U大文秘系大四系花林诗怡,在钜风集团实习的第三个月,意外地遭遇新晋CEO赵臣,他是高她两届的企管系师兄,U大曾经的风云人物,被誉为:外表英俊潇洒,内心孤傲冷峻,对女生们来说,神秘而充满诱惑。当然,除了林诗怡,不是她不花痴,只是她不喜欢被表象迷惑,不想像那些因为她的外表而喜欢她的人一样,因为一张脸而喜欢一个人。一次网游的帮战,不知情地灭了BOSS,以为是替他报了当年被盗号的仇,却不想,从此,比被灭一百次,一千次更纠结百倍的事,一件一件地降临在了她的头上。盗号是谣言?BOSS好像要追她?又好像从游戏追到了生活?他说喜欢她?那是从什么时候开始的事?诱惑与反诱惑,看天然萌系花如何对战腹黑大神!Pink & Green Is the New Black
Lucy Desberg is in eighth grade, and she's determined to make this year perfect. Over the course of the year, though, her talents for makeup and problem-solving will be put to the wkkk.net the outside, things couldn't be better: her family's spa is doing well, and she has a boyfriend, Yamir. But Yamir's in high school now, and Lucy's too embarrassed to admit that he hasn't called her in weeks. To take her mind off him, she throws herself into planning the eighth-grade masquerade, using her makeup skills to rally her classmates. But as she soon learns, ignoring a problem does not make it go away. It's destined to pop up at the worst possible wkkk.net's resourcefulness will be put to the test as she grows up and starts making decisions about the type of person—and girlfriend and friend and daughter and sister—that she wants to be.