

'At last I became as tired of dissipation as I had previously been of travelling,and I determined to retire to the country,and live on my paternal estate;this resolution I was not slow in putting into effect;I sold my house in town,repaired and refurnished my country house,and,for at least ten years,lived a regular country life;I gave dinner parties,prosecuted poachers,was charitable to the poor,and now and then went into my library;during this time I was seldom or never visited by the magic impulse,the reason being that there was nothing in the wide world for which I cared sufficiently to move a finger to preserve it.When the ten years,however,were nearly ended,I started out of bed one morning in a fit of horror,exclaiming,"Mercy,mercy!what will become of me?

I am afraid I shall go mad.I have lived thirty-five years and upwards without doing anything;shall I pass through life in this manner?Horror!'And then in rapid succession I touched three different objects.

'I dressed myself and went down,determining to set about something;but what was I to do?-there was the difficulty.I ate no breakfast,but walked about the room in a state of distraction;at last I thought that the easiest way to do something was to get into Parliament,there would be no difficulty in that.I had plenty of money,and could buy a seat;but what was I to do in Parliament?Speak,of course-but could I speak?"I'll try at once,"said I,and forthwith I rushed into the largest dining-room,and,locking the door,I commenced speaking:"Mr.Speaker,"said I,and then I went on speaking for about ten minutes as I best could,and then I left off,for I was talking nonsense.No,I was not formed for Parliament;I could do nothing there.What-what was I to do?

'Many,many times I thought this question over,but was unable to solve it;a fear now stole over me that I was unfit for anything in the world,save the lazy life of vegetation which I had for many years been leading;yet,if that were the case,thought I,why the craving within me to distinguish myself?Surely it does not occur fortuitously,but is intended to rouse and call into exercise certain latent powers that I possess?and then with infinite eagerness I set about attempting to discover these latent powers.

I tried an infinity of pursuits,botany and geology amongst the rest,but in vain;I was fitted for none of them.I became very sorrowful and despondent,and at one time I had almost resolved to plunge again into the whirlpool of dissipation;it was a dreadful resource,it was true,but what better could I do?

'But I was not doomed to return to the dissipation of the world.

One morning a young nobleman,who had for some time past showed a wish to cultivate my acquaintance,came to me in a considerable hurry."I am come to beg an important favour of you,"said he;"one of the county memberships is vacant-I intend to become a candidate;what I want immediately is a spirited address to the electors.I have been endeavouring to frame one all the morning,but in vain;I have,therefore,recourse to you as a person of infinite genius;pray,my dear friend,concoct me one by the morning!""What you require of me,"I replied,"is impossible;I have not the gift of words;did I possess it I would stand for the county myself,but I can't speak.Only the other day I attempted to make a speech,but left off suddenly,utterly ashamed,although I was quite alone,of the nonsense I was uttering.""It is not a speech that I want,"said my friend;"I can talk for three hours without hesitating,but I want an address to circulate through the county,and I find myself utterly incompetent to put one together;do oblige me by writing one for me,I know you can;and,if at any time you want a person to speak for you,you may command me not for three but for six hours.Good-morning;to-morrow I will breakfast with you.'In the morning he came again."Well,"said he,"what success?""Very poor,"said I;"but judge for yourself";and I put into his hand a manu of several pages.My friend read it through with considerable attention."I congratulate you,"said he,"and likewise myself;I was not mistaken in my opinion of you;the address is too long by at least two-thirds,or I should rather say,that it is longer by two-thirds than addresses generally are;but it will do-I will not curtail it of a word.I shall win my election."And in truth he did win his election;and it was not only his own but the general opinion that he owed it to the address.

'But,however that might be,I had,by writing the address,at last discovered what had so long eluded my search-what I was able to do.I,who had neither the nerve nor the command of speech necessary to constitute the orator-who had not the power of patient research required by those who would investigate the secrets of nature,had,nevertheless,a ready pen and teeming imagination.This discovery decided my fate-from that moment I became an author.'

  • Song and Legend From the Middle Ages

    Song and Legend From the Middle Ages

  • 学行


  • 明伦汇编人事典投胎部


  • 医经读


  • 西游记传


  • 方舟之生存与进化


    原始自然与科技产物并存,是恐龙雄霸天下,还是人类更为主宰?在危机中求以生存,在挣扎中以求进化。纵使前路坎坷迷茫,我等亦当勇往直前。喜欢ARK的朋友可以关注一下~ 另:本书不定期更新→_→
  • 旧城家事


  • 盘古至唐虞传


  • 江山以聘:庄主别装


  • 不想当皇帝的公主


  • 叫一声妈妈:罪爱是你


  • 首楞严义疏注经


  • 做领导的五星级助手


  • 孩子是第二位的


    Addons Wu博士是一位深深为他三个卓越的孩子(分别毕业于剑桥、麻省理工、哈佛)感到骄傲和自豪的父亲。跟其他家庭一样,Addons和他的太太也经历了在教育培养孩子过程中的乐趣、压力。Addons的职业生涯让他接触到全球的不同文化。虽然每个国家都有不同的文化特征,但在教育培养孩子方面,一些基本的原理是跨越国界、适用于世界各地的。在本书中,Addons和读者分享了他在教育培养孩子方面的体验、智慧和领悟。
  • 狂霸逆天

