The Innocents Abroad-1 Conclusion Nearly one year has flown since this notable pilgrimage was ended; and as I sit here at home in San Francisco thinking, I am moved to confess that day by day the mass of my memories of the excursion have grown more and more pleasant as the disagreeable incidents of travel which encumbered them flitted one by one out of my mind--and now, if the Quaker City were weighing her anchor to sail away on the very same cruise again, nothing could gratify me more than to be a passenger. With the same captain and even the same pilgrims, the same sinners. I was on excellent terms with eight or nine of the excursionists (they are my staunch friends yet,)and was even on speaking terms with the rest of the sixty-five. I have been at sea quite enough to know that that was a very good average. Because a long sea-voyage not only brings out all the mean traits one has, and exaggerates them, but raises up others which he never suspected he possessed, and even creates new ones. A twelve months' voyage at sea would make of an ordinary man a very miracle of meanness. On the other hand, if a man has good qualities, the spirit seldom moves him to exhibit them on shipboard, at least with any sort of emphasis. Now I am satisfied that our pilgrims are pleasant old people on shore; I am also satisfied that at sea on a second voyage they would be pleasanter, somewhat, than they were on our grand excursion, and so I say without hesitation that I would be glad enough to sail with them again. I could at least enjoy life with my handful of old friends. They could enjoy life with their cliques as well--passengers invariably divide up into cliques, on all ships.
[首先声明内容实属玄幻类!]看啥简介赶紧都给我进来进来蹲坑,啊呸,占位!是我的美貌不能吸引你们的的注意嘛!来嘛,哈尼,把你的爱放进我的文文里,各位客官入坑呀!(举大旗欢迎) 偷偷剧透(皮一点) “小二、小二。”“来了客官,有什么可以帮你的吗?”“什么都可以帮吗?”“当然。”“那你帮我付一下帐吧。”“给我回来。”男人都是什么来着,说好的什么都可以呢? (大型反转姨母笑) “哎,这是哪家小公子啊,长得好生俊俏,小的们,给本姑娘抢回去做压寨夫君。”“放肆,本王岂是尔等可以抢的。”“哼,你是王爷又怎么了,只要本姑娘高兴,你是天皇老子也照抢。”……后来“你说过要把我抢回去当夫君的,怎可与他人成亲”“那不是后来没有抢成嘛”“可是……”“可是什么?”“可是你已经把我的心抢走了” (超撩人,先撒个花~) “公子在看什么?” “桃花。” “那公子好好赏花便是,为何也要瞧着我?” “自是因为……姑娘的唇脂比最美的那朵桃花还要昳丽几分。” (咳,正经的来了) 邪狱怒沉三千魂,不分善恶。明王怒灭九重界,一视佛魔……日日贪情