
第107章 TO ME,MY FRIENDS!(3)

Though her words tried my composure,and my heart went out to her,I strove to answer her according to the sense of the matter.

'It is impossible,I said sternly.'This is a man s errand.We shall have to ride day and night,my good woman.'

'But I will ride day and night too!'she replied passionately,flinging the hair from her eyes,and looking wildly from me to M.

Rambouillet.'What would I not do for her?I am as strong as a man,and stronger.Take me,take me,I say,and when I meet that villain I will tear him limb for limb!'

I shuddered,listening to her;but remembering that,being country bred,she was really as strong as she said,and that likely enough some advantage might accrue to us from her perfect fidelity and devotion to her mistress,I gave a reluctant consent.I sent one of M.de Rambouillet's men to the stable where the deaf man's bay was standing,bidding him pay whatever was due to the dealer,and bring the horse to the south gate;my intention being to mount one of my men on it,and furnish the woman with a less tricky steed.

The briskness of these and the like preparations,which even for one of my age and in my state of anxiety were not devoid,of pleasure,prevented my thoughts dwelling on the future.Content to have M.Francois'assistance without following up too keenly the train of ideas which his readiness suggested,I was satisfied also to make use of Simon without calling him to instant account for his treachery.The bustle of the streets,which the confirmation of the king's speedy departure had filled with surly,murmuring crowds,tended still further to keep my fears at bay;while the contrast between my present circumstances,as Irode through them well-appointed and well-attended,with the Marquis by my side,and the poor appearance I had exhibited on my first arrival in Blois,could not fail to inspire me with hope that I might surmount this danger,also,and in the event find Mademoiselle safe and uninjured.I took leave of M.de Rambouillet with many expressions of esteem on both sides,and a few minutes before eleven reached the rendezvous outside the south gate.

M.d'Agen and Maignan advanced to meet me,the former still presenting an exterior so stern and grave that I wondered to see him,and could scarcely believe he was the same gay spark whose elegant affectations had more than once caused me to smile.He saluted me in silence;Maignan with a sheepish air,which ill-concealed the savage temper defeat had roused in him.Counting my men,I found we mustered ten only,but the equerry explained that he had despatched a rider ahead to make inquiries and leave word for us at convenient points;to the end that we might follow the trail with as few delays as possible.Highly commending Maignan for his forethought in this,I gave the word to start,and crossing the river by the St.Gervais Bridge,we took the road for Selles at a smart trot.

The weather had changed much in the last twenty-four hours.The sun shone brightly,with a warm west wind,and the country already showed signs of the early spring which marked that year.

If,the first hurry of departure over,I had now leisure to feel the gnawing of anxiety and the tortures inflicted by an imagination which,far outstripping us,rode with those whom we pursued and shared their perils,I found two sources of comfort still open to me.No man who has seen service can look on a little band of well-appointed horsemen without pleasure.Ireviewed the stalwart forms and stern faces which moved beside me and comparing their decent order and sound equipments with the scurvy foulness of the men who had ridden north with me,thanked God,and,ceased to wonder at the indignation which Matthew and his fellows had aroused in mademoiselle's mind.My other source of satisfaction,the regular beat of hoofs and ring of bridles continually augmented.Every step took us farther from Blois--farther from the close town and reeking streets and the Court;which,if it no longer seemed to me a shambles,befouled by one great deed of blood--experience had removed that impression--retained an appearance infinitely mean and miserable in my eyes.

I hated and loathed its intrigues and its jealousies,the folly which trifled in a closet while rebellion mastered France,and the pettiness which recognised no wisdom save that of balancing party and party.I thanked God that my work there was done,and could have welcomed any other occasion that forced me to turn my back on it,and sent me at large over the pure heaths,through the woods,and under the wide heaven,speckled with moving clouds.

But such springs of comfort soon ran dry.M.d'Agen's gloomy rage and the fiery gleam in Maignan's eye would have reminded me,had I been in any danger of forgetting the errand on which we were bound,and the need,exceeding all other needs,which compelled us to lose no moment that might be used.Those whom we followed had five hours'start.The thought of what might;happen in those five hours to the two helpless women whom I had sworn to protect burned itself into my mind;so that to refrain from putting spurs to my horse and riding recklessly forward taxed at times all my self-control.The horses seemed to crawl.

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  • 智者预言


    本书着重讲智者的方法,汉易京房研究系南京大学原天文系主任卢央教授撰文。宋易陈抟,邵雍研究原中国周易研究会会长唐明邦教授撰文。作者之《四库全书》中选录历史上“占事有验”的六十位人物的事例,分易占二十七人,相占六人,星占十五人,异术十二人,他们全是正史所记载的事例 ,颇为可信,不仅有事迹,而且有正宗的方法,对预测的学爱好者,均有参考的价值。
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