
第25章 CHAPTER IX(5)

Just then it seemed as if the distance between the goblin and those who were pursuing it was becoming less. Could it be fatigued, or did this invisible being wish to entice Sir William and his companions to the place where the inhabitants of the cottage had perhaps themselves been enticed.

It was hard to say.

The men, seeing that the distance lessened, redoubled their efforts.

The light which had before burnt at a distance of more than two hundred feet before them was now seen at less than fifty.

The space continued to diminish. The bearer of the lamp became partially visible. Sometimes, when it turned its head, the indistinct profile of a human face could be made out, and unless a sprite could assume bodily shape, Jack Ryan was obliged to confess that here was no supernatural being.

Then, springing forward,--"Courage, comrades!" he exclaimed; "it is getting tired!

We shall soon catch it up now, and if it can talk as well as it can run we shall hear a fine story."

But the pursuit had suddenly become more difficult.

They were in unknown regions of the mine; narrow passages crossed each other like the windings of a labyrinth.

The bearer of the lamp might escape them as easily as possible, by just extinguishing the light and retreating into some dark refuge.

"And indeed," thought Sir William, "if it wishes to avoid us, why does it not do so?"

Hitherto there had evidently been no intention to avoid them, but just as the thought crossed Sir William's mind the light suddenly disappeared, and the party, continuing the pursuit, found themselves before an extremely narrow natural opening in the schistous rocks.

To trim their lamps, spring forward, and dart through the opening, was for Sir William and his party but the work of an instant.

But before they had gone a hundred paces along this new gallery, much wider and loftier than the former, they all stopped short.

There, near the wall, lay four bodies, stretched on the ground-- four corpses, perhaps!

"James Starr!" exclaimed Sir William Elphiston.

"Harry! Harry!" cried Ryan, throwing himself down beside his friend.

It was indeed the engineer, Madge, Simon, and Harry Ford who were lying there motionless. But one of the bodies moved slightly, and Madge's voice was heard faintly murmuring, "See to the others! help them first!"

Sir William, Jack, and their companions endeavored to reanimate the engineer and his friends by getting them to swallow a few drops of brandy. They very soon succeeded. The unfortunate people, shut up in that dark cavern for ten days, were dying of starvation.

They must have perished had they not on three occasions found a loaf of bread and a jug of water set near them.

No doubt the charitable being to whom they owed their lives was unable to do more for them.

Sir William wondered whether this might not have been the work of the strange sprite who had allured them to the very spot where James Starr and his companions lay.

However that might be, the engineer, Madge, Simon, and Harry Ford were saved. They were assisted to the cottage, passing through the narrow opening which the bearer of the strange light had apparently wished to point out to Sir William. This was a natural opening.

The passage which James Starr and his companions had made for themselves with dynamite had been completely blocked up with rocks laid one upon another.

So, then, whilst they had been exploring the vast cavern, the way back had been purposely closed against them by a hostile hand.

  • 俗说


  • The Magic of Oz

    The Magic of Oz

  • 昨梦录


  • 三姓山川纪


  • 蕲黄四十八砦纪事


  • 官箴


  • 假面系统


  • 吹笛少年


  • 天才炼丹师


  • 神医嫡妃


  • 大宋海贼


  • 重生最强女神:老公,轻点抱!


  • 御灵新世界


  • 疯狂的鸡蛋


  • 年轻就是这么任性

