
第129章 Paradiso: Canto XXVII(1)

"Glory be to the Father, to the Son, And Holy Ghost!" all Paradise began, So that the melody inebriate made me.

What I beheld seemed unto me a smile Of the universe; for my inebriation Found entrance through the hearing and the sight.

O joy! O gladness inexpressible!

O perfect life of love and peacefulness!

O riches without hankering secure!

Before mine eyes were standing the four torches Enkindled, and the one that first had come Began to make itself more luminous;

And even such in semblance it became As Jupiter would become, if he and Mars Were birds, and they should interchange their feathers.

That Providence, which here distributeth Season and service, in the blessed choir Had silence upon every side imposed.

When I heard say: "If I my colour change, Marvel not at it; for while I am speaking Thou shalt behold all these their colour change.

He who usurps upon the earth my place, My place, my place, which vacant has become Before the presence of the Son of God, Has of my cemetery made a sewer Of blood and stench, whereby the Perverse One, Who fell from here, below there is appeased!"

With the same colour which, through sun adverse, Painteth the clouds at evening or at morn, Beheld I then the whole of heaven suffused.

And as a modest woman, who abides Sure of herself, and at another's failing, From listening only, timorous becomes, Even thus did Beatrice change countenance;

And I believe in heaven was such eclipse, When suffered the supreme Omnipotence;

Thereafterward proceeded forth his words With voice so much transmuted from itself, The very countenance was not more changed.

"The spouse of Christ has never nurtured been On blood of mine, of Linus and of Cletus, To be made use of in acquest of gold;

But in acquest of this delightful life Sixtus and Pius, Urban and Calixtus, After much lamentation, shed their blood.

Our purpose was not, that on the right hand Of our successors should in part be seated The Christian folk, in part upon the other;

Nor that the keys which were to me confided Should e'er become the escutcheon on a banner, That should wage war on those who are baptized;

Nor I be made the figure of a seal To privileges venal and mendacious, Whereat I often redden and flash with fire.

In garb of shepherds the rapacious wolves Are seen from here above o'er all the pastures!

O wrath of God, why dost thou slumber still?

To drink our blood the Caorsines and Gascons Are making ready. O thou good beginning, Unto how vile an end must thou needs fall!

But the high Providence, that with Scipio At Rome the glory of the world defended, Will speedily bring aid, as I conceive;

And thou, my son, who by thy mortal weight Shalt down return again, open thy mouth;

What I conceal not, do not thou conceal."

As with its frozen vapours downward falls In flakes our atmosphere, what time the horn Of the celestial Goat doth touch the sun, Upward in such array saw I the ether Become, and flaked with the triumphant vapours, Which there together with us had remained.

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    著名作家罗银胜的一部倾力之作,演绎了一个文艺青年的梦想之路,同时也是一本内含文艺见解的轻松读物。记述中国第六代电影导演领军人物贾樟柯的成长历程,以及富有个性的独特导演经历,尤其是对贾樟柯心路历程的描写十分细腻,不少是独家披露,一个文艺青年动人的成长故事跃然纸上,相信一定会勾起曾经或正在抱有文艺梦的青年的追忆和共鸣。 生动展现了贾樟柯对电影、文艺理解的精神世界,让我们认识到,贾樟柯的思考和探索,触及文艺的核心和本质。