

The Fifth of September.

The extension provided for by the agent of Thomson & French, at the moment when Morrel expected it least, was to the poor shipowner so decided a stroke of good fortune that he almost dared to believe that fate was at length grown weary of wasting her spite upon him.The same day he told his wife, Emmanuel, and his daughter all that had occurred; and a ray of hope, if not of tranquillity, returned to the family.

Unfortunately, however, Morrel had not only engagements with the house of Thomson & French, who had shown themselves so considerate towards him; and, as he had said, in business he had correspondents, and not friends.When he thought the matter over, he could by no means account for this generous conduct on the part of Thomson & French towards him; and could only attribute it to some such selfish argument as this: -- "We had better help a man who owes us nearly 300,000 francs, and have those 300,000 francs at the end of three months than hasten his ruin, and get only six or eight per cent of our money back again." Unfortunately, whether through envy or stupidity, all Morrel's correspondents did not take this view; and some even came to a contrary decision.The bills signed by Morrel were presented at his office with scrupulous exactitude, and, thanks to the delay granted by the Englishman, were paid by Cocles with equal punctuality.Cocles thus remained in his accustomed tranquillity.It was Morrel alone who remembered with alarm, that if he had to repay on the 15th the 50,000 francs of M.

de Boville, and on the 30th the 32,500 francs of bills, for which, as well as the debt due to the inspector of prisons, he had time granted, he must be a ruined man.

The opinion of all the commercial men was that, under the reverses which had successively weighed down Morrel, it was impossible for him to remain solvent.Great, therefore, was the astonishment when at the end of the month, he cancelled all his obligations with his usual punctuality.Still confidence was not restored to all minds, and the general opinion was that the complete ruin of the unfortunate shipowner had been postponed only until the end of the month.The month passed, and Morrel made extraordinary efforts to get in all his resources.Formerly his paper, at any date, was taken with confidence, and was even in request.Morrel now tried to negotiate bills at ninety days only, and none of the banks would give him credit.

Fortunately, Morrel had some funds coming in on which he could rely; and, as they reached him, he found himself in a condition to meet his engagements when the end of July came.

The agent of Thomson & French had not been again seen at Marseilles; the day after, or two days after his visit to Morrel, he had disappeared; and as in that city he had had no intercourse but with the mayor, the inspector of prisons, and M.Morrel, his departure left no trace except in the memories of these three persons.As to the sailors of the Pharaon, they must have found snug berths elsewhere, for they also had disappeared.

Captain Gaumard, recovered from his illness, had returned from Palma.He delayed presenting himself at Morrel's, but the owner, hearing of his arrival, went to see him.The worthy shipowner knew, from Penelon's recital, of the captain's brave conduct during the storm, and tried to console him.He brought him also the amount of his wages, which Captain Gaumard had not dared to apply for.As he descended the staircase, Morrel met Penelon, who was going up.Penelon had, it would seem, made good use of his money, for he was newly clad.When he saw his employer, the worthy tar seemed much embarrassed, drew on one side into the corner of the landing-place, passed his quid from one cheek to the other, stared stupidly with his great eyes, and only acknowledged the squeeze of the hand which Morrel as usual gave him by a slight pressure in return.Morrel attributed Penelon's embarrassment to the elegance of his attire; it was evident the good fellow had not gone to such an expense on his own account; he was, no doubt, engaged on board some other vessel, and thus his bashfulness arose from the fact of his not having, if we may so express ourselves, worn mourning for the Pharaon longer.Perhaps he had come to tell Captain Gaumard of his good luck, and to offer him employment from his new master."Worthy fellows!" said Morrel, as he went away, "may your new master love you as Iloved you, and be more fortunate than I have been!"August rolled by in unceasing efforts on the part of Morrel to renew his credit or revive the old.On the 20th of August it was known at Marseilles that he had left town in the mailcoach, and then it was said that the bills would go to protest at the end of the month, and that Morrel had gone away and left his chief clerk Emmanuel, and his cashier Cocles, to meet the creditors.But, contrary to all expectation, when the 31st of August came, the house opened as usual, and Cocles appeared behind the grating of the counter, examined all bills presented with the usual scrutiny, and, from first to last, paid all with the usual precision.There came in, moreover, two drafts which M.

Morrel had fully anticipated, and which Cocles paid as punctually as the bills which the shipowner had accepted.

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