After supper, strolling along the beach, we debated the best way of escape; whether to send one of our canoes around the eastern shore of the lake that night, to meet the steamer at the Island House and bring it to our rescue; or to set out the next morning, and paddle both canoes around the western end of the lake, thirty miles, to the Hotel Roberval. While we were talking, we came to a dry old birch-tree, with ragged, curling bark. "Here is a torch," cried Damon, "to throw light upon the situation." He touched a match to it, and the flames flashed up the tall trunk until it was transformed into a pillar of fire. But the sudden illumination burned out, and our counsels were wrapt again in darkness and uncertainty, when there came a great uproar of steam-whistles from the lake. They must be signalling for us. What could it mean?
她本是高高在上的莫家千金,却在婚礼当天,遭遇闺蜜夺爱。不仅失去脸面,连带未婚夫,也成为别人的新郎。尴尬伤心间,他出现于众人之前。如天神般,解救她于水火之中。从此他带她走上了不同的人生轨迹,也彻底颠覆了她的过去与未来。她问他为什么,他只回答为你。--情节虚构,请勿模仿半截身子在土里 半截身子在天上