

A mushy apple exploded between his shoulders, but he did not even turn around. So THIS was what the blacksmith meant! This was why Mr. Higgins watched his daughter so closely. This was why Gertie had been sent off to Trumet. She had met the Bartlett miscreant in Boston; they had been together there; had fallen in love and-- He gritted his teeth and shook his fists almost in the face of old Deacon Pratt, who, knowing the McKay penchant for slaughter, had serious thoughts of sending for the constable.

Beriah Higgins must be warned, of course, but how? To telegraph was to put Pat Starkey in possession of the secret, and Pat was too good a friend of Gertie's to be trusted. There was no telephone at the store. Issy entered the combination grocery store and post office.

"Has the down mail closed yet?" he panted.

The postmaster looked out of his little window.

"Yes," he replied. "Why? Got a letter you want to go? Take it up to the depot. The train's due, but 'tain't here yit. If you run you can make it."

Issy took a card from his pocket. It was the business card of the firm to whom he sold his quahaugs. On the back of the card he wrote in pencil as follows:

"Mr. Beriah Higgins, your daughter Gertrude is going to meet Sam'l Bartlett at the Baptist Church in Trumet at 8 P.M. to-night and get married to him. LOOK OUT!!!"

After an instant's consideration he signed it "A True Friend," this being in emulation of certain heroes of the Deadwood Dick variety.

Then he put the card into an envelope and ran at top speed to the railway station. The train came in as he reached the platform.

The baggage master was standing in the door of his car.

"Here, mister!" panted Issy. "Jest hand this letter to Beriah Higgins when he takes the mail bag at East Harniss, won't you?

It's mighty important. Don't forgit. Thanks."

The train moved off. Issy stared after it, grinning malevolently.

Higgins would get that note in ample time to send word to the watchful Aunt Hannah. When the unsuspecting eloper reached the Trumet church, it would be the aunt, not the niece, who awaited him. Still grinning, Mr. McKay walked off the platform, and into the arms of Ed Burns, the stable keeper, and Sam Bartlett, his loathed and favored rival.

"Here he is!" shouted Burns. "Now we've got him."

The foiler of the plot turned pale. Was his secret discovered?

But no; his captors began talking eagerly, and gradually the sense of their pleadings became plain. They wanted him--HIM, of all people--to convey Bartlett to Trumet in the Lady May.

"You see, it's a business meetin'," urged Burns. "Sam's got to be there by ha'f past seven or he'll--he won't win on the deal, will you, Sam? Say yes, Issy; that's a good feller. He'll give you--I don't know's he won't give you five dollars."

"Ten," cried Bartlett. "And I'll never forget it, either. Will you, Is?"

A mighty "No!" was trembling on Issy's tongue. But before it was uttered Burns spoke again.

"McKay's got the best boat in these parts," he urged. "She's got a tiptop engine in her, and--"

The word "engine" dropped into the whirlpool of Issy's thoughts with a familiar sound. In the chapter of "Vivian" that he had just finished, the beautiful shopgirl was imprisoned on board the yacht of the millionaire kidnaper, while the hero, in his own yacht, was miles astern. But the hero's faithful friend, disguised as a stoker, was tampering with the villain's engine. A vague idea began to form in Issy's brain. Once get the would-be eloper aboard the Lady May, and, even though the warning note should remain undelivered, he--Issy smiled, and the ghastliness of that smile was unnoticed by his companions.

"I--I'll do it," he cried. "By mighty! I WILL do it. You be at the wharf here at four o'clock. I wouldn't do it for everybody, Sam Bartlett, but for you I'd do consider'ble, just now. And I don't want your ten dollars nuther."

Doctoring an engine may be easy enough--in stories. But to doctor a gasoline engine so that it will run for a certain length of time and THEN break down is not so easy. Three o'clock came and the problem was still unsolved. Issy, the perspiration running down his face, stood up in the Lady May's cockpit and looked out across the bay, smooth and glassy in the afternoon sun.

The sky overhead was clear and blue, but along the eastern and southern horizon was a gray bank of cloud, heaped in tumbled masses.

A sunburned lobsterman in rubber boots and a sou'wester was smoking on the wharf.

"What time you goin' to start for home, Is?" he asked.

"Oh, in an hour or so," was the absent-minded reply.

"Humph! You'd better cast off afore that or you'll be fog bound.

It'll be thicker'n dock mud toward sundown, and you'll fetch up in Waptomac 'stead of East Harniss, 'thout you've got a good compass."

"Oh, my compass is all right," began Issy, and stopped short. The lobsterman made other attempts at conversation, but they were unproductive. McKay was gazing at the growing fog bank and thinking hard. To doctor an engine may be difficult, but to get lost in a fog-- He took the compass from the glass-lidded binnacle by the wheel, and carrying it into the little cabin, placed it in the cuddy forward.

It was nearer five than four when the Lady May, her engine barking aggressively, moved out of Denboro Harbor. Mr. Bartlett, the passenger, had been on time and had fumed and fretted at the delay.

But Issy was deliberation itself. He had forgotten his quahaug rake, and the lapse of memory entailed a trip to the blacksmith's.

Then the gasoline tank needed filling and the battery had to be overhauled.

"Are you sure you can make it?" queried Sam anxiously. "It's important, I tell you. Mighty important."

The skipper snorted in disgust. "Make it?" he repeated. "If the Lady May can't make fourteen mile in two hours--let alone two'n a ha'f--then I don't know her. She's one of them boats you read about, she is."

  • 持名四十八法


  • 画禅室随笔


  • 圣观自在菩萨不空王秘密心陀罗尼经


  • 三鱼堂剩言


  • 三皇内文遗秘


  • 陇蜀余闻


  • The City of Dreadful Night

    The City of Dreadful Night

  • 火影之梦幻泡影


  • 非常道:突破困境的另类法门


    中华民族是一个非常讲究“规矩”的民族,“无规矩不成方圆”更是成了挂在人们嘴边的金科玉律。于是,我们每个人从小接受的最多的教育就是要“说老实话,办老实事”,要“循规蹈矩”。任何不合常规、标新立异的想法和做法都会受到父母、老师、领导的呵斥,朋友、同事的讥笑,认为你是在异想天开、离经叛道,他们会迅速地把你的思想和行为拉回到“规矩”这个冠冕堂皇的“监狱”中来。这样做的结果就是,我们身边充斥的都是一些规规矩矩、不敢越雷池半步的老实人。他们无论在任何时候、做任何事、说任何话,都会严格按照大多数人心目中的既定程序来进行。这样的人多了会有好处吗?我们来看一看。 遇到危险的时候,他们往往惊慌失措;面对难题的时候,他们常常无计可施;言谈辩论的时候,他们总是哑口无言; 谈判博奕的时候,他们处处陷于被动; 商战竞争的时候,他们经常输多赢少;……够了,这样的人、这样的事已经够多了。套用“非著名相声演员”郭德纲的一句口头禅:“时代在发展,社会在进步”,昨天的真理在今天就有可能是谬误。如果一个人的躯体已经进入了信息时代,思维却还停留在遥远的从前,就会像一个没有灵魂的躯壳,怎么能为人处世、经商赚钱呢?所以,要想跟上时代的步伐,头脑就需要不断地更新,不断地去打破那些束缚你的所谓“规矩”。不要总是跟在别人的思想后面。重复别人走过的道路。当然,本书所说的“非常道”,并非是要你去违背国家的法律、社会的公德以及做人的原则,而是要你鼓励自己的头脑产生各种奇思怪想,促使自己从多个不同的角度去思考;是要你敢于经常地离开人群拥挤的常规道路,到那很少有人的小路上去探寻一番。没错,大胆地去试一试吧。也许,当你在“非常道”上勇敢地跨出第一步以后,困扰你许久的问题会迎刃而解,你的人生从此将与众不同。而这个,也正是我们编写此书的最终目的。
  • 我的灵体生涯


  • 异仙在都市


  • 冷血绝世美人


  • 千年一坊:水井坊千年醇香


  • 绝世腹黑:拐个郡主当老婆


  • 红狐

