

I informed the buyers, during the few minutes' interim, that if they wished to look the cattle over again, the herd would cross the river below old Fort Dodge about noon the next day.They thanked me for the information, saying it was quite possible that they might drive down, and discussing the matter we all passed into the street.With the understanding that the prospect of making a deal was not hopeless, Siringo excused himself, and we strolled away together.No sooner was the coast clear than Iinformed the detective of the arrival of my brother, putting him in possession of every fact regarding Archie Tolleston.He readily agreed with me that the recent break between the latter and his former employer was a dangerous factor, and even went so far as to say that Tolleston's posing as a trail-cutter at Doan's Crossing was more than likely a ruse.I was giving the detective a detailed description of Archie, when he stopped me and asked what his special weaknesses were, if he had any."Whiskey and women," I replied."That's good," said he, "and I want you to send me in one of your best men in the morning--I mean one who will drink and carouse.He can watch the trains, and if this fellow shows up, we'll keep him soaked and let him enjoy himself.

Send me one that's good for a ten days' protracted drunk.You think the other herds will he here within a few days? That's all I want to know."I reached camp a little before dark, and learned that Bob's herd had dropped in just below us on the Mulberry.He expected to lie over a few days in passing Dodge, and I lost no time in preparing to visit his camp.While riding out that evening, I had made up my mind to send in Dorg Seay, as he was a heady fellow, and in drinking had an oak-tan stomach.Taking him with me, I rode down the Mulberry and reached the lower camp just as my brother and his outfit were returning from bedding-down the cattle.Bob readily agreed that the detective's plans were perfectly feasible, and offered to play a close second to Seay if it was necessary.And if his own brother does say so, Bob Quirk never met the man who could drink him under the table.

My herd started early for the Saw Log, and the wagon for town.

Bob had agreed to go into Dodge in the morning, so Dorg stayed with our outfit and was to go in with me after crossing the river.We threaded our way through the other herds, and shortly before noon made an easy ford about a mile below old Fort Dodge.

As we came down to the river, a carriage was seen on the farther bank, and I dropped from the point back to the drag end.Sure enough, as we trailed out, the fiscal agent and the buyers were awaiting me."Well, Mac, I sold your herd last night after you left," said Siringo, dejectedly."It was a kind of compromise trade; they raised the cash payment to thirty thousand dollars, and I split the difference in price.The herd goes at $29 a head all round.So from now on, Mac, you're subject to these gentlemen's orders."Mr.Field, the elder of the two buyers, suggested that if a convenient camp could be found, we should lie over a few days, when final instructions would be given me.He made a memorandum of the number of head that I claimed in our road brand, and asked me if we could hold up the herd for a closer inspection.The lead cattle were then nearly a mile away, and galloping off to overtake the point, I left the party watching the saddle horses, which were then fording in our rear.But no sooner had I reached the lead and held up the herd, than I noticed Siringo on the wrangler's horse, coming up on the opposite side of the column of cattle from the vehicle.Supposing he had something of a private nature to communicate, I leisurely rode down the line and met him.

"Did you send that man in this morning?" he sternly demanded.Iexplained that my brother had done, properly coached, and that Seay would go in with me in the course of an hour.

"Give him any money you have and send him at once," commanded the detective."Tolleston was due on the ten o'clock train, but it was an hour late.Those buyers wanted me to wait for it, so he could come along, but I urged the importance of catching you at the ford.Now, send your man Seay at once, get Tolleston beastly drunk, and quarter him in some crib until night."Unobserved by the buyers, I signaled Seay, and gave him the particulars and what money I had.He rode back through the saddle stock, recrossed the river, and after rounding the bend, galloped away.Siringo continued: "You see, after we traded, they inquired if you were a safe man, saying if you didn't know the Yellowstone country, they had a man in sight who did.That was last night, and it seems that this morning they got a letter from Tolleston, saying he would be there on the next train.They're either struck on him, or else he's in their employ.Mark my words."When we had showed the herd to the satisfaction of the purchasers, they expressed themselves as anxious to return to town; but the fiscal agent of the Marshall estate wished to look over the saddle horses first.Since they were unsold, and amounted to quite an item, he begged for just a few minutes' time to look them over carefully.Who could refuse such a reasonable request? The herd had started on for the Saw Log, while the remuda had wandered down the river about half a mile, and it took us nearly an hour to give them a thorough inspection.Once by ourselves, the detective said, with a chuckle: "All I was playing for was to get as large a cash payment as possible.Those mixed brands were my excuse for the money; the Marshall estate might wait for theirs, but the small ranchmen would insist on an immediate settlement the moment the cattle were reported sold.If it wasn't for this fellow Tolleston, I'd sell the other two Buford herds the day they arrive, and then we could give The Western Supply Company the laugh.And say, when they drew me a draft for thirty thousand dollars on a Washington City bank, Inever let the ink dry on it until I took it around to Wright, Beverly & Co., and had them wire its acceptance.We'll give Seay plenty of time, and I think there'll be an answer on the check when we get back to town."

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