

Of mornings, bright and early, When the lark is on the wing And the robin in the maple Hops from her nest to sing, From yonder cheery chamber Cometh a mellow coo - 'T is the sweet, persuasive treble Of my little Googly-Goo!

The sunbeams hear his music, And they seek his little bed, And they dance their prettiest dances Round his golden curly head:

Schottisches, galops, minuets, Gavottes and waltzes, too, Dance they unto the music Of my googling Googly-Goo.

My heart - my heart it leapeth To hear that treble tone;

What music like thy music, My darling and mine own!

And patiently - yes, cheerfully I toil the long day through - My labor seemeth lightened By the song of Googly-Goo!

I may not see his antics, Nor kiss his dimpled cheek:

I may not smooth the tresses The sunbeams love to seek;

It mattereth not - the echo Of his sweet, persuasive coo Recurreth to remind me Of my little Googly-Goo.

And when I come at evening, I stand without the door And patiently I listen For that dear sound once more;

And oftentimes I wonder, "Oh, God! what should I do If any ill should happen To my little Googly-Goo!"

Then in affright I call him - I hear his gleeful shouts!

Begone, ye dread forebodings - Begone, ye killing doubts!

For, with my arms about him, My heart warms through and through With the oogling and the googling Of my little Googly-Goo!


Speakin' of dorgs, my bench-legged fyce Hed most o' the virtues, an' nary a vice.

Some folks called him Sooner, a name that arose From his predisposition to chronic repose;

But, rouse his ambition, he couldn't be beat - Yer bet yer he got thar on all his four feet!

Mos' dorgs hez some forte - like huntin' an' such, But the sports o' the field didn't bother him much;

Wuz just a plain dorg, an' contented to be On peaceable terms with the neighbors an' me;

Used to fiddle an' squirm, and grunt "Oh, how nice!"

When I tickled the back of that bench-legged fyce!

He wuz long in the bar'l, like a fyce oughter be;

His color wuz yaller as ever you see;

His tail, curlin' upward, wuz long, loose, an' slim - When he didn't wag it, why, the tail it wagged him!

His legs wuz so crooked, my bench-legged pup Wuz as tall settin' down as he wuz standin' up!

He'd lie by the stove of a night an' regret The various vittles an' things he had et;

When a stranger, most likely a tramp, come along, He'd lift up his voice in significant song - You wondered, by gum! how there ever wuz space In that bosom o' his'n to hold so much bass!

Of daytimes he'd sneak to the road an' lie down, An' tackle the country dorgs comin' to town;

By common consent he wuz boss in St. Joe, For what he took hold of he never let go!

An' a dude that come courtin' our girl left a slice Of his white flannel suit with our bench-legged fyce!

He wuz good to us kids - when we pulled at his fur Or twisted his tail he would never demur;

He seemed to enjoy all our play an' our chaff, For his tongue 'u'd hang out an' he'd laff an' he'd laff;

An' once, when the Hobart boy fell through the ice, He wuz drug clean ashore by that bench-legged fyce!

We all hev our choice, an' you, like the rest, Allow that the dorg which you've got is the best;

I wouldn't give much for the boy 'at grows up With no friendship subsistin' 'tween him an' a pup!

When a fellow gits old - I tell you it's nice To think of his youth and his bench-legged fyce!

To think of the springtime 'way back in St. Joe - Of the peach-trees abloom an' the daisies ablow;

To think of the play in the medder an' grove, When little legs wrassled an' little han's strove;

To think of the loyalty, valor, an' truth Of the friendships that hallow the season of youth!

  • 荣耀与自由之黑角风云


  • The Doctor

    The Doctor

  • 人类最重要的99个考古发现


  • 世界文学经典文库:钢铁是怎样炼成的(青少版)


    这是一本类似于自传体的小说,作者在小说中详尽地描述了保尔的一生 。从当学徒工,到救了水手朱赫来走上革命道路,再到后来革命胜利后为祖 国建设不惜一切地拼命工作。就像他在书中所描述的:在火热的斗争年代, 他没有睡大觉,而是在残酷的搏击中找到了自己的位子,在精力全部耗尽之 前;他从没有离过队。就算他的身体彻底垮了,瘫痪在床,双目失明,也要 想方设法活下去,并使生活充实而有益。当一个人身强力壮,拥有青春的时 候,坚强是比较容易做到的事;而当生活的锁链把你紧紧箍住的时候,如果 你仍然能够坚忍不拔,那才是真正令人崇拜的。这就是钢铁般的意志。
  • 红柳荡


    骏马,要看一双眼睛;勇士,要看走过的脚印!都为自己打算的人群里, 啥时候都不会出现英雄!——哈萨克谚语。豹子啊!你快来看看吧,家里出事了!太阳刚刚挂在远处的乌孙山梁子上,奶茶还在铁皮炉子上熬着呢,艾尼瓦尔就匆匆穿上警服,骑着他那匹腿脚不灵的跛马,向红柳村赶去。电话是舅舅打来的。舅舅在电话中心疼地说,昨晚还在圈里吃草的马,一早就不见了,日怪得很呢,那匹马的肚子里,可怀着小马驹呢,下崽的事情,就在这几天呢!
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