

'I told you you should not be here,--because of her and because of me. And I tell you again. I hate her. Do you think I can hear you speak of her as though she were the only woman you had ever seen without feeling it? Did you ever swear that you loved anyone else?'

'Certainly, I have so sworn.'

'Have you ever said that nothing could alter that love?'

'Indeed I have.'

'But it is altered. It has all gone. It has been transferred to one who has more advantages of beauty, youth, wealth, and position.'

'Oh Mabel, Mabel!'

'But it is so.'

'When you say this do you think of yourself?'

'Yes. But I have never been false to anyone. You are false to me.'

'Have I not offered to face all the world with you?'

'You would not offer it now?'

'No,' he said, after a pause,--'not now. Were I to do so, I should be false. You bade me take my love elsewhere, and I did so.'

'With the greatest care.'

'We agreed it should be so; and you have done the same.'

'That is false. Look me in the face and tell me whether you do not know it to be false?'

'And yet I am told that I am injuring you with Silverbridge.'

'Oh,--so unmanly again! Of course I have to marry. Who does not know it? Do you want to see me begging my bread about the streets? You have bread; or if not, you might earn it. If you marry for money--'

'The accusation is altogether unjustifiable.'

'Allow me to finish what I have to say. If you marry for money you will do that which is in itself bad, and which is also unnecessary. What other course would you recommend me to take? No one goes into the gutter while there is a clean path open. If there be no escape but through the gutter, one has to take it.'

'You mean that my duty to you should have kept me from marrying all my life.'

'Not that;--but a little while, Frank; just a little while. Your bloom is not fading; your charms are not running from you. Have you not a strength which I cannot have? Do you not feel that you are a tree, standing firm in the ground, while I am a bit of ivy that will be trodden in the dirt unless it can be made to cling to something? You should not liken yourself to me, Frank.'

'If I could do you any good!'

'Good! What is the meaning of good? If you love, it is good to be loved again. It is good not to have your heart torn to pieces.

You know that I love you.' He was standing close to her, and put out his hand as though he would twine his arm round her waist.

'Not for worlds,' she said. 'It belongs to the Palliser girl. And as I have taught myself to think that what there is left of me may perhaps belong to some other one, worthless as it is, I will keep it for him. I love you,--but there can be none of that softness of love between us.'

Then there was a pause, but as he did not speak she went on. 'But remember, Frank,--our position is not equal. You have got over your little complaint. It probably did not go deep with you, and you have found a cure. Perhaps there is a satisfaction in finding that two young women love you.'

'You are trying to be cruel to me.'

'Why else should you be here? You know I love you,--with all my heart, with all my strength, and that I would give the world to cure myself. Knowing this, you come and talk to me of your passion for this other girl.'

'I had hoped we might both talk rationally as friends.'

'Friends! Frank Tregear, I have been bold enough to tell you I love you; but you are not my friend, and cannot be my friend. If I have before asked you to help me in this mean catastrophe of mine, in my attack upon that poor boy, I withdraw my request. I think I will go back to the house now.'

  • 义盗记


  • 王明阳集


  • 樊山政书


  • 训蒙骈句


  • 沈阳纪程


  • 梦想乐团


  • 公孙龙子注


  • 正源略集目录


  • 逆天改命之邪神归来


  • 暮生萝


    神族的她容颜尽毁,溯源却是为救此生最爱之人,而那人只是个平凡的凡人。他会老会死可她还是爱了。不愿放手,画地为牢。他的目光浅浅,望着她既爱又恨。若是遇见,便是缘起,若是不见,便是缘落。如果说悔,我悔的是你,如果说恨,我恨的是我。谁在午夜梦回中用心临摹她的容颜,再也不能遗忘。谁在心间一笔一划画下了他的模样,是心口的朱砂。谁又能记得当初守望彼此的模样?永远有多远,泪满衣衫还是白鬓苍苍?人都知花开荼靡却不知枫也可以烈炙荼靡。 等枫叶红,我的他是否明月归? 爱别离,求不得,心之痛,等不归! 【敬请期待第二部《暮生尘》】
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