

WHEN at last I could look around me I found that the hall was indeed simply full of animals. It seemed to me that almost every kind of creature from the countryside must be there: a pigeon, a white rat, an owl, a badger, a jackdaw-- there was even a small pig, just in from the rainy garden, carefully wiping his feet on the mat while the light from the candle glistened on his wet pink back.

The Doctor took the candlestick from the duck and turned to me.

"Look here," he said: "you must get those wet clothes off-- by the way, what is your name?"

"Tommy Stubbins," I said.

"Oh, are you the son of Jacob Stubbins, the shoemaker?"

"Yes," I said.

"Excellent bootmaker, your father," said the Doctor. "You see these?" and he held up his right foot to show me the enormous boots he was wearing. "Your father made me those boots four years ago, and I've been wearing them ever since--perfectly wonderful boots--Well now, look here, Stubbins. You 've got to change those wet things and quick. Wait a moment till I get some more candles lit, and then we'll go upstairs and find some dry clothes. You'll have to wear an old suit of mine till we can get yours dry again by the kitchen-fire."

So presently when more candles had been lighted round different parts of the house, we went upstairs; and when we had come into a bedroom the Doctor opened a big wardrobe and took out two suits of old clothes. These we put on. Then we carried our wet ones down to the kitchen and started a fire in the big chimney. The coat of the Doctor's which I was wearing was so large for me that I kept treading on my own coat-tails while I was helping to fetch the wood up from the cellar. But very soon we had a huge big fire blazing up the chimney and we hung our wet clothes around on chairs.

"Now let's cook some supper," said the Doctor.--" You'll stay and have supper with me, Stubbins, of course?"

Already I was beginning to be very fond of this funny little man who called me "Stubbins," instead of "Tommy" or "little lad" (I did so hate to be called "little lad"!) This man seemed to begin right away treating me as though I were a grown-up friend of his.

And when he asked me to stop and have supper with him I felt terribly proud and happy. But I suddenly remembered that I had not told my mother that I would be out late. So very sadly I answered, "Thank you very much. I would like to stay, but I am afraid that my mother will begin to worry and wonder where I am if I don't get back."

"Oh, but my dear Stubbins," said the Doctor, throwing another log of wood on the fire, "your clothes aren't dry yet. You'll have to wait for them, won't you? By the time they are ready to put on we will have supper cooked and eaten-- Did you see where I put my bag?"

"I think it is still in the hall," I said. "I'll go and see."

I found the bag near the front door. It was made of black leather and looked very, very old. One of its latches was broken and it was tied up round the middle with a piece of string.

"Thank you," said the Doctor when I brought it to him.

"Was that bag all the luggage you had for your voyage?" I asked.

"Yes," said the Doctor, as he undid the piece of string. "I don't believe in a lot of baggage. It's such a nuisance. Life's too short to fuss with it. And it isn't really necessary, you know--Where DID I put those sausages?"

The Doctor was feeling about inside the bag. First he brought out a loaf of new bread. Next came a glass jar with a curious metal top to it. He held this up to the light very carefully before he set it down upon the table; and I could see that there was some strange little water-creature swimming about inside. At last the Doctor brought out a pound of sausages.

"Now," he said, "all we want is a frying-pan."

We went into the scullery and there we found some pots and pans hanging against the wall. The Doctor took down the frying-pan.

It was quite rusty on the inside.

"Dear me, just look at that!" said he. "That's the worst of being away so long. The animals are very good and keep the house wonderfully clean as far as they can. Dab-Dab is a perfect marvel as a housekeeper. But some things of course they can't manage. Never mind, we'll soon clean it up. You'll find some silver-sand down there, under the sink, Stubbins. Just hand it up to me, will you?"

In a few moments we had the pan all shiny and bright and the sausages were put over the kitchen-fire and a beautiful frying smell went all through the house.

While the Doctor was busy at the cooking I went and took another look at the funny little creature swimming about in the glass jar.

"What is this animal?" I asked.

"Oh that," said the Doctor, turning round--"that's a Wiff-Waff.

  • 金七十论


  • 玉钥匙门法


  • 三天易髓


  • Malbone an Oldport Pomance

    Malbone an Oldport Pomance

  • 瑜伽金刚顶经释字母品


  • 生命谎言


  • Ion


  • 群山行云(一)


  • 夜帝独宠:天才萌宝俏娘亲


  • 中医食疗


  • 假面骑士少年的旅行


  • 噬魂之妖神帝君


  • 几回魂梦与君同在


  • 养只丧尸当老公


    ?影凌雨原创小说唐落霜正在睡觉的时间,穿越到了一个由吸收灵气修炼的空架世界,除了各种灵兽会修炼成人形外,还有个别传染上了一种像丧尸病毒一样东西,女主不是为了正义当活菩萨,而是在享受生活外,以做生意买卖的方式赚取利益和信誉。她的最终目标是,在这个未知领域开一家连锁店,顺道还撸了一个失忆男人当“弟弟”,不过也只是想把猪养肥了再杀的意思。= ̄ω ̄=“喂!作者,能不能不要把我写得这么邪恶啊,我本人可是很温柔贤惠的。”>O<“别嚷嚷,好好休息,明天有你忙的。”哼╭(╯^╰)╮。本小说,不算末日小说,千万别被名字古惑了哟。
  • 向负面情绪说不(套装共3册)


    成功,因宽容和积极而充满机遇;失败,因抱怨和消极而困难重重。优秀的人,都是不抱怨的人。心若改变,情绪就会改变;情绪变了,行为就会变:行为变了,习惯就会变;习惯变了,性格跟着变。性格决定命运,情绪左右人生。人的一生,最大的陷阱并不是缺少机会,或是资历浅薄,而是缺乏对自己情绪的控制。如果你想掌控自己的命运,请先掌控自己的情绪!本书包含:《不抱怨 不生气 不失控》 《不浮躁 不纠结 不焦虑》 《 不计较 不折腾 不盲从》。