While the former carry with them an illusion likely to mislead, the illusion of the latter is inevitable, though it certainly can be kept from misleading us. Since all illusion consists in holding the subjective ground of our judgments to be objective, a self-knowledge of pure reason in its transcendent (exaggerated) use is the sole preservative from the aberrations into which reason falls when it mistakes its destination, and refers that to the object transcendently, which only regards its own subject and its guidance in all immanent use. Sect. 41. The distinction of ideas, that is, of pure concepts of reason, from categories, or pure concepts of the understanding, as cognitions of a quite distinct species, origin and use, is so important a point in founding a science which is to contain the system of all these a priori cognitions, that without this distinction metaphysics is absolutely impossible, or is at best a random, bungling attempt to build a castle in the air without a knowledge of the materials or of their fitness for any purpose. Had the Critique of Pure Reason done nothing but first point out this distinction, it had thereby contributed more to clear up our conception of, and to guide our inquiry in, the field of metaphysics, than all the vain efforts which have hitherto been made to satisfy the transcendent problems of pure reason, without ever surmising that we were in quite another field than that of the understanding, and hence classing concepts of the understanding and those of reason together, as if they were of the same kind. Sect. 42. All pure cognitions of the understanding have this feature, that their concepts present themselves in experience, and their principles can be confirmed by it; whereas the transcendent cognitions of reason cannot, either as ideas, appear in experience, -or as propositions ever be confirmed or refuted by it. Hence whatever errors may slip in unawares, can only be discovered by pure reason itself-a discovery of much difficulty, because this very reason naturally becomes dialectical by means of its ideas, and this unavoidable illusion cannot be limited by any objective and dogmatical researches into things, but by a subjective investigation of reason itself as a source of ideas. Sect. 43. In the Critique of Pure Reason it was always my greatest care to endeavor not only carefully to distinguish the several species of cognition, but to derive concepts belonging to each one of them from their common source. I did this in order that by knowing whence they originated, I might determine their use with safety, and also have the unanticipated but invaluable advantage of knowing the completeness of my enumeration, classification and specification of concepts a priori, and therefore according to principles. Without this, metaphysics is mere rhapsody, in which no one knows whether he has enough, or whether and where something is still wanting. We can indeed have this advantage only in pure philosophy, but of this philosophy it constitutes the very essence. As I had found the origin of the categories in the four logical functions of all the judgments of the understanding, it was quite natural to seek the origin of the ideas in the three functions of the syllogisms of reason.
本书以建设世界级的中国企业为主题,文章包括:对标世界一流 打造更强更优的中国企业、通过运营转型和管理提升 打造世界一流企业、五个最常见的全球化误区、全球型企业的人才困境等。作者为麦肯锡全球各分支机构的董事和顾问等。人类学+:科学的B面
《人类学+:科学的B面》是一本从科普的角度,讲述关于人类学的一些冷门故事和罕见历史。它注重于人类学和其他相关学科的交叉,比如考古学、生物学、医学、社会学等等。简单地说,人类学就是研究人类本身的一个学科,正如人类拥有多样的特性一样,人类学也同时研究人类的生物性和社会性,此外,还关心人类之所以形成各种特性的来源,以及其演变过程。但《人类学+:科学的B面》这本书并不是一本严格意义上的理论向人类学教材,而是专注于解读有关于广义人类学历史中,各种不为人知的真实故事:尼安德特人把抑郁症传给了我们?人类会被寄生物控制意识吗?有比埃博拉病毒还要厉害的病毒吗?传说中的“裂脑人”究竟有什么特殊能力?为什么南美小镇的913人选择集体自杀?一支苏联探险小队为何会在雪山一夜全员暴毙? 在作者有如纪录片导演般的引领下,读者可以如同身临其境一般,亲历各种事件的来龙去脉,并从中了解到其中的真相和内幕,以及相关的学科知识。更重要的是,洞悉这些埋藏于历史档案尘埃之下的往事后,我们除了惊叹和感慨,更可以领略科学无所不在的魅力,以及思考那个人类学的终极问题:人类为何会成为今日的我们?生活中来的智慧(大全集)