

Many a night when Billy's stayin' late, tryin' to win himse'f outen the hole, I beholds him playin' poker, or mebby it's farebank, with Willyum curled up on his lap an' shirt-front, snorin' away all sound an' genial, an' Billy makin' his raises an' callin' his draw to the dealer in whispers, for fear he wakes Willyum.

"But thar comes a time when the feud is over, an' 'Doby an' Billy turns in better friends than before.For a month mebby thar's a Mexican girl--which she's a cousin that a-way or some kin to 'Doby's wife--who's been stayin' at 'Doby's house, sorter backin' their play.

"It falls out frequent this Mexican girl, Marie, trails over to Billy's, roundin' up an' collectin' of Willyum to put another shirt onto him, or some sech benefit.Billy never acts like he's impressed by this yere girl, an', while he relinquishes Willyum every time, he growls an' puts it up he's malev'lent over it.

"But the seniorita is game, an' don't put no store by Billy's growls.She ropes up Willyum an' drags him away mighty decisive.

Willyum howls an' calls on Billy for aid, which most likely is pain to Billy's heart; but he don't get it none.The senorita harnesses Willyum into a clean shirt, an' then she throws Willyum loose on the range ag'in, an' he drifts back to Billy.

"It's the general view that Billy never once thinks of wedlock with the senorita if he's let alone.But one day Doc Peets waxes facetious.

"'In a month,' says Peets to Billy, while we-alls is renooin' our spcrits in the Red Light, 'this yere Marie'll quit comin' over for Willyum.'

"'Why?' says Billy, glarin' at Peets s'picious.

"'Cause,' replies Peets, all careless, ''cause you ups an' weds her by then.I sees it in your eye.Then, when she's thar for good, Ireckons she nacherally quits comin' over.'

"'Oh, I don't know,' says Texas Thompson, who's takin' in Doc Peets'

remark; ' I don't allow Billy's got the nerve to marry this yere Marie.Not but what she's as pretty as an antelope.But think of 'Doby.He jest never would quit chewin' Billy's mane if he goes pullin' off any nuptial ceremonies with his wife's relative that a-way.'

"Billy looks hard as granite at this.He ain't sayin' nothin', but he gets outside of another drink in a way which shows his mind's made up, an' then he goes p'intin' off towards his camp, same as a gent who entertains designs.

"'I offers three to one,' says Cherokee Hall, lookin' after Billy sorter thoughtful that a-way, 'that Billy weds this yere Mexican girl in a week; an' I'll go five hundred dollars even money he gets her before night.'

"'An' no takers,' says Doc Peets, 'for I about thinks you calls the turn.'

"An' that's what happens.In two hours after this impulsive Billy prances out of the Red Light on the heels of Texas Thompson's remarks about how hostile 'Doby would be if he ever gets Marie, he's done lured her before the padre over in Chihuahua, an' the padre marries 'em as quick as you could take a runnin'-iron an' burn a brand on a calf.

"'Which this is not all.Like they was out to add to the excitement a whole lot, I'm a Mohave if 'Doby an' his wife don't turn loose an'

have another infant that same day.

"'I never sees a gent get so excited over another gent's game as Billy does over 'Doby's number two.He sends his new wife up to 'Doby's on the run, while he takes Willyum an' comes pirootin' back to the Red Light to brace up.Billy's shore nervous an' needs it.

  • 胜鬘义记


  • 权谋


  • 施食通览


  • 先正读书诀


  • 最卓越的商界领袖


  • 他们看我不顺眼


  • 每天给心灵放个假:秋


  • 一号追杀令


  • 秀女要逃宫


  • 那些奋斗的岁月


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  • 红与黑


  • 华严经义海百门(并序)


  • 空明雪系列丛书助读


  • 重生家中宝

