

One circumstance,to which the English Academy should especially have attended,is to have prescribed to themselves occupations of a quite different kind from those with which our academicians amuse themselves.A wit of this country asked me for the memoirs of the French Academy.I answered,they have no memoirs,but have printed threescore or fourscore volumes in quarto of compliments.The gentleman perused one or two of them,but without being able to understand the style in which they were written,though he understood all our good authors perfectly."All,"says he,"I see in these elegant discourses is,that the member elect having assured the audience that his predecessor was a great man,that Cardinal Richelieu was a very great man,that the Chancellor Seguier was a pretty great man,that Louis XIV.was a more than great man,the director answers in the very same strain,and adds,that the member elect may also be a sort of great man,and that himself,in quality of director,must also have some share in this greatness."The cause why all these academical discourses have unhappily done so little honour to this body is evident enough.Vitium est temporis potius quam hominis (the fault is owing to the age rather than to particular persons).It grew up insensibly into a custom for every academician to repeat these elogiums at his reception;it was laid down as a kind of law that the public should be indulged from time to time the sullen satisfaction of yawning over these productions.

If the reason should afterwards be sought,why the greatest geniuses who have been incorporated into that body have sometimes made the worst speeches,I answer,that it is wholly owing to a strong propension,the gentlemen in question had to shine,and to display a thread-bare,worn-out subject in a new and uncommon light.The necessity of saying something,the perplexity of having nothing to say,and a desire of being witty,are three circumstances which alone are capable of making even the greatest writer ridiculous.

These gentlemen,not being able to strike out any new thoughts,hunted after a new play of words,and delivered themselves without thinking at all:in like manner as people who should seem to chew with great eagerness,and make as though they were eating,at the same time that they were just starved.

It is a law in the French Academy,to publish all those discourses by which only they are known,but they should rather make a law never to print any of them.

But the Academy of the Belles Lettres have a more prudent and more useful object,which is,to present the public with a collection of transactions that abound with curious researches and critiques.

These transactions are already esteemed by foreigners;and it were only to be wished that some subjects in them had been more thoroughly examined,and that others had not been treated at all.

As,for instance,we should have been very well satisfied,had they omitted I know not what dissertation on the prerogative of the right hand over the left;and some others,which,though not published under so ridiculous a title,are yet written on subjects that are almost as frivolous and silly.

The Academy of Sciences,in such of their researches as are of a more difficult kind and a more sensible use,embrace the knowledge of nature and the improvements of the arts.We may presume that such profound,such uninterrupted pursuits as these,such exact calculations,such refined discoveries,such extensive and exalted views,will,at last,produce something that may prove of advantage to the universe.Hitherto,as we have observed together,the most useful discoveries have been made in the most barbarous times.One would conclude that the business of the most enlightened ages and the most learned bodies,is,to argue and debate on things which were invented by ignorant people.We know exactly the angle which the sail of a ship is to make with the keel in order to its sailing better;and yet Columbus discovered America without having the least idea of the property of this angle:however,I am far from inferring from hence that we are to confine ourselves merely to a blind practice,but happy it were,would naturalists and geometricians unite,as much as possible,the practice with the theory.

Strange,but so it is,that those things which reflect the greatest honour on the human mind are frequently of the least benefit to it!

A man who understands the four fundamental rules of arithmetic,aided by a little good sense,shall amass prodigious wealth in trade,shall become a Sir Peter Delme,a Sir Richard Hopkins,a Sir Gilbert Heathcote,whilst a poor algebraist spends his whole life in searching for astonishing properties and relations in numbers,which at the same time are of no manner of use,and will not acquaint him with the nature of exchanges.This is very nearly the case with most of the arts:there is a certain point beyond which all researches serve to no other purpose than merely to delight an inquisitive mind.Those ingenious and useless truths may be compared to stars which,by being placed at too great a distance,cannot afford us the least light.

With regard to the French Academy,how great a service would they do to literature,to the language,and the nation,if,instead of publishing a set of compliments annually,they would give us new editions of the valuable works written in the age of Louis XIV.,purged from the several errors of diction which are crept into them.

There are many of these errors in Corneille and Moliere,but those in La Fontaine are very numerous.Such as could not be corrected might at least be pointed out.By this means,as all the Europeans read those works,they would teach them our language in its utmost purity--which,by that means,would be fixed to a lasting standard;and valuable French books being then printed at the King's expense,would prove one of the most glorious monuments the nation could boast.I have been told that Boileau formerly made this proposal,and that it has since been revived by a gentleman eminent for his genius,his fine sense,and just taste for criticism;but this thought has met with the fate of many other useful projects,of being applauded and neglected.

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