

She put the letter into her pocket and offered her visitor a smile of welcome, exhibiting no trace of discomposure and half surprised at her coolness.

"They told me you were out here," said Lord Warburton; "and as there was no one in the drawing-room and it's really you that I wish to see, I came out with no more ado."Isabel had got up; she felt a wish, for the moment, that he should not sit down beside her."I was just going indoors.""Please don't do that; it's much jollier here; I've ridden over from Lockleigh; it's a lovely day." His smile was peculiarly friendly and pleasing, and his whole person seemed to emit that radiance of good-feeling and good fare which had formed the charm of the girl's first impression of him.It surrounded him like a zone of fine June weather.

"We'll walk about a little then," said Isabel, who could not divest herself of the sense of an intention on the part of her visitor and who wished both to elude the intention and to satisfy her curiosity about it.It had flashed upon her vision once before, and it had given her on that occasion, as we know, a certain alarm.This alarm was composed of several elements, not all of which were disagreeable; she had indeed spent some days in analyzing them and had succeeded in separating the pleasant part of the idea of Lord Warburton's "making up" to her from the painful.It may appear to some readers that the young lady was both precipitate and unduly fastidious; but the latter of these facts, if the charge be true, may serve to exonerate her from the discredit of the former.She was not eager to convince herself that a territorial magnate, as she had heard Lord Warburton called, was smitten with her charms; the fact of a declaration from such a source carrying with it really more questions than it would answer.She had received a strong impression of his being a "personage," and she had occupied herself in examining the image so conveyed.At the risk of adding to the evidence of her self-sufficiency it must be said that there had been moments when this possibility of admiration by a personage represented to her an aggression almost to the degree of an affront, quite to the degree of an inconvenience.She had never yet known a personage; there had been no personages, in this sense, in her life; there were probably none such at all in her native land.When she had thought of individual eminence she had thought of it on the basis of character and wit- of what one might like in a gentleman's mind and in his talk.

She herself was a character- she couldn't help being aware of that;and hitherto her visions of a completed consciousness had connected themselves largely with moral images- things as to which the question would be whether they pleased her sublime soul.Lord Warburton loomed up before her, largely and brightly, as a collection of attributes and powers which were not to be measured by this simple rule, but which demanded a different sort of appreciation-an appreciation that the girl, with her habit of judging quickly and freely, felt she lacked patience to bestow.He appeared to demand of her something that no one else, as it were, had presumed to do.What she felt was that a territorial, a political, a social magnate had conceived the design of drawing her into the system in which he rather invidiously lived and moved.A certain instinct, not imperious, but persuasive, told her to resist- murmured to her that virtually she had a system and an orbit of her own.It told her other things besides-things which both contradicted and confirmed each other; that a girl might do much worse than trust herself to such a man and that it would be very interesting to see something of his system from his own point of view; that on the other hand, however, there was evidently a great deal of it which she should regard only as a complication of every hour, and that even in the whole there was something stiff andstupid which would make it a burden.Furthermore there was a young man lately come from America who had no system at all, but who had a character of which it was useless for her to try to persuade herself that the impression on her mind had been light.The letter she carried in her pocket all sufficiently reminded her of the contrary.Smile not, however, I venture to repeat, at this simple young woman from Albany who debated whether she should accept an English peer before he had offered himself and who was disposed to believe that on the whole she could do better.She was a person of great good faith, and if there was a great deal of folly in her wisdom those who judge her severely may have the satisfaction of finding that, later, she became consistently wise only at the cost of an amount of folly which will constitute almost a direct appeal to charity.

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