
第4章 Chapter (3)

Our humble community along the Santee had suffered the worst privations of their times and people. But, beyond the necessity of hard labor, they had little to deplore, at the outset, in their new condition.

They had been schooled sufficiently by misfortune to have acquired humility.

They observed, accordingly, in their new relations, a policy equally prudent and sagacious. More flexible in their habits than the English, they conciliated the latter by deference; and, soothing the unruly passions of the Indians -- the Santee and Sewee tribes, who were still in considerable numbers in their immediate neighborhood --they won them to alliance by kindness and forbearance. From the latter, indeed, they learned their best lessons for the cultivation of the soil.

That, upon which they found themselves, lay in the unbroken forest.

The high lands which they first undertook to clear, as less stubborn, were most sterile; and, by a very natural mistake, our Frenchmen adopted the modes and objects of European culture; the grains, the fruits and the vegetables, as well as the implements, to which they had been accustomed. The Indians came to their succor, taught them the cultivation of maize, and assisted them in the preparation of their lands; in return for lessons thought equally valuable by the savages, to whom they taught, along with gentler habits and morals, a better taste for music and the dance! To subdue the forest, of itself, to European hands, implied labors not unlike those of Hercules.

But the refugees, though a gentle race, were men of soul and strength, capable of great sacrifices, and protracted self-denial.

Accommodating themselves with a patient courage to the necessities before them, they cheerfully undertook and accomplished their tasks.

We have more than one lively picture among the early chroniclers of the distress and hardship which they were compelled to encounter at the first. But, in this particular, there was nothing peculiar in their situation. It differed in no respect from that which fell to the lot of all the early colonists in America. The toil of felling trees, over whose heavy boughs and knotty arms the winters of centuries had passed;the constant danger from noxious reptiles and beasts of prey, which, coiled in the bush or crouching in the brake, lurked day and night, in waiting for the incautious victim; and, most insidious and fatal enemy of all, the malaria of the swamp, of the rank and affluent soil, for the first time laid open to the sun; these are all only the ordinary evils which encountered in America, at the very threshold, the advances of European civilisation.

That the Huguenots should meet these toils and dangers with the sinews and the hearts of men, was to be expected from their past experience and history.

They had endured too many and too superior evils in the old world, to be discouraged by, or to shrink from, any of those which hung upon their progress in the new. Like the hardy Briton, whom, under the circumstances, we may readily suppose them to have emulated, they addressed themselves, with little murmuring, to the tasks before them.

We have, at the hands of one of their number, -- a lady born and raised in affluence at home, -- a lively and touching picture of the sufferings and duties, which, in Carolina, at that period, neither sex nor age was permitted to escape. "After our arrival," she writes, "we suffered every kind of evil. In about eighteen months our elder brother, unaccustomed to the hard labor we were obliged to undergo, died of a fever. Since leaving France, we had experienced every kind of affliction, disease, pestilence, famine, poverty and hard labor!

I have been for six months together without tasting bread, working the ground like a slave; and I have even passed three or four years without always having it when I wanted it. I should never have done were I to attempt to detail to you all our adventures."*--

* The narrative of Mrs. Judith Manigault, wife of Peter Manigault, as quoted by Ramsay. -- Hist. S. C. Vol. I., p. 4.

For a graphic detail of the usual difficulties and dangers attending the escape of the Huguenots from France, at the period of migration, see the first portion of this letter.


We may safely conclude that there was no exaggeration in this picture.

The lot of all the refugees seems to have been very equally severe.

Men and women, old and young, strove together in the most menial and laborious occupations. But, as courage and virtue usually go hand in hand with industry, the three are apt to triumph together.

Such was the history in the case of the Carolina Huguenots.

If the labor and the suffering were great, the fruits were prosperity.

They were more. Honors, distinction, a goodly name, and the love of those around them, have blessed their posterity, many of whom rank with the noblest citizens that were ever reared in America.

In a few years after their first settlement, their forest homes were crowned with a degree of comfort, which is described as very far superior to that in the usual enjoyment of the British colonists.

They were a more docile and tractable race; not so restless, nor -- though this may seem difficult to understand to those who consider their past history -- so impatient of foreign control.

Of their condition in Carolina, we have a brief but pleasing picture from the hands of John Lawson, then surveyor-general of the province of North Carolina.* This gentleman, in 1701, just fifteen years after its settlement, made a progress through that portion of the Huguenot colony which lay immediately along the Santee.



  • 先正读书诀


  • 俗说


  • 目经大成


  • 居官格言


  • 重生之锦绣王妃


  • 中华营养百味:高血压调养食谱


  • 陛下驾到:偷心女王


  • 星的秘密


  • 重生最强富二代


  • 至尊女岛主


  • 上个世纪的月季


  • 十八家诗钞


  • 快穿遇上怂系统,男神别过来!


    “十,你该醒来了(温柔语)…要开始穿越了(超凶语)!!”“讨厌,人家又刚死了一次,就不给人家多睡会儿!”睁眼,又来黑暗席卷…“我说怎么我的穿越就必须得睁着眼睛呢?睁眼看黑暗真心无聊!”“别抱怨了宿主,你不睁眼我因为看不到,走错路了怎么办?”…“系统你出来!你能说说为什么十次有起码七次都是是为了救同一人,或者爱上同一个人吗?”“不是吧?我怎么不觉得?这…哪里像?”“别以为我认不出!这家伙虽然每个地方都变了,但是给人朦朦胧胧的感觉明明没变吧?!而且不是同一人的话,你干嘛用这么心虚的语气?!”“错…觉…“妈呀,完了,这次真的走错路了… - 本书确实1v1
  • 穿越之远古生存记事


    PS:兮兮新文【穿书后我成了傲娇王爷的心尖宠】已经上传希望亲们能继续支持兮兮 陶夭夭死后魂穿到了远古,可她看到的远古与曾经所了解得一点也不一样。见过一个普通人单手就能将五六十斤的大石头扔出去还屁事没有的到处闲逛吗?见过普通人一跃就是十几米高,从二十多米的树上跳下来还能稳稳站住吗?反正上辈子她没有见过,这辈子每天都能见到。最让她接受无能的是这里的兽动不动就会喷火、喷水、喷冰雹,树木任性到一不高兴就撒欢到处跑,这真的是远古?怎么看都不科学,这是不是那里有些不对?陶夭夭看着围绕着她撒欢争着抢着要与她做朋友的果树,叹了一口气,连她自己也变得不正常了起来,她竟然能听懂树语了,算了,还是先填饱肚子吧!书友交流群:677342385,大家快到碗里来吧