

We're nigh onto $300 behind-hand this minute.Besides your house-rent, you get $800 free an' clear--that is $15.38every week, an' only you an' your wife to keep out of it.

Why, when I was your age, young man, and after that too, I was glad to get $4 a week.""I don't think my salary is under discussion, Mr.Pierce--""BROTHER Pierce!" suggested Winch, in a half-shuckling undertone.

"Brother Pierce, then!" echoed Theron, impatiently.

"The Quarterly Conference and the Estimating Committee deal with that.The trustees have no more to do with it than the man in the moon.""Come, come, Brother Ware," put in Erastus Winch, "we mustn't have no hard feelin's.Brotherly love is what we're all lookin' after.Brother Pierce's meanin'

wasn't agin your drawin' your full salary, every cent of it, only--only there are certain little things connected with the parsonage here that we feel you ought to bear.

F'r instance, there's the new sidewalk we had to lay in front of the house here only a month ago.Of course, if the treasury was flush we wouldn't say a word about it.

An' then there's the gas bill here.Seein' as you get your rent for nothin', it don't seem much to ask that you should see to lightin' the place yourself.""No, I don't think that either is a proper charge upon me,"interposed Theron."I decline to pay them.""We can have the gas shut off," remarked Brother Pierce, coldly.

"As soon as you like," responded the minister, sitting erect and tapping the carpet nervously with his foot.Only you must understand that I will take the whole matter to the Quarterly Conference in July.I already see a good many other interesting questions about the financial management of this church which might be appropriately discussed there.""Oh, come, Brother Ware!" broke in Trustee Winch, with a somewhat agitated assumption of good-feeling."Surely these are matters we ought to settle amongst ourselves.

We never yet asked outsiders to meddle with our business here.

It's our motto, Brother Ware.I say, if you've got a motto, stand by it.""Well, my motto," said Theron, "is to be behaved decently to by those with whom I have to deal; and I also propose to stand by it."Brother Pierce rose gingerly to his feet, with the hesitation of an old man not sure about his knees.

When he had straightened himself, he put on his hat, and eyed the minister sternly from beneath its brim.

"The Lord gives us crosses grievous to our natur',"he said, "an' we're told to bear 'em cheerfully as long as they're on our backs; but there ain't nothin' said agin our unloadin' 'em in the ditch the minute we git the chance.

I guess you won't last here more 'n a twelvemonth."He pulled his soft and discolored old hat down over his brows with a significantly hostile nod, and, turning, stumped toward the hall-door without offering to shake hands.

The other trustees had risen likewise, in tacit recognition that the meeting was over.Winch clasped the minister's hand in his own broad, hard palm, and squeezed it in an exuberant grip."Don't mind his little ways, Brother Ware,"he urged in a loud, unctuous whisper, with a grinning backward nod: "he's a trifle skittish sometimes when you don't give him free rein; but he's all wool an' a yard wide when it comes to right-down hard-pan religion.

My love to Sister Ware;" and he followed the senior trustee into the hall.

Mr.Gorringe had been tying up his books and papers.

He came now with the bulky parcel under his arm, and his hat and stick in the other hand.He could give little but his thumb to Theron to shake.His face wore a grave expression, and not a line relaxed as, catching the minister's look, he slowly covered his left eye in a deliberate wink.

"Well?--and how did it go off?" asked Alice, from where she knelt by the oven door, a few minutes later.

For answer, Theron threw himself wearily into the big old farm rocking-chair on the other side of the stove, and shook his head with a lengthened sigh.

"If it wasn't for that man Gorringe of yours,"he said dejectedly, "I think I should feel like going off--and learning a trade."

Chapter IV

On the following Sunday, young Mrs.Ware sat alone in the preacher's pew through the morning service, and everybody noted that the roses had been taken from her bonnet.

In the evening she was absent, and after the doxology and benediction several people, under the pretence of solicitude for her health, tried to pump her husband as to the reason.He answered their inquiries civilly enough, but with brevity: she had stayed at home because she did not feel like coming out--this and nothing more.

The congregation dispersed under a gossip-laden cloud of consciousness that there must be something queer about Sister Ware.There was a tolerably general agreement, however, that the two sermons of the day had been excellent.Not even Loren Pierce's railing commentary on the pastor's introduction of an outlandish word like "epitome"--clearly forbidden by the Discipline's injunction to plain language understood of the people--availed to sap the satisfaction of the majority.

Theron himself comprehended that he had pleased the bulk of his auditors; the knowledge left him curiously hot and cold.On the one hand, there was joy in the apparent prospect that the congregation would back him up in a stand against the trustees, if worst came to worst.

But, on the other hand, the bonnet episode entered his soul.

It had been a source of bitter humiliation to him to see his wife sitting there beneath the pulpit, shorn by despotic order of the adornments natural to her pretty head.

But he had even greater pain in contemplating the effect it had produced on Alice herself.She had said not a word on the subject, but her every glance and gesture seemed to him eloquent of deep feeling about it.

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