

Corollary II--It follows, secondly, that will and intellect stand in the same relation to the nature of God as do motion, and rest, and absolutely all natural phenomena, which must be conditioned by God (Prop. xxix.) to exist and act in a particular manner. For will, like the rest, stands in need of a cause, by which it is conditioned to exist and act in a particular manner.

And although, when will or intellect be granted, an infinite number of results may follow, yet God cannot on that account be said to act from freedom of the will, any more than the infinite number of results from motion and rest would justify us in saying that motion and rest act by free will. Wherefore will no more appertains to God than does anything else in nature, but stands in the same relation to him as motion, rest, and the like, which we have shown to follow from the necessity of the divine nature, and to be conditioned by it to exist and act in a particular manner.

XXXIII. Things could not have been brought into being by God in any manner or in any order different from that which has in fact obtained.

Proof--All things necessarily follow from the nature of God (Prop. xvi.), and by the nature of God are conditioned to exist and act in a particular way (Prop. xxix). If things, therefore, could have been of a different nature, or have been conditioned to act in a different way, so that the order of nature would have been different, God's nature would also have been able to be different from what it now is; and therefore (by Prop. xi.)that different nature also would have perforce existed, and consequently there would have been able to be two or more Gods.

This (by Prop. xiv., Cor. i.) is absurd. Therefore, things could not have been brought into being by God in any other manner, &c. Q.E.D.

*****Note I--As I have thus shown, more clearly than the sun at noonday, that there is nothing to justify us in calling things contingent, I wish to explain briefly what meaning we shall attach to the word contingent; but I will first explain the words necessary and impossible.

A thing is called necessary either in respect to its essence or in respect to its cause; for the existence of a thing necessarily follows, either from its essence and definition, or from a given efficient cause. For similar reasons a thing is said to be impossible; namely, inasmuch as its essence or definition involves a contradiction, or because no external cause is granted, which is conditioned to produce such an effect; but a thing can in no respect be called contingent, save in relation to the imperfection of our knowledge.

A thing of which we do not know whether the essence does or does not involve a contradiction, or of which, knowing that it does not involve a contradiction, we are still in doubt concerning the existence, because the order of causes escapes us,--such a thing, I say, cannot appear to us either necessary or impossible. Wherefore we call it contingent or possible.

*****Note II--It clearly follows from what we have said, that things have been brought into being by God in the highest perfection, inasmuch as they have necessarily followed from a most perfect nature. Nor does this prove any imperfection in God, for it has compelled us to affirm his perfection. From its contrary proposition, we should clearly gather (as I have just shown), that God is not supremely perfect, for if things had been brought into being in any other way, we should have to assign to God a nature different from that, which we are bound to attribute to him from the consideration of an absolutely perfect being.

I do not doubt, that many will scout this idea as absurd, and will refuse to give their minds up to contemplating it, simply because they are accustomed to assign to God a freedom very different from that which we (Def. vii.) have deduced. They assign to him, in short, absolute free will. However, I am also convinced that if such persons reflect on the matter, and duly weigh in their minds our series of propositions, they will reject such freedom as they now attribute to God, not only as nugatory, but also as a great impediment to organized knowledge. There is no need for me to repeat what I have said in the note to Prop. xvii. But, for the sake of my opponents, I will show further, that although it be granted that will pertains to the essence of God, it nevertheless follows from his perfection, that things could not have been by him created other than they are, or in a different order; this is easily proved, if we reflect on what our opponents themselves concede, namely, that it depends solely on the decree and will of God, that each thing is what it is. If it were otherwise, God would not be the cause of all things.

  • 杂事


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  • 湛然居士文集


  • The Last Days of Pompeii

    The Last Days of Pompeii

  • 时来运转心理学


  • 太空迷幻漫游


  • 明末之君临天下


  • 我是天文知识大王(青少年科学小百科)


    科普读物从来不拒绝科学性、知识性、艺术性三者的完美统一,它强化生动性与现实感;不仅要让青少年朋友欣赏科学世界的无穷韵律,更关注技术对现实生活的改变,以及人类所面对的问题和挑战。本书的出发点正是用科学的眼光追寻青少年心中对这个已知和未知世界的热情和关注,共同了解军事科技的相关知识,帮助他们认识自然界的客观规律,了解人类社会,插上科学的翅膀, 去探索科学的奥秘,勇攀科学的高峰。
  • 智力资本管理:创造组织新财富


  • 美丽的权利


    这是龙应台《野火集》之外的“三把火”。在这三次著名的风波事件中,龙应台就其所见社会即景有感而发,却一石激起千层浪,引起强烈的争议与回响。“龙卷风起”,各界人士纷纷加入论战;风过之后,深层的反思却没有息止。本书分为 “美丽的权利”、“星洲风波”和 “啊,上海男人!”三部分内容,并加上读者投函回应的各种文章和相关文字,集为一册。
  • 口头馋:董克平饮馔笔记


  • 夜神拽上天


  • 末世之守护


  • 腹黑竹马:小青梅,吃不够!

