

The sight of its strength was splendid to see.It lifted the horse clear into the air; and as the horse fell to its side on on the ground the picador landed on his feet and escaped, while the capadors lured the bull away.The horse was emptied of its essential organs.Yet did it rise to its feet screaming.It was the scream of the horse that did it, that made John Harned completely mad; for he, too, started to rise to his feet, Iheard him curse low and deep.He never took his eyes from the horse, which, screaming, strove to run, but fell down instead and rolled on its back so that all its four legs were kicking in the air.Then the bull charged it and gored it again and again until it was dead.

John Harned was now on his feet.His eyes were no longer cold like steel.They were blue flames.He looked at Maria Valenzuela, and she looked at him, and in his face was a great loathing.The moment of his madness was upon him.Everybody was looking, now that the horse was dead; and John Harned was a large man and easy to be seen.

"Sit down," said Luis Cervallos, "or you will make a fool of yourself."John Harned replied nothing.He struck out his fist.He smote Luis Cervallos in the face so that he fell like a dead man across the chairs and did not rise again.He saw nothing of what followed.But I saw much.Urcisino Castillo, leaning forward from the next box, with his cane struck John Harned full across the face.And John Harned smote him with his fist so that in falling he overthrew General Salazar.John Harned was now in what-you-call Berserker rage--no? The beast primitive in him was loose and roaring--the beast primitive of the holes and caves of the long ago.

"You came for a bull-fight," I heard him say, "And by God I'll show you a man-fight!"It was a fight.The soldiers guarding the Presidente's box leaped across, but from one of them he took a rifle and beat them on their heads with it.From the other box Colonel Jacinto Fierro was shooting at him with a revolver.The first shot killed a soldier.This I know for a fact.I saw it.But the second shot struck John Harned in the side.Whereupon he swore, and with a lunge drove the bayonet of his rifle into Colonel Jacinto Fierro's body.It was horrible to behold.The Americans and the English are a brutal race.They sneer at our bull-fighting, yet do they delight in the shedding of blood.

More men were killed that day because of John Harned than were ever killed in all the history of the bull-ring of Quito, yes, and of Guayaquil and all Ecuador.

It was the scream of the horse that did it, yet why did not John Harned go mad when the bull was killed? A beast is a beast, be it bull or horse.John Harned was mad.There is no other explanation.He was blood-mad, a beast himself.I leave it to your judgment.Which is worse--the goring of the horse by the bull, or the goring of Colonel Jacinto Fierro by the bayonet in the hands of John Harned! And John Harned gored others with that bayonet.He was full of devils.He fought with many bullets in him, and he was hard to kill.And Maria Valenzuela was a brave woman.Unlike the other women, she did not cry out nor faint.She sat still in her box, gazing out across the bull-ring.Her face was white and she fanned herself, but she never looked around.

From all sides came the soldiers and officers and the common people bravely to subdue the mad Gringo.It is true--the cry went up from the crowd to kill all the Gringos.It is an old cry in Latin-American countries, what of the dislike for the Gringos and their uncouth ways.It is true, the cry went up.

But the brave Ecuadorianos killed only John Harned, and first he killed seven of them.Besides, there were many hurt.I have seen many bull-fights, but never have I seen anything so abominable as the scene in the boxes when the fight was over.

It was like a field of battle.The dead lay around everywhere, while the wounded sobbed and groaned and some of them died.One man, whom John Harned had thrust through the belly with the bayonet, clutched at himself with both his hands and screamed.

I tell you for a fact it was more terrible than the screaming of a thousand horses.

No, Maria Valenzuela did not marry Luis Cervallos.I am sorry for that.He was my friend, and much of my money was invested in his ventures.It was five weeks before the surgeons took the bandages from his face.And there is a scar there to this day, on the cheek, under the eye.Yet John Harned struck him but once and struck him only with his naked fist.Maria Valenzuela is in Austria now.It is said she is to marry an Arch-Duke or some high nobleman.I do not know.I think she liked John Harned before he followed her to Quito to see the bull-fight.

But why the horse? That is what I desire to know.Why should he watch the bull and say that it did not count, and then go immediately and most horribly mad because a horse screamed ?

There is no understanding the Gringos.They are barbarians.

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