

I crept along the meadow and came at last to the wood. Here I chose a somewhat sheltered spot at the foot of a large tree--and yet a spot not so obscured that I could not look out over the open spaces of the meadow and see the sky. Here, groping in the darkness, like some primitive creature, I raked together a pile of leaves with my fingers, and found dead twigs and branches of trees; but in that moist forest (where the rain had fallen only the day before) my efforts to kindle a fire were unavailing. Upon this, I considered using some pages from my notebook, but another alternative suggested itself:

"Why not Montaigne?"

With that I groped for the familiar volume, and with a curious sensation of satisfaction I tore out a handful of pages from the back.

"Better Montaigne than Grayson," I said, with a chuckle. It was amazing how Montaigne sparkled and crackled when he was well lighted.

"There goes a bundle of quotations from Vergil," I said, "and there's his observations on the eating of fish. There are more uses than one for the classics."

So I ripped out a good part of another chapter, and thus, by coaxing, got my fire to going. It was not difficult after that to find enough fuel to make it blaze up warmly.

I opened my bag and took out the remnants of the luncheon which Mrs. Clark had given me that morning; and I was surprised and delighted to find, among the other things, a small bottle of coffee. This suggested all sorts of pleasing possibilities and, the spirit of invention being now awakened, I got out my tin cup, split a sapling stick so I could fit it into the handle, and set the cup, full of coffee, on the coals at the edge of the fire. It was soon heated, and although I spilled some of it in getting it off, and although it was well spiced with ashes, I enjoyed it, with Mrs. Clark's doughnuts and sandwiches (some of which I toasted with a sapling fork) as thoroughly, I think, as ever I enjoyed any meal.

How little we know--we who dread life--how much there is in life!

My activities around the fire had warmed me to the bone, and after I was well through with my meal I gathered a plentiful supply of wood and placed it near at hand, I got out my waterproof cape and put it on, and, finally piling more sticks on the fire, I sat down comfortably at the foot of the tree.

I wish I could convey the mystery and the beauty of that night.

Did you ever sit by a campfire and watch the flames dance, and the sparks fly upward into the cool dark air? Did you ever see the fitful light among the tree-depths, at one moment opening vast shadowy vistas into the forest, at the next dying downward and leaving it all in sombre mystery? It came to me that night with the wonderful vividness of a fresh experience.

And what a friendly and companionable thing a campfire is! How generous and outright it is! It plays for you when you wish so be lively, and it glows for you when you wish to be reflective.

After a while, for I did not feel in the least sleepy, I stepped out of the woods to the edge of the pasture. All around me lay the dark and silent earth, and above the blue bowl of the sky, all glorious with the blaze of a million worlds. Sometimes I have been oppressed by this spectacle of utter space, of infinite distance, of forces too great for me to grasp or understand, but that night it came upon me with fresh wonder and power, and with a sense of great humility that I belonged here too, that I was a part of it all--and would not be neglected or forgotten. It seemed to me I never had a moment of greater faith than that.

And so, with a sense of satisfaction and peace, I returned to my fire. As I sat there I could hear the curious noises of the woods, the little droppings, cracklings, rustlings which seemed to make all the world alive. I even fancied I could see small bright eyes looking out at my fire, and once or twice I was almost sure I heard voices--whispering--perhaps the voices of the woods.

Occasionally I added, with some amusement, a few dry pages of Montaigne to the fire, and watched the cheerful blaze that followed.

"No," said I, "Montaigne is not for the open spaces and the stars. Without a roof over his head Montaigne would--well, die of sneezing."

So I sat all night long there by the tree. Occasionally I dropped into a light sleep, and then, as my fire died down, I grew chilly and awakened, to build up the fire and doze again. I saw the first faint gray streaks of dawn above the trees, I saw the pink glow in the east before the sunrise, and I watched the sun himself rise upon a new day--When I walked out into the meadow by daylight and looked about me curiously, I saw, not forty rods away, the back of a barn.

"Be you the fellow that was daown in my cowpasture all night?" asked the sturdy farmer.

"I'm that fellow," I said.

"Why didn't you come right up to the house?"

"Well--" I said, and then paused.

"Well . . ." said I.

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    2012年发掘的一件罕见奇宝,引来了两大集团的关注。江凌寒和郝凡为了争夺这一美轮美奂的宝藏而黯然使动。 2012年12月22日,郝凡密室里躺在冰柱里的睡美人突然消失了踪迹。二十一世纪的你,跟活在我生命里不可分割的伊洛根本就不是一个人吗?寻寻觅觅,难道终究是一场空?你那绵绵隐喻,我那深深怀恋。捕猎的情感,历经几千年,终究未变。 我用一生追寻你,用一生爱恋你,用一生成全你。 如若今生亦不能再相恋,那我愿用下一生的生命来延续我们的不了缘。
  • 放开那个空投


    (新书,重生万妖之皇,求支持!) 陈风,某不知名吃鸡主播。你们可以称呼他为机场霸主,校园枪王,P城城管,空投管理者。幸运女神李小鱼,落地一身三级防,药品多到装不了。厄运女神许沫依,落地从来没有枪,死亡轰炸伴她身。网瘾少女宋哈娜:偶像!我要给你生猴子陈风:我怎么可能是这种人!毒奶女神周美灵:你死不了的放心。陈风:我求求你别奶了!……当然这也是一个三年前FPS天才再度回归的故事。
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    企业家为什么会陷入一个自我认知和社会认知都紊乱的处境?双重认知的紊乱,在很大程度上是公众对企业家,以及企业家对自我的使命认识上的错位所造成的。企业家被“不自觉”地赋予了他们不应当承担的责任,其使命因而被放大。在这一情形中,有的人不堪其重,有的人迷失了职业化的方向,也社会有的人以使命为旗而行不义之私,进而让整个企业家阶层遭遇质疑, 我们需要梳理一个现代商业社会最基本的价值,需要梳理各个阶层在商业伦理秩序中的角色扮演,需要梳理所有对国家和社会进步有贡献的人们应得的权益分配。任何价值都不应该被低估,任何使命也不应该被夸大。而梳理,必须从现在开始。
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