

But what finally irritated Ivan most and confirmed his dislike for him was the peculiar, revolting familiarity which Smerdyakov began to show more and more markedly.Not that he forgot himself and was rude; on the contrary, he always spoke very respectfully, yet he had obviously begun to consider- goodness knows why!- that there was some sort of understanding between him and Ivan Fyodorovitch.He always spoke in a tone that suggested that those two had some kind of compact, some secret between them, that had at some time been expressed on both sides, only known to them and beyond the comprehension of those around them.But for a long while Ivan did not recognise the real cause of his growing dislike and he had only lately realised what was at the root of it.

With a feeling of disgust and irritation he tried to pass in at the gate without speaking or looking at Smerdyakov.But Smerdyakov rose from the bench, and from that action alone, Ivan knew instantly that he wanted particularly to talk to him.Ivan looked at him and stopped, and the fact that he did stop, instead of passing by, as he meant to the minute before, drove him to fury.With anger and repulsion he looked at Smerdyakov's emasculate, sickly face, with the little curls combed forward on his forehead.His left eye winked and he grinned as if to say, "Where are you going? You won't pass by; you see that we two clever people have something to say to each other."Ivan shook."Get away, miserable idiot.What have I to do with you?" was on the tip of his tongue, but to his profound astonishment he heard himself say, "Is my father still asleep, or has he waked?"He asked the question softly and meekly, to his own surprise, and at once, again to his own surprise, sat down on the bench.For an instant he felt almost frightened; he remembered it afterwards.

Smerdyakov stood facing him, his hands behind his back, looking at him with assurance and almost severity.

"His honour is still asleep," he articulated deliberately ("You were the first to speak, not I," he seemed to say)."I am surprised at you, sir," he added, after a pause, dropping his eyes affectedly, setting his right foot forward, and playing with the tip of his polished boot.

"Why are you surprised at me?" Ivan asked abruptly and sullenly, doing his utmost to restrain himself, and suddenly realising, with disgust, that he was feeling intense curiosity and would not, on any account, have gone away without satisfying it.

"Why don't you go to Tchermashnya, sir?" Smerdyakov suddenly raised his eyes and smiled familiarly."Why I smile you must understand of yourself, if you are a clever man," his screwed-up left eye seemed to say.

"Why should I go to Tchermashnya?" Ivan asked in surprise.

Smerdyakov was silent again.

"Fyodor Pavlovitch himself has so begged you to," he said at last, slowly and apparently attaching no significance to his answer."Iput you off with a secondary reason," he seemed to suggest, "simply to say something.""Damn you! Speak out what you want!" Ivan cried angrily at last, passing from meekness to violence.

Smerdyakov drew his right foot up to his left, pulled himself up, but still looked at him with the same serenity and the same little smile.

"Substantially nothing- but just by way of conversation."Another silence followed.They did not speak for nearly a minute.Ivan knew that he ought to get up and show anger, and Smerdyakov stood before him and seemed to be waiting as though to see whether he would be angry or not.So at least it seemed to Ivan.

At last he moved to get up.Smerdyakov seemed to seize the moment.

"I'm in an awful position, Ivan Fyodorovitch.I don't know how to help myself," he said resolutely and distinctly, and at his last word he sighed.Ivan Fyodorovitch sat down again.

"They are both utterly crazy, they are no better than little children," Smerdyakov went on."I am speaking of your parent and your brother Dmitri Fyodorovitch.Here Fyodor Pavlovitch will get up directly and begin worrying me every minute, 'Has she come? Why hasn't she come?' and so on up till midnight and even after midnight.And if Agrafena Alexandrovna doesn't come (for very likely she does not mean to come at all) then he will be at me again to-morrow morning, 'Why hasn't she come? When will she come?'- as though I were to blame for it.On the other side it's no better.As soon as it gets dark, or even before, your brother will appear with his gun in his hands: 'Look out, you rogue, you soup-maker.If you miss her and don't let me know she's been- I'll kill you before anyone.' When the night's over, in the morning, he, too, like Fyodor Pavlovitch, begins worrying me to death.'Why hasn't she come? Will she come soon?' And he, too, thinks me to blame because his lady hasn't come.And every day and every hour they get angrier and angrier, so that I sometimes think Ishall kill myself in a fright.I can't depend them, sir.""And why have you meddled? Why did you begin to spy for Dmitri Fyodorovitch?" said Ivan irritably.

"How could I help meddling? Though, indeed, I haven't meddled at all, if you want to know the truth of the matter.I kept quiet from the very beginning, not daring to answer; but he pitched on me to be his servant.He has had only one thing to say since: 'I'll kill you, you scoundrel, if you miss her.' I feel certain, sir, that I shall have a long fit to-morrow.""What do you mean by 'a long fit'?"

"A long fit, lasting a long time- several hours, or perhaps a day or two.Once it went on for three days.I fell from the garret that time.The struggling ceased and then began again, and for three days I couldn't come back to my senses.Fyodor Pavlovitch sent for Herzenstube, the doctor here, and he put ice on my head and tried another remedy, too....I might have died.""But they say one can't tell with epilepsy when a fit is coming.

What makes you say you will have one to-morrow?" Ivan inquired, with a peculiar, irritable curiosity.

  • 俱舍论颂疏论本


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  • 预言


    李东文, 70后。1999年开始学习写作,以小说及情感专栏为主,曾在《天涯》《长城》《十月》《西湖》《长江文艺》等杂志发表小说,作品多次被《小说选刊》《中篇小说选刊》《读者》等转载。
  • 心灵鸡汤(小学版)


  • 解放海口(百城百战解放战争系列)


  • 废材倾城:坏坏小王妃


  • 落在胸口的玫瑰:20世界中国女性写作


  • 未来病史


    《未来病史》共收录陈楸帆近年来的科幻短篇小说力作16则。其中,《沙嘴之花》入围第三届科幻奇幻翻译奖最佳短篇奖;《鼠年》日文版在2014年SF Magazine读者票选中高居海外部门第一名,成为首部入围日本星云赏的华语作品;《动物观察者》获第四届全球华语科幻星云奖最佳短篇科幻小说银奖;《G代表女神》登顶第三届全球华语科幻星云奖最佳科幻短篇金奖;《犹在镜中》获2013年度中国科幻银河奖读者提名奖;《造像者》获第五届全球华语科幻星云奖最佳短篇科幻小说银奖;《无尽的告别》获2011年度中国科幻银河奖优秀奖。
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