
第59章 Part 5(5)

A great variety of these cases frequently happened between the watchmen and the poor people shut up,besides those I formerly mentioned about escaping.Sometimes the watchmen were absent,sometimes drunk,sometimes asleep when the people wanted them,and such never failed to be punished severely,as indeed they deserved.

But after all that was or could be done in these cases,the shutting up of houses,so as to confine those that were well with those that were sick,had very great inconveniences in it,and some that were very tragical,and which merited to have been considered if there had been room for it.But it was authorised by a law,it had the public good in view as the end chiefly aimed at,and all the private injuries that were done by the putting it in execution must be put to the account of the public benefit.

It is doubtful to this day whether,in the whole,it contributed anything to the stop of the infection;and indeed I cannot say it did,for nothing could run with greater fury and rage than the infection did when it was in its chief violence,though the houses infected were shut up as exactly and as effectually as it was possible.Certain it is that if all the infected persons were effectually shut in,no sound person could have been infected by them,because they could not have come near them.But the case was this (and I shall only touch it here):

namely,that the infection was propagated insensibly,and by such persons as were not visibly infected,who neither knew whom they infected or who they were infected by.

A house in Whitechappel was shut up for the sake of one infected maid,who had only spots,not the tokens come out upon her,and recovered;yet these people obtained no liberty to stir,neither for air or exercise,forty days.Want of breath,fear,anger,vexation,and all the other gifts attending such an injurious treatment cast the mistress of the family into a fever,and visitors came into the house and said it was the plague,though the physicians declared it was not.However,the family were obliged to begin their quarantine anew on the report of the visitors or examiner,though their former quarantine wanted but a few days of being finished.This oppressed them so with anger and grief,and,as before,straitened them also so much as to room,and for want of breathing and free air,that most of the family fell sick,one of one distemper,one of another,chiefly scorbutic ailments;only one,a violent colic;till,after several prolongings of their confinement,some or other of those that came in with the visitors to inspect the persons that were ill,in hopes of releasing them,brought the distemper with them and infected the whole house;and all or most of them died,not of the plague as really upon them before,but of the plague that those people brought them,who should have been careful to have protected them from it.And this was a thing which frequently happened,and was indeed one of the worst consequences of shutting houses up.

I had about this time a little hardship put upon me,which I was at first greatly afflicted at,and very much disturbed about though,as it proved,it did not expose me to any disaster;and this was being appointed by the alderman of Portsoken Ward one of the examiners of the houses in the precinct where I lived.We had a large parish,and had no less than eighteen examiners,as the order called us;the people called us visitors.I endeavoured with all my might to be excused from such an employment,and used many arguments with the alderman's deputy to be excused;particularly I alleged that I was against shutting up houses at all,and that it would be very hard to oblige me to be an instrument in that which was against my judgement,and which I did verily believe would not answer the end it was intended for;but all the abatement I could get was only,that whereas the officer was appointed by my Lord Mayor to continue two months,I should be obliged to hold it but three weeks,on condition nevertheless that I could then get some other sufficient housekeeper to serve the rest of the time for me -which was,in short,but a very small favour,it being very difficult to get any man to accept of such an employment,that was fit to be entrusted with it.

It is true that shutting up of houses had one effect,which I am sensible was of moment,namely,it confined the distempered people,who would otherwise have been both very troublesome and very dangerous in their running about streets with the distemper upon them -which,when they were delirious,they would have done in a most frightful manner,and as indeed they began to do at first very much,till they were thus restraided;nay,so very open they were that the poor would go about and beg at people's doors,and say they had the plague upon them,and beg rags for their sores,or both,or anything that delirious nature happened to think of.

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