

"Precisely.Had stolen away this child, in order that your name might become extinct.""That is reasonable, since he is an only son.""Well, now that all is arranged, do not let these newly awakened remembrances be forgotten.You have, doubtless, already guessed that I was preparing a surprise for you?""An agreeable one?" asked the Italian.

"Ah, I see the eye of a father is no more to be deceived than his heart.""Hum!" said the major.

"Some one has told you the secret; or, perhaps, you guessed that he was here.""That who was here?"

"Your child -- your son -- your Andrea!"

"I did guess it," replied the major with the greatest possible coolness."Then he is here?""He is," said Monte Cristo; "when the valet de chambre came in just now, he told me of his arrival.""Ah, very well, very well," said the major, clutching the buttons of his coat at each exclamation.

"My dear sir," said Monte Cristo, "I understand your emotion; you must have time to recover yourself.I will, in the meantime, go and prepare the young man for this much-desired interview, for I presume that he is not less impatient for it than yourself.""I should quite imagine that to be the case," said Cavalcanti.

"Well, in a quarter of an hour he shall be with you.""You will bring him, then? You carry your goodness so far as even to present him to me yourself?""No; I do not wish to come between a father and son.Your interview will be private.But do not be uneasy; even if the powerful voice of nature should be silent, you cannot well mistake him; he will enter by this door.He is a fine young man, of fair complexion -- a little too fair, perhaps --pleasing in manners; but you will see and judge for yourself.""By the way," said the major, "you know I have only the 2,000 francs which the Abbe Busoni sent me; this sum I have expended upon travelling expenses, and" --"And you want money; that is a matter of course, my dear M.

Cavalcanti.Well, here are 8,000 francs on account."The major's eyes sparkled brilliantly.

"It is 40,000 francs which I now owe you," said Monte Cristo.

"Does your excellency wish for a receipt?" said the major, at the same time slipping the money into the inner pocket of his coat.

"For what?" said the count.

"I thought you might want it to show the Abbe Busoni.""Well, when you receive the remaining 40,000, you shall give me a receipt in full.Between honest men such excessive precaution is, I think, quite unnecessary.""Yes, so it is, between perfectly upright people.""One word more," said Monte Cristo.

"Say on."

"You will permit me to make one remark?"

"Certainly; pray do so."

"Then I should advise you to leave off wearing that style of dress.""Indeed," said the major, regarding himself with an air of complete satisfaction.

"Yes.It may be worn at Via Reggio; but that costume, however elegant in itself, has long been out of fashion in Paris.""That's unfortunate."

"Oh, if you really are attached to your old mode of dress;you can easily resume it when you leave Paris.""But what shall I wear?"

"What you find in your trunks."

"In my trunks? I have but one portmanteau.""I dare say you have nothing else with you.What is the use of boring one's self with so many things? Besides an old soldier always likes to march with as little baggage as possible.""That is just the case -- precisely so."

"But you are a man of foresight and prudence, therefore you sent your luggage on before you.It has arrived at the Hotel des Princes, Rue de Richelieu.It is there you are to take up your quarters.""Then, in these trunks" --

"I presume you have given orders to your valet de chambre to put in all you are likely to need, -- your plain clothes and your uniform.On grand occasions you must wear your uniform;that will look very well.Do not forget your crosses.They still laugh at them in France, and yet always wear them, for all that.""Very well, very well," said the major, who was in ecstasy at the attention paid him by the count.

"Now," said Monte Cristo, "that you have fortified yourself against all painful excitement, prepare yourself, my dear M.

Cavalcanti, to meet your lost Andrea." Saying which Monte Cristo bowed, and disappeared behind the tapestry, leaving the major fascinated beyond expression with the delightful reception which he had received at the hands of the count.

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