

The people of the house were evidently overcome by this request, and when the lady charged the boy to remember, as a means of identifying the expected green chariot, that it would have a coachman with a gold-laced hat on the box, and a footman, most probably in silk stockings, behind, the attentions of the good woman of the inn were redoubled. Even the box-passenger caught the infection, and growing wonderfully deferential, immediately inquired whether there was not very good society in that neighbourhood, to which the lady replied yes, there was: in a manner which sufficiently implied that she moved at the very tiptop and summit of it all.

`As the guard has gone on horseback to Grantham to get another coach,'

said the good-tempered gentleman when they had been all sitting round the fire, for some time, in silence, `and as he must be gone a couple of hours at the very least, I propose a bowl of hot punch. What say you, sir?'

This question was addressed to the broken-headed inside, who was a man of very genteel appearance, dressed in mourning. He was not past the middle age, but his hair was grey; it seemed to have been prematurely turned by care or sorrow. He readily acceded to the proposal, and appeared to be prepossessed by the frank good-nature of the individual from whom it emanated.

This latter personage took upon himself the office of tapster when the punch was ready, and after dispensing it all round, led the conversation to the antiquities of York, with which both he and the grey-haired gentleman appeared to be well acquainted. When this topic flagged, he turned with a smile to the grey-headed gentleman, and asked if he could sing.

`I cannot indeed,' replied gentleman, smiling in his turn.

`That's a pity,' said the owner of the good-humoured countenance. `Is there nobody here who can sing a song to lighten the time?'

The passengers, one and all, protested that they could not; that they wished they could; that they couldn't remember the words of anything without the book; and so forth.

`Perhaps the lady would not object,' said the president with great respect, and a merry twinkle in his eye. `Some little Italian thing out of the last opera brought out in town, would be most acceptable I am sure.'

As the lady condescended to make no reply, but tossed her head contemptuously, and murmured some further expression of surprise regarding the absence of the green chariot, one or two voices urged upon the president himself, the propriety of making an attempt for the general benefit.

`I would if I could,' said he of the good-tempered face; `for I hold that in this, as in all other cases where people who are strangers to each other are thrown unexpectedly together, they should endeavour to render themselves as pleasant, for the joint sake of the little community, as possible.'

`I wish the maxim were more generally acted on, in all cases,' said the grey-headed gentleman.

`I'm glad to hear it,' returned the other. `Perhaps, as you can't sing, you'll tell us a story?'

`Nay. I should ask you.'

`After you, I will, with pleasure.'

`Indeed!' said the grey-haired gentleman, smiling, `Well, let it be so. I fear the turn of my thoughts is not calculated to lighten the time you must pass here; but you have brought this upon yourselves, and shall judge. We were speaking of York Minster just now. My story shall have some reference to it. Let us call it THE FIVE SISTERS OF YORKAfter a murmur of approbation from the other passengers, during which the fastidious lady drank a glass of punch unobserved, the grey-headed gentleman thus went on:

`A great many years ago--for the fifteenth century was scarce two years old at the time, and King Henry the Fourth sat upon the throne of England--there dwelt, in the ancient city of York, five maiden sisters, the subjects of my tale.

`These five sisters were all of surpassing beauty. The eldest was in her twenty-third year, the second a year younger, the third a year younger than the second, and the fourth a year younger than the third. They were tall stately figures, with dark flashing eyes and hair of jet; dignity and grace were in their every movement; and the fame of their great beauty had spread through all the country round.

`But, if the four elder sisters were lovely, how beautiful was the youngest, a fair creature of sixteen! The blushing tints in the soft bloom on the fruit, or the delicate painting on the flower, are not more exquisite than was the blending of the rose and lily in her gentle face, or the deep blue of her eye. The vine, in all its elegant luxuriance, is not more graceful than were the clusters of rich brown hair that sported round her brow.

`If we all had hearts like those which beat so lightly in the bosoms of the young and beautiful, what a heaven this earth would be! If, while our bodies grow old and withered, our hearts could but retain their early youth and freshness, of what avail would be our sorrows and sufferings!

But, the faint image of Eden which is stamped upon them in childhood, chafes and rubs in our rough struggles with the world, and soon wears away: too often to leave nothing but a mournful blank remaining.

`The heart of this fair girl bounded with joy and gladness. Devoted attachment to her sisters, and a fervent love of all beautiful things in nature, were its pure affections. Her gleesome voice and merry laugh were the sweetest music of their home. She was its very light and life. The brightest flowers in the garden were reared by her; the caged birds sang when they heard her voice, and pined when they missed its sweetness. Alice, dear Alice; what living thing within the sphere of her gentle witchery, could fail to love her!

  • 宣和北苑贡茶录


  • 朝野遗记


  • 负暄野录


  • 九曜斋笔记


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    美国著名的管理学家彼得·德鲁克说过:“在人类历史上,还很少有什么事比管理学的出现和发展更为迅猛,对人类具有更为重大和更为激烈的影响。” 在新的形势下,我们的企业要生存、要发展,就必须以主动的姿态参与全球市场竞争并赢得竞争。而要赢得竞争,就要知彼知己。那么,今天西方的和东方的世界级企业的竞争优势是什么呢?产品和技术是我们容易看到的,但是更深层次的、起着关键作用的,却是管理的理念和工具。企业的管理涉及人力资源、财务、生产经营等各个方面,本书对经营战略管理、组织管理、新产品开发管理:企业信息管理、企业知识管理、企业文化管理等方面结合具体案例进行了一一阐述,定能对读者的理解和实际操作有所帮助。
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  • 铠甲勇士之帝铠荣耀


    经历了数十年,由炎龙到帝皇,由帝皇到刑天,到拿瓦和捕将,到如今的猎铠,铠甲勇士的影响力似乎在日益衰弱。 光明界与幽冥界的之间的战争号角,却暗地打响。 苏雨阳,一个都市中平凡得不能再平凡的人,拥有炎帝和五行村人两者的血脉,机缘巧合下,遇见自己的前世苏雨墨,得到传说中的帝皇铠甲的召唤器,不久之后,当年炎帝的将军之铠修罗也落在了他的手中。随着暗流涌动的恶势力出现,苏雨阳逐渐成长为一个合格的召唤人,同时也成为了最强的铠甲召唤人,肩负起不可推卸的重大责任。 而当苏雨阳身临险境之时,强烈的求生欲让他将修罗与帝皇同时召唤,却不曾想,发生了惊世异变。于是,帝修出世!本书就是个奇葩。 PS:目前正在重制章节,请从第二卷开始看起。(重制完以后会删掉第一卷)
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