

Mrs.Forbes entered Jewel's room after speaking with the doctor.The little girl looked at her eagerly.A plan had formed in her mind which depended for its success largely on the housekeeper's complaisance,and she wished to propitiate her.

"I want to fix it so you can call me when you need anything,Julia,"she said."The doctor has told you about taking the medicine,and here is a little clock I'm going to put on your table right by the bed,and I've brought up a bell.I shall leave the farther door open so the sound of this bell will go right down the backstairs,and one of us will come up whenever you ring.Dr.Ballard says it's best for you to be quiet.""Yes'm,"replied Jewel."Do you think,Mrs.Forbes--would it be too much trouble--would he have time--could I see Jeremiah just a few minutes?""See who?"

"Jeremiah--the gentleman who lives with the horses.""Do you mean my son Ezekiel?"

"Oh,yes'm.Ezekiel.I knew it was a prophet.He always speaks very kindly to me,and I like him.I wish I could see him just a few minutes."Mrs.Forbes was very much astonished and somewhat flattered."It's wonderful,the fancy that child has taken to me and mine,"she thought.

"Well,folks must be humored when they're sick,"she replied."Let me see,"looking at the little clock,"yes,Mr.Evringham's missed the second train.There'll be five or ten minutes yet,and 'Zekiel's got to wait anyway.I guess he can come up and see you.""Oh,thank you,Mrs.Forbes!"returned Jewel.

The housekeeper made her way out to the barn,where her son in his livery was waiting and reading the paper.

"The doctor's gone,Zeke,and the child wants to see you.""Me?"returned the coachman in surprise."Why the bully little kid!""Yes,come and be quick.There won't be much time.You watch the clock that's side of her bed,and don't you be late."'Zekiel followed with alacrity.His mother,starting him up the backstairs,gave him directions how to go,and remained below.

Jewel,her eyes fixed on the open back door of her room,felt a leap of the heart as Zeke,fine in his handsome livery,came blushing and tiptoeing into the room.

"I'm so glad,I'm so glad!"she exclaimed in her soft,thick voice.

"Shut the door,please."

"I told you to remember you'd only got to say 'Zeke'and I'd come,"he said,approaching the bed."I'm awful sorry you're sick,little kid.""Did you ever hear of Christian Science,Zeke?"she asked hurriedly.

"Yes,I did.Woman I knew in Boston cured of half a dozen things.She held that Christian Science did it.""Oh,good,good.I'm a Christian Scientist,and nobody here is,and Iwant to send a telegram to Chicago,to a lady to treat me.Nobody would do it for me but you.Willyou?"It would have taken a hard heart to resist the appeal,and Zeke's was soft.

"Of course I will,"he answered."Going right to the station now to take Mr.Evringham.I can send it as well as not.""Get some paper,Zeke,in the top bureau drawer.There's a pencil on the bureau."He obeyed,and she gave him an address which he wrote down."Now this:

'Please treat me for fever and sore throat.Jewel.'"Zeke wrote the message and tucked it into a pocket.

"Now please get my leather bag in the drawer,"said the child,"and take out money enough."The young fellow hesitated."If you haven't got plenty of money"--he began.

"I have.You'll see.Oh,Zeke,you've made me so happy!"The coachman's clumsy hands fumbled with the clasp of the little bag.

"I can do it,"said Jewel,and he brought it to her and watched her while she took out the money and gave it to him.He took a coin,returned the rest to the bag,and snapped it.

"Say,little girl,"he said uneasily,"you look to me like a doctor'd do you a whole lot o'good."Jewel gazed at him in patient wonder.

"Who made the doctor?"she asked.

Zeke stood on one foot and then on the other.

"God did,and you know it,Zeke.He's the one to go to in trouble.""But you're going to that Chicago woman,"objected Zeke.

"Yes,because she'll go to God for me.I'm being held down by something that pretends to have power,and though I know it's an old cheat,I haven't understanding enough to get rid of it as quickly as she will.You see,I wouldn't have been taken sick if I hadn't believed in a lie instead of denying it.We have to watch our thoughts every minute,and I tell you,Zeke,sometimes it seems real hard work.""Should say so,"returned 'Zekiel."The less you think the better,Ishould suppose,if that's the case.I've got to be going now.""And you'll send the telegram surely,and you won't speak of it to any one?""Mum's the word,and I'll send it if it's the last act;but don't put all your eggs in one basket,little kid.I know Dr.Ballard's been here,and now you do everything he said,like a good girl,and between the two of 'em they ought to fix you up.I'd pin more faith to a doctor in the hand than to one in the bush a thousand miles away,if 't was me."Jewel smiled on him from heavy eyes."Did you ever hear of God's needing any help?"she asked."I'll never forget your being so kind to me,never,Zeke;and when error melts away I'm coming out to the stable with grandpa.He said I should.Good-by."As soon as the plum-colored livery had disappeared Jewel drew herself up,took the water pitcher between her hot little hands,and drank long and deeply.Then with a sigh of satisfaction she turned over in bed and drew Anna Belle close to her.

"Just see,dearie,"she murmured,"how we are always taken care of!"Mrs.Evringham saw Dr.Ballard's buggy drive away and lost no time in discovering who had needed his services.

"It's the child,"she announced,returning to Eloise's room.

"Poor little thing,"returned the girl,rising.

"Where are you going?Stay right where you are.She has a high fever,and they're not sure yet what it may be.Mrs.Forbes is doing everything that is necessary.Father has waited over two trains.He hasn't gone to the city yet."At the mention of Mr.Evringham Eloise sank back in her chair.

"Dr.Ballard is coming again toward evening,"continued Mrs.

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    The Pool in the Desert

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