

"You are pleased to be sarcastic, too, Alexey Fyodorovitch.""No, no, I'm joking, forgive me.I've something quite different in my mind.But, excuse me, who can have told you all this? You can't have been at Katerina Ivanovna's yourself when he was talking about you?""I wasn't there, but Dmitri Fyodorovitch was; and I heard him tell it with my own ears; if you want to know, he didn't tell me, but Ioverheard him, unintentionally, of course, for I was sitting in Grushenka's bedroom and I couldn't go away because Dmitri Fyodorovitch was in the next room.""Oh yes, I'd forgotten she was a relation of yours.""A relation! That Grushenka a relation of mine!" cried Rakitin, turning crimson."Are you mad? You're out of your mind!""Why, isn't she a relation of yours? I heard so.""Where can you have heard it? You Karamazovs brag of being an ancient, noble family, though your father used to run about playing the buffoon at other men's tables, and was only admitted to the kitchen as a favour.I may be only a priest's son, and dirt in the eyes of noblemen like you, but don't insult me so lightly and wantonly.I have a sense of honour, too, Alexey Fyodorovitch, Icouldn't be a relation of Grushenka, a common harlot.I beg you to understand that!"Rakitin was intensely irritated.

"Forgive me, for goodness' sake, I had no idea...besides...how can you call her a harlot? Is she...that sort of woman?" Alyosha flushed suddenly."I tell you again, I heard that she was a relation of yours.You often go to see her, and you told me yourself you're not her lover.I never dreamed that you of all people had such contempt for her! Does she really deserve it?""I may have reasons of my own for visiting her.That's not your business.But as for relationship, your brother, or even your father, is more likely to make her yours than mine.Well, here we are.

You'd better go to the kitchen.Hullo! what's wrong, what is it? Are we late? They can't have finished dinner so soon! Have the Karamazovs been making trouble again? No doubt they have.Here's your father and your brother Ivan after him.They've broken out from the Father Superior's.And look, Father Isidor's shouting out something after them from the steps.And your father's shouting and waving his arms.I expect he's swearing.Bah, and there goes Miusov driving away in his carriage.You see, he's going.And there's old Maximov running!- there must have been a row.There can't have been any dinner.Surely they've not been beating the Father Superior! Or have they, perhaps, been beaten? It would serve them right!"There was reason for Rakitin's exclamations.There had been a scandalous, an unprecedented scene.It had all come from the impulse of a moment.

Chapter 8

The Scandalous SceneMIUSOV, as a man of breeding and delicacy, could not but feel some inward qualms, when he reached the Father Superior's with Ivan: he felt ashamed of having lost his temper.He felt that he ought to have disdained that despicable wretch, Fyodor Pavlovitch, too much to have been upset by him in Father Zossima's cell, and so to have forgotten himself."The monks were not to blame, in any case," he reflected, on the steps."And if they're decent people here (and the Father Superior, I understand, is a nobleman) why not be friendly and courteous with them? I won't argue, I'll fall in with everything, I'll win them by politeness, and...and...show them that I've nothing to do with that Aesop, that buffoon, that Pierrot, and have merely been taken in over this affair, just as they have."He determined to drop his litigation with the monastery, and relinquish his claims to the wood-cutting and fishery rights at once.He was the more ready to do this because the rights had become much less valuable, and he had indeed the vaguest idea where the wood and river in question were.

These excellent intentions were strengthened when he entered the Father Superior's dining-room, though, strictly speaking, it was not a dining-room, for the Father Superior had only two rooms altogether;they were, however, much larger and more comfortable than Father Zossima's.But there was no great luxury about the furnishing of these rooms either.The furniture was of mahogany, covered with leather, in the old-fashioned style of 1820 the floor was not even stained, but everything was shining with cleanliness, and there were many choice flowers in the windows; the most sumptuous thing in the room at the moment was, of course, the beautifully decorated table.The cloth was clean, the service shone; there were three kinds of well-baked bread, two bottles of wine, two of excellent mead, and a large glass jug of kvas- both the latter made in the monastery, and famous in the neighbourhood.There was no vodka.Rakitin related afterwards that there were five dishes: fish-soup made of sterlets, served with little fish patties; then boiled fish served in a special way; then salmon cutlets, ice pudding and compote, and finally, blanc-mange.Rakitin found out about all these good things, for he could not resist peeping into the kitchen, where he already had a footing.He had a footing everywhere, and got information about everything.He was of an uneasy and envious temper.He was well aware of his own considerable abilities, and nervously exaggerated them in his self-conceit.He knew he would play a prominent part of some sort, but Alyosha, who was attached to him, was distressed to see that his friend Rakitin was dishonourable, and quite unconscious of being so himself, considering, on the contrary, that because he would not steal money left on the table he was a man of the highest integrity.Neither Alyosha nor anyone else could have influenced him in that.

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