

I can tell you the Committee felt pretty proud that first day.There was Henry Mullins looking a little bit flushed and excited, with his white waistcoat and an American Beauty rose, and with ink marks all over him from the cheque signing; and he kept telling them that he'd known all along that all that was needed was to get the thing started and telling again about what he'd seen at the University Campaign and about the professors crying, and wondering if the high school teachers would come down for the last day of the meetings.

Looking back on the Mariposa Whirlwind, I can never feel that it was a failure.After all, there is a sympathy and a brotherhood in these things when men work shoulder to shoulder.If you had seen the canvassers of the Committee going round the town that evening shoulder to shoulder from the Mariposa House to the Continental and up to Mullins's rooms and over to Duffs, shoulder to shoulder, you'd have understood it.

I don't say that every lunch was quite such a success as the first.

It's not always easy to get out of the store if you're a busy man, and a good many of the Whirlwind Committee found that they had just time to hurry down and snatch their lunch and get back again.Still, they came, and snatched it.As long as the lunches lasted, they came.

Even if they had simply to rush it and grab something to eat and drink without time to talk to anybody, they came.

No, no, it was not lack of enthusiasm that killed the Whirlwind Campaign in Mariposa.It must have been something else.I don't just know what it was but I think it had something to do with the financial, the book-keeping side of the thing.

It may have been, too, that the organization was not quite correctly planned.You see, if practically everybody is on the committees, it is awfully hard to try to find men to canvass, and it is not allowable for the captains and the committee men to canvass one another, because their gifts are spontaneous.So the only thing that the different groups could do was to wait round in some likely place--say the bar parlour of Smith's Hotel--in the hope that somebody might come in who could be canvassed.

You might ask why they didn't canvass Mr.Smith himself, but of course they had done that at the very start, as I should have said.

Mr.Smith had given them two hundred dollars in cash conditional on the lunches being held in the caff of his hotel; and it's awfully hard to get a proper lunch I mean the kind to which a Bishop can express regret at not being there--under a dollar twenty-five.So Mr.Smith got back his own money, and the crowd began eating into the benefactions, and it got more and more complicated whether to hold another lunch in the hope of breaking even, or to stop the campaign.

It was disappointing, yes.In spite of all the success and the sympathy, it was disappointing.I don't say it didn't do good.No doubt a lot of the men got to know one another better than ever they had before.I have myself heard Judge Pepperleigh say that after the campaign he knew all of Pete Glover that he wanted to.There was a lot of that kind of complete satiety.The real trouble about the Whirlwind Campaign was that they never clearly understood which of them were the whirlwind and who were to be the campaign.

Some of them, I believe, took it pretty much to heart.I know that Henry Mullins did.You could see it.The first day he came down to the lunch, all dressed up with the American Beauty and the white waistcoat.The second day he only wore a pink carnation and a grey waistcoat.The third day he had on a dead daffodil and a cardigan undervest, and on the last day, when the high school teachers should have been there, he only wore his office suit and he hadn't even shaved.He looked beaten.

It was that night that he went up to the rectory to tell the news to Dean Drone.It had been arranged, you know, that the rector should not attend the lunches, so as to let the whole thing come as a surprise; so that all he knew about it was just scraps of information about the crowds at the lunch and how they cheered and all that.

Once, I believe, he caught sight of the Newspacket with a two-inch headline: A QUARTER OF A MILLION, but he wouldn't let himself read further because it would have spoilt the surprise.

I saw Mullins, as I say, go up the street on his way to Dean Drone's.

It was middle April and there was ragged snow on the streets, and the nights were dark still, and cold.I saw Mullins grit his teeth as he walked, and I know that he held in his coat pocket his own cheque for the hundred, with the condition taken off it, and he said that there were so many skunks in Mariposa that a man might as well be in the Head Office in the city.

The Dean came out to the little gate in the dark,--you could see the lamplight behind him from the open door of the rectory,--and he shook hands with Mullins and they went in together.

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