

'I had a very evil one last night,'I answered lightly,wondering a little why he looked at me so,and why he seemed to resent my return to hopefulness and courage.I might have followed this train of thought further with advantage,since I possessed a clue to his state of mind;but at that moment a summons at the door called him away to it,and he presently ushered in M.d'Agen,who,saluting me with punctilious politeness,had not said fifty words before he introduced the subject of his toe--no longer,however,in a hostile spirit,but as the happy medium which had led him to recognise the worth and sterling qualities--so he was pleased to say--of his preserver.

I was delighted to find him in this frame of mind,and told him frankly that the friendship with which his kinsman,M.de Rambouillet,honoured me would prevent me giving him satisfaction save in the last resort.He replied that the service I had done him was such as to render this immaterial,unless I had myself cause of offence;which I was forward to deny.

We were paying one another compliments after this fashion,while I regarded him with the interest which the middle-aged bestow on the young and gallant in whom they see their own youth and hopes mirrored,when the door was again opened,and after a moment's pause admitted,equally,I think,to the disgust of M.Francois,and myself,the form of Father Antoine.

Seldom have two men more diverse stood,I believe,in a room together;seldom has any greater contrast been presented to a man's eyes than that opened to mine on this occasion.On the one side the gay young spark,with his short cloak,his fine suit;of black-and-silver,his trim limbs and jewelled hilt and chased comfit-box;on the other,the tall,stooping monk,lean-jawed and bright-eyed,whose gown hung about him in coarse,ungainly folds.

And M.Francois'sentiment on first seeing the other was certainly dislike.Is spite of this,however,he bestowed a greeting on the new-comer which evidenced a secret awe,and in other ways showed so plain a desire to please,that I felt my fears of the priest return in force.I reflected that the talents which in such a garb could win the respect of M.Francois d'Agen--a brilliant star among the younger courtiers,and one of a class much given to thinking scorn of their fathers'roughness --must be both great and formidable;and,so considering,Ireceived the monk with a distant courtesy which I had once little thought to extend to him.I put aside for the moment the private grudge I bore him with so much justice,and remembered only the burden which lay on me in my contest with him.

I conjectured without difficulty that he chose to come at this time,when M.Francois was with me,out of a cunning regard to his own safety;and I was not surprised when M.Francois,beginning to make his adieux,Father Antoine begged him to wait below,adding that he had something of importance to communicate.

He advanced his request in terms of politeness bordering on humility;but I could clearly see that,in assenting to it,M.

d'Agen bowed to a will stronger than his own,and would,had he dared to follow his own bent,have given a very different answer.

As it was he retired--nominally to give an order to his lackey--with a species of impatient self-restraint which it was not difficult to construe.

Left alone with me,and assured that we had no listeners,the monk was not slow in coming to the point.

'You have thought over what I told you last night?'he said brusquely,dropping in a moment the suave manner which he had maintained in M.Francois's presence.

I replied coldly that I had.

'And you understand the position?'he continued quickly,looking at me from under his brows as he stood before me,with one clenched fist on the table.'Or shall I tell you more?Shall Itell you how poor and despised you were some weeks ago,M.de Marsac--you who now go in velvet,and have three men at your back?Or whose gold it is has brought you here,and made you,this?Chut!Do not let us trifle.You are here as the secret agent of the King of Navarre.It is my business to learn your plans and his intentions,and I propose to do so.'

'Well?'I said.

'I am prepared to buy them,'he answered;and his eyes sparkled as he spoke,with a greed which set me yet more on my guard.

'For whom?'I asked.Having made up my mind that I must use the same weapons as my adversary,I reflected that to express indignation,such as might become a young man new to the world,could,help me not a whit.'For whom?'I repeated,seeing that he hesitated.

'That is my business,'he replied slowly.

'You want to know too much and tell too little,'I retorted,yawning.

  • 经学通论


  • 历代崇道记


  • 三水小牍


  • The City of Domes

    The City of Domes

  • 神鼎一揆禅师语录


  • 三字经(国学启蒙书系列)


  • 快穿王者荣耀:英雄,宠一个


  • 当家主母


  • 驱魔师


  • 领主攻略


  • 领导能力改变世界


  • 无敌之最强修士


  • 美食与保健:家常菜谱


  • 重现的镜子


    写作是一种反抗方式,我越来越坚信这样的观点。是的,作为一个多秒有引起抽象含混的逻辑结论,反抗的意义,往往不是一个写作者在写作之初就能意识到的,它是我们在漫长的写作实践中逐渐总结和提炼的结果。打个比方吧,这就像人类最早制作的衣服,考虑的只是蔽体与御寒,但到了后来,衣服的*功用却是帮助人类实现自我美化。 写作为的是反抗什么呢?这问题容易产生歧义生成误会。但没有办法,人类的所有语言和文字,不论怎样准确,也都要与歧义和误会相伴而生,去除遮蔽抽取精义,倚杖的只能是我们心灵的宽阔的程度。
  • 鬼村密事

