

There was no end of compositors and reporters who wanted to come, to say nothing of experienced valets, chefs, and stewards.Civil engineers were keen on the voyage; "lady" companions galore cropped up for Charmian; while I was deluged with the applications of would-be private secretaries.Many high school and university students yearned for the voyage, and every trade in the working class developed a few applicants, the machinists, electricians, and engineers being especially strong on the trip.I was surprised at the number, who, in musty law offices, heard the call of adventure;and I was more than surprised by the number of elderly and retired sea captains who were still thralls to the sea.Several young fellows, with millions coming to them later on, were wild for the adventure, as were also several county superintendents of schools.

Fathers and sons wanted to come, and many men with their wives, to say nothing of the young woman stenographer who wrote: "Write immediately if you need me.I shall bring my typewriter on the first train." But the best of all is the following--observe the delicate way in which he worked in his wife: "I thought I would drop you a line of inquiry as to the possibility of making the trip with you, am 24 years of age, married and broke, and a trip of that kind would be just what we are looking for."Come to think of it, for the average man it must be fairly difficult to write an honest letter of self-recommendation.One of my correspondents was so stumped that he began his letter with the words, "This is a hard task"; and, after vainly trying to describe his good points, he wound up with, "It is a hard job writing about one's self." Nevertheless, there was one who gave himself a most glowing and lengthy character, and in conclusion stated that he had greatly enjoyed writing it.

"But suppose this: your cabin-boy could run your engine, could repair it when out of order.Suppose he could take his turn at the wheel, could do any carpenter or machinist work.Suppose he is strong, healthy, and willing to work.Would you not rather have him than a kid that gets seasick and can't do anything but wash dishes?"It was letters of this sort that I hated to decline.The writer of it, self-taught in English, had been only two years in the United States, and, as he said, "I am not wishing to go with you to earn my living, but I wish to learn and see." At the time of writing to me he was a designer for one of the big motor manufacturing companies;he had been to sea quite a bit, and had been used all his life to the handling of small boats.

"I have a good position, but it matters not so with me as I prefer travelling," wrote another."As to salary, look at me, and if I am worth a dollar or two, all right, and if I am not, nothing said.As to my honesty and character, I shall be pleased to show you my employers.Never drink, no tobacco, but to be honest, I myself, after a little more experience, want to do a little writing.""I can assure you that I am eminently respectable, but find other respectable people tiresome." The man who wrote the foregoing certainly had me guessing, and I am still wondering whether or not he'd have found me tiresome, or what the deuce he did mean.

"I have seen better days than what I am passing through to-day,"wrote an old salt, "but I have seen them a great deal worse also."But the willingness to sacrifice on the part of the man who wrote the following was so touching that I could not accept: "I have a father, a mother, brothers and sisters, dear friends and a lucrative position, and yet I will sacrifice all to become one of your crew."Another volunteer I could never have accepted was the finicky young fellow who, to show me how necessary it was that I should give him a chance, pointed out that "to go in the ordinary boat, be it schooner or steamer, would be impracticable, for I would have to mix among and live with the ordinary type of seamen, which as a rule is not a clean sort of life."Then there was the young fellow of twenty-six, who had "run through the gamut of human emotions," and had "done everything from cooking to attending Stanford University," and who, at the present writing, was "A vaquero on a fifty-five-thousand-acre range." Quite in contrast was the modesty of the one who said, "I am not aware of possessing any particular qualities that would be likely to recommend me to your consideration.But should you be impressed, you might consider it worth a few minutes' time to answer.

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    杜书瀛兄嘱序于我,我先看目录,很大一部分竟是我没有读过的,于是把书稿看了一遍,有些学理性强的文章还没消化,或还似懂非懂,但我觉得应该来写这篇小序。 书序可以有种种写法,有些著名的序言体文字,是就所序这一本书的中心内容或某一论点加以补充,生发开去,甚或是借题发挥,本身就形成一篇论文,限于学力,这是我做不到的。而人们近年常常批评一些人之写序,说有的是“友情出场”,有的是为了“促销”,有的通篇不过是些“感想”……总之应该列为写序之大忌的,——我现在要写的正不出这个范围。
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