

"The Father Superior is engaged just now.But as you please- " the monk hesitated.

"Impertinent old man!" Miusov observed aloud, while Maximov ran back to the monastery.

"He's like von Sohn," Fyodor Pavlovitch said suddenly.

"Is that all you can think of?...In what way is he like von Sohn?

Have you ever seen von Sohn?"

"I've seen his portrait.It's not the features, but something indefinable.He's a second von Sohn.I can always tell from the physiognomy.""Ah, I dare say you are a connoisseur in that.But, look here, Fyodor Pavlovitch, you said just now that we had given our word to behave properly.Remember it.I advise you to control yourself.But, if you begin to play the fool I don't intend to be associated with you here...You see what a man he is"- he turned to the monk- "I'm afraid to go among decent people with him." A fine smile, not without a certain slyness, came on to the pale, bloodless lips of the monk, but he made no reply, and was evidently silent from a sense of his own dignity.Miusov frowned more than ever.

"Oh, devil take them all! An outer show elaborated through centuries, and nothing but charlatanism and nonsense underneath,"flashed through Miusov's mind.

"Here's the hermitage.We've arrived," cried Fyodor Pavlovitch.

"The gates are shut."

And he repeatedly made the sign of the cross to the saints painted above and on the sides of the gates.

"When you go to Rome you must do as the Romans do.Here in this hermitage there are twenty-five saints being saved.They look at one another, and eat cabbages.And not one woman goes in at this gate.

That's what is remarkable.And that really is so.But I did hear that the elder receives ladies," he remarked suddenly to the monk.

"Women of the people are here too now, lying in the portico there waiting.But for ladies of higher rank two rooms have been built adjoining the portico, but outside the precincts you can see the windows- and the elder goes out to them by an inner passage when he is well enough.They are always outside the precincts.There is a Harkov lady, Madame Hohlakov, waiting there now with her sick daughter.Probably he has promised to come out to her, though of late he has been so weak that he has hardly shown himself even to the people.""So then there are loopholes, after all, to creep out of the hermitage to the ladies.Don't suppose, holy father, that I mean any harm.But do you know that at Athos not only the visits of women are not allowed, but no creature of the female sex- no hens, nor turkey hens, nor cows.""Fyodor Pavlovitch, I warn you I shall go back and leave you here.

They'll turn you out when I'm gone."

"But I'm not interfering with you, Pyotr Alexandrovitch.Look," he cried suddenly, stepping within the precincts, "what a vale of roses they live in!"Though there were no roses now, there were numbers of rare and beautiful autumn flowers growing wherever there was space for them, and evidently tended by a skilful hand; there were flower-beds round the church, and between the tombs; and the one-storied wooden house where the elder lived was also surrounded with flowers.

"And was it like this in the time of the last elder, Varsonofy? He didn't care for such elegance.They say he used to jump up and thrash even ladies with a stick," observed Fyodor Pavlovitch, as he went up the steps.

"The elder Varsonofy did sometimes seem rather strange, but a great deal that's told is foolishness.He never thrashed anyone,"answered the monk."Now, gentlemen, if you will wait a minute I will announce you.""Fyodor Pavlovitch, for the last time, your compact, do you hear? Behave properly or I will pay you out!" Miusov had time to mutter again.

"I can't think why you are so agitated," Fyodor Pavlovitch observed sarcastically."Are you uneasy about your sins? They say he can tell by one's eyes what one has come about.And what a lot you think of their opinion! you, a Parisian, and so advanced.I'm surprised at you."But Miusov had no time to reply to this sarcasm.They were asked to come in.He walked in, somewhat irritated.

"Now, I know myself, I am annoyed, I shall lose my temper and begin to quarrel- and lower myself and my ideas," he reflected.

Chapter 2

The Old BuffoonTHEY entered the room almost at the same moment that the elder came in from his bedroom.There were already in the cell, awaiting the elder, two monks of the hermitage, one the Father Librarian, and the other Father Paissy, a very learned man, so they said, in delicate health, though not old.There was also a tall young man, who looked about two and twenty, standing in the corner throughout the interview.

He had a broad, fresh face, and clever, observant, narrow brown eyes, and was wearing ordinary dress.He was a divinity student, living under the protection of the monastery.His expression was one of unquestioning, but self-respecting, reverence.Being in a subordinate and dependent position, and so not on an equality with the guests, he did not greet them with a bow.

Father Zossima was accompanied by a novice, and by Alyosha.The two monks rose and greeted him with a very deep bow, touching the ground with their fingers; then kissed his hand.Blessing them, the elder replied with as deep a reverence to them, and asked their blessing.The whole ceremony was performed very seriously and with an appearance of feeling, not like an everyday rite.But Miusov fancied that it was all done with intentional impressiveness.He stood in front of the other visitors.He ought- he had reflected upon it the evening before- from simple politeness, since it was the custom here, to have gone up to receive the elder's blessing, even if he did not kiss his hand.But when he saw all this bowing and kissing on the part of the monks he instantly changed his mind.With dignified gravity he made a rather deep, conventional bow, and moved away to a chair.Fyodor Pavlovitch did the same, mimicking Miusov like an ape.

  • 太上北极伏魔神咒杀鬼箓


  • 上清七圣玄纪经


  • 太上黄庭外景玉经


  • 楚辞补注


  • 明宫史


  • 愿君星辰大海


  • 侯门娇之一品毒妻


  • 空姐小花


  • 归向


    这是一个前代文明和名为神灵星辰生命同黄昏后的世代。人类努力重建第二代文明,淘汰曾经的思想,不,其实是替代。蒸汽世代:钢铁轰鸣,重炮轰鸣,铆钉战船纵横大洋。电气世代:电灯闪烁,飞艇,无人机蜂起。以及那辉煌的核子曙光。启明世代:金融在运作,社会在赛博和社会化之间左右徘徊,新思潮,新武器,新战术。行星航行世代:战舰控制,行星际穿梭的核能战机驾驶者,以及星表指挥官。大多数普通人该何去何从。 大时盘历:人类的生命在自然人的状态,不过200年。在数千年数万年寿命状态下的人类。将以何种姿态,面对浩瀚的宇宙。……然,科技进步的背后是人文,而每次人文的进步,都需要付出代价。承受不了代价的文明,则总会停在原地。 愿世界多容‘嫩芽新生’
  • 那些年,不会忘记


  • 菜花灿灿


  • 天工开物


  • 此生伊然


  • 在漫威世界种神树


  • 你爱我不爱

