"'Take care of a small baby like this' says Jack, plenty scornful;'which the same ain't weighin' twenty pounds? Well, it'll be some funny if I can't.I could break even with him if he's four times as big.All I asks is for you-alls to stand by in crisises an' back the play; an', that settled, you can go make side bets we-alls comes out winners on the deal.'
'I ain't absolootly shore,' says Dave Tutt, 'bein' some shy of practice with infants myse'f, but jedgin' by his lookin' smooth an'
silky, I offers fifty dollars even he ain't weaned none yet.'
"'I won't bet none on his bein' weaned complete; says Jack, 'but I'll hang up fifty he drinks outen a bottle as easy as Old Monte!
"'I'll go you once,' says Tutt; 'it's fifty dollars even he grows contemptuous at a bottle, an' disdains it.'
"Which we-alls talks it over an' decides that Jack's to nurse said infant; after which a passel of us proceed's to make a procession for the tenderfoot's bed, which he shorely resigns without a struggle.We packs it back to Jack; an' Cherokee Hall an' Boggs then goes over to the corral an' lays for a goat to milk her.This yere goat is mighty reluctant, an' refuses to enter into the sperit of the thing; but they swings an' rastles with her, makes their p'int right along, an' after a frightful time comes back with'most a dipper-full.
"'That's all right,' says Jack, who's done camped in a room back of the Red Light, 'now hop out an' tell the barkeep to give you a pint bottle.We-alls has this yere game payin' div'dends in two minutes.'
"Jack gets his bottle an' fills her up with goat's milk; an' makes a stopper outen cotton cloth an' molasses for the infant to draw it through.Which it's about this time the infant puts up a yell, an'
refuses peace ag'in till Jack gives him his six-shooter to play with.
"'Which shows my confidence in him,' says Jack.'Thar's only a few folks left I'll pass my gun to.'
"Jack gets along with him first-rate, a-feedin' of him the goat's milk, which he goes for with avidity; tharby nettin' Jack that fifty from Dave Tutt.Boggs builds a fire so Jack keeps the milk warm.
Jack turns loose that earnest he don't even go for no grub; jest nacherally has 'em pack it to him.
"'We-alls'll have to stand night gyards on this yere foundlin' to-night, I reckons?" asks Boggs of Jack, when he's bringin' Jack things.
"'I s'pose most likely we'll have to make a play that a-way,' says Jack.
"'All right,' says Boggs, tappin' his shirt with his pistol-finger;'you-all knows me an' Cherokee.We're in on this yere any time you says.'
"So a band of us sorter camps along with Jack an' the infant ontil mebby it's second-drink time at night.The infant don't raise the war-yell once; jest takes it out in goat's milk; an' in laughin', an' playin' with Jack's gun.
"'Excuse me, gents,' finally says Jack, mighty dignified, 'but I've been figgerin' this thing, an' I allows it's time to bed this yere young-one down for the night.If you-alls will withdraw some, I'll see how near I comes to makin' runnin' of it.Stay within whoopin'
distance, though; so if he tries to stampede or takes to millin' Ican get he'p.'
"We-alls lines out an' leaves Jack an' the infant, an' turns in on faro an' poker an' sim'lar devices which is bein' waged in the Red Light.Mebby it's an hour when Jack comes in.