

"It was not really a loggia--I don't know what to call it. It faced south. It was small. It was all in shadow except the semicircle above the balcony that showed the sky and sea and the corner where the girl stood. I was on a couch--it was a metal couch with light striped cushions--and the girl was leaning over the balcony with her back to me. The light of the sunrise fell on her ear and cheek. Her pretty white neck and the little curls that nestled there, and her white shoulder were in the sun, and all the grace of her body was in the cool blue shadow. She was dressed --how can I describe it? It was easy and flowing. And altogether there she stood, so that it came to me how beautiful and desirable she was, as though I had never seen her before. And when at last I sighed and raised myself upon my arm she turned her face to me--"

He stopped.

"I have lived three-and-fifty years in this world. I have had mother, sisters, friends, wife and daughters--all their faces, the play of their faces, I know. But the face of this girl--it is much more real to me. I can bring it back into memory so that I see it again--I could draw it or paint it. And after all--"

He stopped--but I said nothing.

"The face of a dream--the face of a dream. She was beautiful.

Not that beauty which is terrible, cold, and worshipful, like the beauty of a saint; nor that beauty that stirs fierce passions; but a sort of radiation, sweet lips that softened into smiles, and grave gray eyes. And she moved gracefully, she seemed to have part with all pleasant and gracious things--"

He stopped, and his face was downcast and hidden. Then he looked up at me and went on, making no further attempt to disguise his absolute belief in the reality of his story.

"You see, I had thrown up my plans and ambitions, thrown up all I had ever worked for or desired for her sake. I had been a master man away there in the north, with influence and property and a great reputation, but none of it had seemed worth having beside her. I had come to the place, this city of sunny pleasures with her, and left all those things to wreck and ruin just to save a remnant at least of my life. While I had been in love with her before I knew that she had any care for me, before I had imagined that she would dare--that we should dare, all my life had seemed vain and hollow, dust and ashes. It was dust and ashes. Night after night and through the long days I had longed and desired--my soul had beaten against the thing forbidden!

"But it is impossible for one man to tell another just these things. It's emotion, it's a tint, a light that comes and goes.

Only while it's there, everything changes, everything. The thing is I came away and left them in their Crisis to do what they could."

"Left whom?" I asked, puzzled.

"The people up in the north there. You see--in this dream, anyhow--I had been a big man, the sort of man men come to trust in, to group themselves about. Millions of men who had never seen me were ready to do things and risk things because of their confidence in me. I had been playing that game for years, that big laborious game, that vague, monstrous political game amidst intrigues and betrayals, speech and agitation. It was a vast weltering world, and at last I had a sort of leadership against the Gang--you know it was called the Gang--a sort of compromise of scoundrelly projects and base ambitions and vast public emotional stupidities and catch-words--the Gang that kept the world noisy and blind year by year, and all the while that it was drifting, drifting towards infinite disaster. But I can't expect you to understand the shades and complications of the year--the year something or other ahead.

I had it all--down to the smallest details--in my dream. I suppose I had been dreaming of it before I awoke, and the fading outline of some queer new development I had imagined still hung about me as I rubbed my eyes. It was some grubby affair that made me thank God for the sunlight. I sat up on the couch and remained looking at the woman and rejoicing--rejoicing that I had come away out of all that tumult and folly and violence before it was too late. After all, I thought, this is life--love and beauty, desire and delight, are they not worth all those dismal struggles for vague, gigantic ends? And I blamed myself for having ever sought to be a leader when I might have given my days to love. But then, thought I, if I had not spent my early days sternly and austerely, I might have wasted myself upon vain and worthless women, and at the thought all my being went out in love and tenderness to my dear mistress, my dear lady, who had come at last and compelled me--compelled me by her invincible charm for me--to lay that life aside.

"'You are worth it,' I said, speaking without intending her to hear; 'you are worth it, my dearest one; worth pride and praise and all things. Love! to have you is worth them all together." And at the murmur of my voice she turned about.

"'Come and see,' she cried--I can hear her now--'come and see the sunrise upon Monte Solaro.'

"I remember how I sprang to my feet and joined her at the balcony. She put a white hand upon my shoulder and pointed towards great masses of limestone, flushing, as it were, into life. I looked. But first I noted the sunlight on her face caressing the lines of her cheeks and neck. How can I describe to you the scene we had before us? We were at Capri--"

"I have been there," I said. "I have clambered up Monte Solaro and drunk vero Capri--muddy stuff like cider--at the summit."

  • 道德经注释


  • 临清寇略


  • 秘藏通玄变化六阴洞微遁甲真经


  • 谗书


  • 梅道士水亭


  • 法医见闻录


  • 遥夜有你


  • 绝世帝皇系统


  • 家事律师


  • 80婚姻:花落知多少


    婚姻是一本书,第一章写下诗篇,其余则是平淡的散文。          与一个好女人结婚,你是在暴风雨中找到了避风港;和一个坏女人结婚,你是在港中遇到了暴风雨——一个女人与三个男人之间的爱恨纠葛……     
  • 尸身密码


    本书将揭开十大迷团:★神秘的传国玉玺究竟何时丢失,如今又在何处?★同处西疆,楼兰、于阗、龟玆等大国屡遭外侵,小小精绝何以独善其身?★光武帝刘秀文治武功雄才大略,为何屈葬于水患之地,其灵柩真在黄河中心?★罗布泊永远消失了?★四大鬼村与骷髅岛有何关联?★护国神兽是传说还是存在?★黑暗兵团在守护谁的利益?★沙漠里的海市蜃楼从来只是幻景?★被诅咒者的尸体为何僵而不腐?★躺在玉棺里的人,到底有着怎样难解的身份密码? 本人新书《完美猎杀》实体版将于6月中旬上市,敬请关注。
  • 这个小厮初养成


    (冒险修仙文、有男主、女扮男装)谁说做小厮的就不能作威作福?听说过奴大欺主吗?为了护她,风无律的亲娘不仅要她女扮男装,还将她送进了叶家做小厮。 奈何这个小厮看似乖巧实则任性,叶双舟只觉得他这个少爷当得格外不对劲!不称职!不体面!这是一部女扮男装假小厮的冒险修仙记。 (更新挺慢,完结前入坑请攒文。比心?)
  • 腹黑将门女


  • 萌妻爆笑反穿


  • 命仙

