

Robin seated the young man next to Marian. Recovering a little from his stupor, he looked with much amazement at her, and the baron, and Robin, and the friar; listened to their conversation, and seemed much astonished to find himself in such holy and courtly company.

Robin helped him largely to rumble-pie and cygnet and pheasant, and the other dainties of his table; and the friar pledged him in ale and wine, and exhorted him to make good cheer.

But the young man drank little, ate less, spake nothing, and every now and then sighed heavily.

When the repast was ended, "Now," said Robin, "you are at liberty to pursue your journey: but first be pleased to pay for your dinner."

"That would I gladly do, Robin," said the young man, "but all I have about me are five shillings and a ring.

To the five shillings you shall be welcome, but for the ring I will fight while there is a drop of blood in my veins."

"Gallantly spoken," said Robin Hood. "A love-token, without doubt: but you must submit to our forest laws. Little John must search; and if he find no more than you say, not a penny will I touch; but if you have spoken false, the whole is forfeit to our fraternity."

"And with reason," said the friar; "for thereby is the truth maintained The abbot of Doubleflask swore there was no money in his valise, and Little John forthwith emptied it of four hundred pounds.

Thus was the abbot's perjury but of one minute's duration; for though his speech was false in the utterance, yet was it no sooner uttered than it became true, and we should have been participes criminis to have suffered the holy abbot to depart in falsehood: whereas he came to us a false priest, and we sent him away a true man. Marry, we turned his cloak to further account, and thereby hangs a tale that may be either said or sung; for in truth I am minstrel here as well as chaplain;

I pray for good success to our just and necessary warfare, and sing thanks-giving odes when our foresters bring in booty:

Bold Robin has robed him in ghostly attire, And forth he is gone like a holy friar, Singing, hey down, ho down, down, derry down:

And of two grey friars he soon was aware, Regaling themselves with dainty fare, All on the fallen leaves so brown.

"Good morrow, good brothers," said bold Robin Hood, "And what make you in the good greenwood, Singing hey down, ho down, down, derry down!

Now give me, I pray you, wine and food;

For none can I find in the good greenwood, All on the fallen leaves so brown."

"Good brother," they said, "we would give you full fain, But we have no more than enough for twain, Singing, hey down, ho down, down, derry down."

"Then give me some money," said bold Robin Hood, "For none can I find in the good greenwood, All on the fallen leaves so brown."

"No money have we, good brother," said they:

"Then," said he, "we three for money will pray:

Singing, hey down, ho down, down, derry down:

And whatever shall come at the end of our prayer, We three holy friars will piously share, All on the fallen leaves so brown."

"We will not pray with thee, good brother, God wot:

For truly, good brother, thou pleasest us not, Singing hey down, ho down, down, derry down:"

Then up they both started from Robin to run, But down on their knees Robin pulled them each one, All on the fallen leaves so brown.

The grey friars prayed with a doleful face, But bold Robin prayed with a right merry grace, Singing, hey down, ho down, down, derry down:

And when they had prayed, their portmanteau he took, And from it a hundred good angels he shook, All on the fallen leaves so brown.

"The saints," said bold Robin, "have hearkened our prayer, And here's a good angel apiece for your share:

If more you would have, you must win ere you wear:

Singing hey down, ho down, down, derry down:"

Then he blew his good horn with a musical cheer, And fifty green bowmen came trooping full near, And away the grey friars they bounded like deer, All on the fallen leaves so brown.

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  • Miss Civilization

    Miss Civilization

    "Miss Civilization" is founded on a story by the late James Harvey Smith. All professional rights in this play belong to Richard Harding Davis.汇聚授权电子版权。
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    本书入选2014年度美国国家独立卓越奖(2014 National Indie Excellence Award)。主人公安丽柔弱的外表下隐藏着一颗坚强的心。1938年春,上海和南京已相继沦陷,丈夫在战场奋勇杀敌,安丽却被迫留在鼓浪屿的家中。在等待丈夫回家的日子里,她必须想尽一切办法照顾和保护母亲、婆婆、女儿和即将出生的儿子。鼓浪屿渐渐变成一座孤岛,人们纷纷逃离,连安丽的老师也不例外,但安丽选择留了下来。她藏好家里的金子,储存好足够的食物,等待鼓浪屿落入日寇魔爪的那一天。
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