

Advice!words,words,words;friends,there is a time for everything;there is a time for a cup of cold water;there is a time for strong meat and bread;there is a time for advice,and there is a time for ale;and I have generally found that the time for advice is after a cup of ale.I do not say many cups;the tongue then speaketh more smoothly,and the ear listeneth more benignantly;but why do I attempt to reason with you?do I not know you for conceited creatures,with one idea-and that a foolish one;-a crotchet,for the sake of which ye would sacrifice anything,religion if required-country?There,fling down my book,I do not wish ye to walk any farther in my company,unless you cast your nonsense away,which ye will never do,for it is the breath of your nostrils;fling down my book,it was not written to support a crotchet,for know one thing,my good people,I have invariably been an enemy to humbug.

'Well,'said the tinker,after we had discoursed some time,'little thought,when I first saw you,that you were of my own trade.'

MYSELF.Nor am I,at least not exactly.There is not much difference,'tis true,between a tinker and a smith.

TINKER.You are a whitesmith then?

MYSELF.Not I,I'd scorn to be anything so mean;no,friend,black's the colour;I am a brother of the horse-shoe.Success to the hammer and tongs.

TINKER.Well,I shouldn't have thought you had been a blacksmith by your hands.

MYSELF.I have seen them,however,as black as yours.The truth is,I have not worked for many a day.

TINKER.Where did you serve first?

MYSELF.In Ireland.

TINKER.That's a good way off,isn't it?

MYSELF.Not very far;over those mountains to the left,and the run of salt water that lies behind them,there's Ireland.

TINKER.It's a fine thing to be a scholar.

MYSELF.Not half so fine as to be a tinker.

TINKER.How you talk!

MYSELF.Nothing but the truth;what can be better than to be one's own master?Now a tinker is his own master,a scholar is not.Let us suppose the best of scholars,a schoolmaster for example,for I suppose you will admit that no one can be higher in scholarship than a schoolmaster;do you call his a pleasant life?I don't;we should call him a school-slave,rather than a schoolmaster.Only conceive him in blessed weather like this,in his close school,teaching children to write in copy-books,'Evil communication corrupts good manners,'or 'You cannot touch pitch without defilement,'or to spell out of Abedariums,or to read out of Jack Smith,or Sandford and Merton.Only conceive him,I say,drudging in such guise from morning till night,without any rational enjoyment but to beat the children.Would you compare such a dog's life as that with your own-the happiest under heaven-true Eden life,as the Germans would say,-pitching your tent under the pleasant hedgerows,listening to the song of the feathered tribes,collecting all the leaky kettles in the neighbourhood,soldering and joining,earning your honest bread by the wholesome sweat of your brow-making ten holes-hey,what's this?what's the man crying for?

Suddenly the tinker had covered his face with his hands,and begun to sob and moan like a man in the deepest distress;the breast of his wife was heaved with emotion;even the children were agitated,the youngest began to roar.

MYSELF.What's the matter with you;what are you all crying about?

TINKER (uncovering his face).Lord,why to hear you talk;isn't that enough to make anybody cry-even the poor babes?Yes,you said right,'tis life in the garden of Eden-the tinker's;I see so now that I'm about to give it up.

MYSELF.Give it up!you must not think of such a thing.

TINKER.No,I can't bear to think of it,and yet I must;what's to be done?How hard to be frightened to death,to be driven off the roads.

MYSELF.Who has driven you off the roads?

TINKER.Who!the Flaming Tinman.

MYSELF.Who is he?

  • 九州春秋


  • The Conditions of Existence

    The Conditions of Existence

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  • 走近那一千多年


    本书是根据《资治通鉴》里战国部分的内容,延展整理而成。 《资治通鉴》,是由北宋的司马光编写的一部史书。 司马光,这个名字大家很熟悉,没错,就是那个砸缸的司马光,他长大了以后,带着几名助手,用了19年时间,编成了这部巨著。书中从周朝写起,前后包含了1362年,既记史实,也多评论,它是中国的第一部编年体通史。 “资治通鉴”,这是宋神宗取的书名,意为“鉴于往事,有资于治道”,从历史中得到鉴诫,协助增强当今的统治。 那么,这本书里究竟说了些什么呢?一千多年里,兴亡几度,途路多折…… 我的想法,是希望可以将远古的文字,改变一个模样,聊聊那些人,那些事儿……
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  • 清城灵契


  • 落跑弃妃:王爷爹地是混蛋


  • 好好开你的车


    连冬骑着自行车去驾校学开汽车。三个月后他的胸前口袋里揣了一张小型机动车驾驶证(C型),依旧骑自行车。这段短暂的经历却足以令他在未来的路上不时回首张望,并且总是会有难以置信、恍若梦中的感觉。 亮相演出 练车场上画出了许多小场地。连冬找到自己的那一组。二十多个人聚在场地上等着教练,大多数是女性。
  • 精灵宝可梦之无限之梦


  • 贪吃王妃


  • 逃婚娇妻,要定你

