On my first day I had spent several hours in the vain effort to catch something better than small grayling. The best time for the trout was just approaching, as the broad light faded from the stream; already they were beginning to feed, when I looked up from the edge of a pool and saw the train rattling down the valley below me. Under the circumstances the only thing to do was to go on fishing. It was an even pool with steep banks, and the water ran through it very straight and swift, some four feet deep and thirty yards across. As the tail-fly reached the middle of the water, a fine trout literally turned a somersault over it, but without touching it. At the next cast he was ready, taking it with a rush that carried him into the air with the fly in his mouth. He weighed three-quarters of a pound. The next one was equally eager in rising and sharp in playing, and the third might have been his twin sister or brother. So, after casting for hours and taking nothing in the most beautiful pools, I landed three trout from one unlikely place in fifteen minutes. That was because the trout's supper-time had arrived. So had mine. I walked over to the rambling old inn at Goisern, sought the cook in the kitchen and persuaded her, in spite of the lateness of the hour, to boil the largest of the fish for my supper, after which I rode peacefully back to Ischl by the eleven o'clock train.
独守空房三年,以为能融化夫君对她的怨,没想到等来的却是狠心的陷害,三尺白绫结束她无知的一生。老天垂怜,她竟然意外重生,重回到及笄那一年,既然可以重来,她就要活出自我,寻找真爱,绝不嫁那无情赵王爷。重生后的她,不再是任人搓圆掐扁的无知少女,虽然不幸被卷进了夺嫡的漩涡里,她依旧顽强地生存着,见招拆招,遇神杀神,遇魔杀魔,再涉足商场,成就一番事业,勇战沙场,立下赫赫战功,最终成为天运皇朝第一位兵部女尚书。唯一让她她头痛的是桃花运也随之而来………无情赵王爷:玲珑,本王真的爱你,非你不娶。南宫玲珑:去!找你的青梅竹马去,本官不当第三者。某王爷难堪。笑面狐狸(右相:玲珑,你的英姿深深地勾走了本相的心,所以,本相跟定你了。南宫玲珑:来人,把右相大人的狼心奉上。瞬时一颗血淋淋的狼心捧到了右相的面前,某女笑哈哈地说着:“右相大人,你心在此,请带回相府好生供养。某相垂泪。冷酷将军:该死的女人,你摸了我的身,睡了我的床,你敢不负责?南宫玲珑:将军,你认错人了。她玉手一挥,一排打扮得花枝招展的女人站到了将军的面前,某女笑盈盈地说着:“将军,她们都说摸了你的身,睡了你的床,看看,你可认出其中一个?别被人睡了找不着主儿负责哈。某将军吐血。男扮女装的敌国妖孽王爷:我们拜过天,拜过地,入过洞房,你是我王妃了。南宫玲珑脸都绿了,那是她不知道他是男的,和他结拜为异性姐妹,还同床共枕了一个月,汗,谁想到自己成了梁山伯,这妖孽倒成了祝英台。(注:本文纯属虚构,切勿模仿!)幽幽香草 昭昭美人:《楚辞》赏析