

Without any other cause than the weakness of nerves to which I had been subject ever since my father's death, I burst into tears.The same thing happened to me sometimes when I was shut up in my room alone, with the door bolted, suffering from a dread which I could not conquer, like that of a coming danger.I would forecast the worst accidents that could happen; for example, that my mother would be murdered, like my father, and then myself, and I peered under all the articles of furniture in the room.It had occurred to me, when out walking with a servant, to imagine that the harmless man might be an accomplice of the mysterious criminal, and have it in charge to take me to him, or at all events to have it in charge to take place.My too highly-wrought imagination overmastered me.I fancied myself, however, escaping from the deadly device, and in order to hide myself more effectually, making for Compiegne.Should I have enough money? Then I reflected that it might be possible to sell my watch to an old watchmaker whom Iused to see, when on my way to the Lycee, at work behind the window of his little shop, with a glass fixed in his right eye.That was a sad faculty of foresight which poisoned so many of the harmless hours of my childhood! It was the same faculty that now made me break out into choking sobs when my aunt asked me what I had in my mind against M.Termonde.I related the worst of my grievances to her then, leaning my head on her shoulder, and in this one all the others were summed up.It dated from two months before.I had come back from school in a merry mood, contrary to my habit.My teacher had dismissed me with praise of my compositions and congratulations on my prizes.What good news this was to take home and how tenderly my mother would kiss me when she heard it! I put away my books, washed my hands carefully, and flew to the salon where my mother was.I entered the room without knocking at the door, and in such haste that as I sprang towards her to throw myself into her arms, she gave a little cry.She was standing beside the mantlepiece, her face was very pale, and near her stood M.Termonde.He seized me by the arm and held me back from her.

"Oh, how you frightened me!" said my mother.

"Is that the way to come into a salon?" said M.Termonde.

His voice had turned rough like his gesture.He had grasped my arm so tightly that where his fingers had fastened on it I found black marks that night when I undressed myself.But it was neither his insolent words nor the pain of his grasp which made me stand there stupidly, with a swelling heart.No, it was hearing my mother say to him:

"Don't scold Andre too much; he is so young.He will improve."Then she drew me towards her, and rolled my curls round her fingers; but in her words, in their tone, in her glance, in her faint smile, I detected a singular timidity, almost a supplication, directed to the man before her, who frowned as he pulled his moustache with his restless fingers, as if in impatience of my presence.By what right did he, stranger, speak in the tone of a master in our house? Why had he laid his hand on me ever so lightly? Yes, by what right? Was I his son or his ward? Why did not my mother defend me against him? Even if I were in fault it was towards her only.A fit of rage seized upon me; I burned with longing to spring upon M.Termonde like a beast, to tear his face and bite him.I darted a look of fury at him and at my mother, and left the room without speaking.I was of a sullen temper, and Ithink this defect was due to my excessive and almost morbid sensitiveness.All my feelings were exaggerated, so that the least thing angered me, and it was misery to me to recover myself.Even my father had found it very difficult to get the better of those fits of wounded feeling, during which I strove against my own relentings with a cold and concentrated anger which both relieved and tortured me.I was well aware of this moral infirmity, and as I was not a bad child in reality, I was ashamed of it.Therefore, my humiliation was complete when, as I went out of the room, M.

Termonde said:

  • 商山夜闻泉


  • 执节


  • 双灯记


  • 赠桐乡丞


  • 伏魔经坛谢恩醮仪


  • 神秘的世界(探索宇宙奥秘系列丛书)


  • 似乎在哪见过你


  • 证据游戏


  • 龙尊剑帝


  • 女配修仙:小师妹的逆袭


  • 燃情岁月里的青春密码:当代青少年情感与情绪读本


  • 霹雳天下之异世侠踪


  • 做最棒的店长


  • 囚宠逃妃:殿下别撩火


  • 穿到女尊有人追怎么办

