青瞳


  • 斗之巅


    新书《我的杂货店很厉害》 斗气江湖,群侠并起。一个身背五尺长剑的青年,站在悬崖上。天空电闪雷鸣,“你难道就不怕,天地惩罚吗?”“怕”少年面色不变,“但是十三却不得不去,与天斗,与地争。”——————————————————群{327373686}
  • 胭脂醉(番外:相思泪)

