

Owen turned round and looked at his disciple with kindling eyes. "I do believe, O you of little faith!" he said. "I do believe that yonder I have a mission, and that He Whom I serve will give me power to carry out that mission. You are right, I can work no miracles; but He can work miracles Whom everything in heaven and earth obeys, and if there is need He will work them through me, His instrument. Or perhaps He will not work them, and I shall die, because thus His ends will best be forwarded. At the least I go in faith, fearing nothing, for what has he to fear who knows the will of God and does it? But to you who doubt, I say--leave me!"

The man spread out his hands in deprecation; his thick lips trembled a little, and something like a tear appeared at the corners of his eyes.

"Father," he said, "am I a coward that you should talk to me thus? I, who for twenty years have been a soldier of my king and for ten a captain in my regiment? These scars show whether or no I am a coward," and he pointed to his breast, "but of them I will not speak. I am no coward, else I had not gone upon that errand of yours. Why, then, should you reproach me because my ears are not so open as yours, as my heart has not understanding? I worship that God of Whom you have taught me, but He never speaks to me as He does to you. I never meet Him as I walk at night; He leaves me quite alone. Therefore it is that I fear that when the hour of trial comes He may desert you; and unless He covers you with His shield, of this I am sure, that the spear is forged which shall blush red in your heart, my father. It is for you that I fear, who are so gentle and tender; not for myself, who am well accustomed to look in the eyes of Death, and who expect no more than death."

"Forgive me," said Owen hastily, for he was moved; "and be sure that the shield will be over us till the time comes for us to pass whither we shall need none."


That night Owen rose from the task at which he was labouring slowly and painfully--a translation of passages from the Gospel of St. John into the language of the Amasuka--and going to the open window-place of the hut, he rested his elbows upon it and thought, staring with empty eyes into the blackness of the night. Now it was as he sat thus that a great agony of doubt took possession of his soul. The strength which hitherto had supported him seemed to be withdrawn, and he was left, as John had said, "quite alone." Strange voices seemed to whisper in his ears, reproaching and reviling him; temptations long ago trampled under foot rose again in might, alluring him.

"Fool," said the voices, "get you hence before it is too late. You have been mad; you who dreamed that for your sake, to satisfy your pride, the Almighty will break His silence and strain His law. Are you then better, or greater, or purer than millions who have gone before you, that for you and you alone this thing should be done? Why, were it not that you are mad, you would be among the chief of sinners; you who dare to ask that the Powers of Heaven should be set within your feeble hand, that the Angels of Heaven should wait upon your mortal breath. Worm that you are, has God need of such as you? If it is His will to turn the heart of yonder people He will do it, but not by means of /you/. You and the servant whom you are deluding to his death will perish miserably, and this alone shall be the fruit of your presumptuous sin. Get you back out of this wilderness before the madness takes you afresh. You are still young, you have wealth; look where She stands yonder whom you desire. Get you back, and forget your folly in her arms."

These thoughts, and many others of like nature, tore Owen's soul in that hour of strange and terrible temptation. He seemed to see himself standing before the thousands of the savage nation he went to save, and to hear the mocking voices of their witch-finders commanding him, if he were a true man and the servant of that God of Whom he prated, to give them a sign, only a little sign; perhaps to move a stone without touching it with his hand, or to cause a dead bough to blossom.

Then he would beseech Heaven with frantic prayers, and in vain, till at length, amidst a roar of laughter, he, the false prophet and the liar, was led out to his doom. He saw the piteous wondering look of the believer whom he had betrayed to death; he saw the fierce faces and the spears on high. Seeing all this his spirit broke, and, just as the little clock in the room behind him struck the first stroke of midnight, with a great and bitter cry to God to give him back the faith and strength that he had lost, Owen's head fell forward and he sank into a swoon there upon the window-place.

  • 中庸直指补注


  • 佛说普法义经


  • 胜鬘义记


  • 量处轻重仪


  • 佛说十八臂陀罗尼经


  • 龙在符文之地的召唤史


  • 萧萧北风寒


  • 围炉夜话(中华国学经典)


  • 霸爱娇妻,总裁低调点


  • 死亡聚会


  • 绝色毒妃之冷面寒王傲娇宠


    她是来自二十二世纪毒药研究院的科学家,一手秘传的针法解世上无解之毒。她身怀高科技的解毒空间,竟然一朝被害,穿越到几千年前的夏州国。她是京城第一丑,母亲早逝,父亲无视,姐妹暗害,胆小低俗的墨府大小姐,死而回生后竟然性情大变。她为自己正名,为母亲报仇,为寻找身世的真相披荆斩棘……他是夏州国最神秘的战神楚王,容颜绝色却性情孤寒清冷。他不良于行,身染剧毒。可谁曾想明里毫无权势的楚王,暗里却挥手拨弄四国风雨。身负血海深仇不得报,身染蚀骨之毒不得解,谁才是他的救赎?第一丑和第一美碰在一起迸发出怎样的火花?爱与恨之间又产生了怎样的纠葛?那些不为人知的势力到底隐藏了什么样的秘密?墨灵犀:“天下与我只则其一!”白九夜:“天下归你,你,归我!”——墨灵犀真是欲哭无泪,这白九夜不是冰山么?不是冷清么?怎么面对她的时候这么厚颜无耻啊!而且还一本正经的厚颜无耻!——“王爷,王妃看中了一个龙玉甘草,五万两银子。”“买。”“王爷,王妃端详了一包不知名的种子,对方开价十万两黄金。”“买。”“王爷,王妃瞟了一眼奇珍楼门口的石狮子。”“买。”“王爷,石狮子是人家不卖啊,镇宅的。”“麻烦!把奇珍阁一起买下来。”啧啧楚王财大气粗啊!——“白九夜,爱与恨之间你总要做个选择。”“墨灵犀,爱而不能,恨而不舍,你告诉本王该如何选择?”“站在这苍穹之上,指点着万里山河,身旁却空无一人,白九夜,这就是你要的人生么?”“如果本王说是呢?”“寒渊一挥深情断,从此天涯各路人!”“如果本王说不是呢?”“比一场,胜者为王!”——本文美男云集但是1V1,男女主身心健康。男强,女也强,女主腹黑又逗逼,欢迎入坑,(づ ̄3 ̄)づ么么~
  • 高上玉皇满愿宝忏


  • 婚姻保卫战:老公别得瑟


  • 书夏秀才幽居壁


  • 孤独落地的声音

