

They walked very happily along laughing and talking.They turned into Henrietta Street, misty with lamps that were dim in a thin evening fog, and at the corner of the street, facing the Square, was Uncle Mathew's hotel.It was a place for the use, in the main, of commercial gentlemen, and it was said by eager searchers after local colour, to have retained a great deal of the Dickens spirit.In the hall there was a stout gentleman with a red nose, a soiled waiter, a desolate palm and a large-bosomed lady all rings and black silk, in a kind of wooden cage.Down the stairs came a dim vapour that smelt of beef, whisky and tobacco, and in the distance was the regular click of billiard-balls and the brazen muffled tones of a gramophone.Uncle Mathew seemed perfectly at home here, and it was strange to Maggie that he should be so nervous with Aunt Anne, his own sister, when he could be so happily familiar with the powdered lady in the black silk.

"We're to have dinner in a private room upstairs," said Uncle Mathew in a voice that was casual and at the same time important.He led the way up the stairs.

Maggie had read in some old bound volume at home a very gruesome account of the "Life and Misdeeds of Mr.Palmer, the Rugeley Poisoner." The impression that still remained with her was of a man standing in the shadowy hall of just such an hotel as this, and pouring poison into a glass which he held up against the light.This picture had been vividly with her during her childhood, and she felt that this must have been the very hotel where those fearful deeds occurred, and that the ghost of Mr.Palmer's friend must, at this very moment, be writhing in an upstairs bedroom--"writhing," as she so fearfully remembered, bent "like a hoop."However, these reminiscences did not in the least terrify her; she welcomed their definite outlines in contrast with the shadowy possibilities of her aunts' house.And she had Martin Warlock...

She had never been so happy in all her life.

A dismal little waiter with a very soiled shirt and a black tie under his ear, guided them down into a dark passage and flung open the door of a sitting-room.This room was dark and sizzling with strange noises; a gas-jet burning low was hissing, some papers rustled in the breeze from the half-opened window, and a fire, overburdened with the weight of black coal, made frantic little spurts of resistance.

A white cloth was laid on the table, and there were glasses and knives and forks.A highly-coloured portrait of her late Majesty Queen Victoria confronted a long-legged horse desperately winning a race in which he had apparently no competitors.There was a wall-paper of imitation marble and a broken-down book-case with some torn paper editions languishing upon it.Beyond the open window there was a purple haze and a yellow mist--also a bell rang and carts rattled over the cobbles.The waiter shut out these sights and sounds, gave the tablecloth a stroke with his dirty hand, and left the room.

They continued their cheerful conversation, Martin laughing at nothing at all, and Maggie smiling, and Uncle Mathew stroking his mouth and sharpening his eyes and standing, in his uneasy fashion, first on one leg and then on the other.Maggie realised that her uncle was trying to be most especially pleasant to young Warlock.

She wondered why; she also remembered what he had said to her about Martin's father...No, he had changed.She could not follow his motives as she had once been able to do.Then he had simply been a foolish, drunken, but kindly-intentioned old man.

Then Mr.Warlock on his side seemed to like her uncle.That was an extraordinary thing.Or was he only being friendly because he was happy? No, she remembered his face as he had joined them that evening.He had not been happy then.She liked him the more because she knew that he needed help...The meal, produced at last by the poor little waiter, was very merry.The food was not wonderful--the thick pea-soup was cold, the sole bones and skin, the roast beef tepid and the apple-tart heavy.The men drank whiskies and sodas, and Maggie noticed that her uncle drank very little.And then (with apologies to Maggie) they smoked cigars, and she sat before the dismal fire in an old armchair with a hole in it.

Martin Warlock talked in a most delightful way about his travels, and Uncle Mathew asked him questions that were not, after all, so stupid.What had happened to him? Had Maggie always undervalued him, or was it that he was sober now and clear-headed? His fat round thighs seemed stronger, his hands seemed cleaner, the veins in his face were not so purple.She remembered the night when he had come into her room.She had been able to manage him then.Would she be able to manage him now?

After dinner he grew very restless.His eyes wandered to the door, then to his watch, then to his companions; he smiled uneasily, pulling his moustache; then--jumping to his feet, tried to speak with an easy self-confidence.

"I must leave you for a quarter of an hour...A matter of business, only in this hotel.Downstairs.Yes.A friend of mine and a little matter.Urgent.I'm sure you'll forgive me."For a moment Maggie was frightened.She was here in a strange hotel in a strange room with a man whom she scarcely knew.Then she looked up into young Warlock's face and was reassured.She could trust him.

He stood with his arm on the shabby, dusty mantelpiece, looking down upon her with his good-natured kindly smile, so kindly that she felt that he was younger than she and needed protection in a world that was filled with designing Uncle Mathews and mysterious Aunt Annes and horrible Miss Warlocks.

  • 济南纪政


  • 岩下放言


  • 炎徼纪闻


  • 奇特最胜金轮佛顶念诵仪轨法要


  • 离垢慧菩萨所问礼佛法经


  • 媒体产业运营方略


  • 时代巨擘


  • 宿主请留步


  • 嘘,别侵犯孩子的领地


  • 混迹在电影世界


  • 少年将军:清清碧海心


  • 全能经理人


  • 三厨经


  • 推进国家治理与社会治理现代化


  • 村庄哀歌

