

The major passed his hand across his brow."Ah, per Bacco, indispensable, were they?""Certainly they were; supposing there were to be doubts raised as to the validity of your marriage or the legitimacy of your child?""True," said the major, "there might be doubts raised.""In that case your son would be very unpleasantly situated.""It would be fatal to his interests."

"It might cause him to fail in some desirable matrimonial alliance.""O peccato!"

"You must know that in France they are very particular on these points; it is not sufficient, as in Italy, to go to the priest and say, `We love each other, and want you to marry us.' Marriage is a civil affair in France, and in order to marry in an orthodox manner you must have papers which undeniably establish your identity.""That is the misfortune! You see I have not these necessary papers.""Fortunately, I have them, though," said Monte Cristo.



"You have them?"

"I have them."

"Ah, indeed?" said the major, who, seeing the object of his journey frustrated by the absence of the papers, feared also that his forgetfulness might give rise to some difficulty concerning the 48,000 francs -- "ah, indeed, that is a fortunate circumstance; yes, that really is lucky, for it never occurred to me to bring them.""I do not at all wonder at it -- one cannot think of everything; but, happily, the Abbe Busoni thought for you.""He is an excellent person."

"He is extremely prudent and thoughtful"

"He is an admirable man," said the major; "and he sent them to you?""Here they are."

The major clasped his hands in token of admiration."You married Oliva Corsinari in the church of San Paolo del Monte-Cattini; here is the priest's certificate.""Yes indeed, there it is truly," said the Italian, looking on with astonishment.

"And here is Andrea Cavalcanti's baptismal register, given by the curate of Saravezza.""All quite correct."

"Take these documents, then; they do not concern me.You will give them to your son, who will, of course, take great care of them.""I should think so, indeed! If he were to lose them" --"Well, and if he were to lose them?" said Monte Cristo.

"In that case," replied the major, "it would be necessary to write to the curate for duplicates, and it would be some time before they could be obtained.""It would be a difficult matter to arrange," said Monte Cristo.

"Almost an impossibility," replied the major.

"I am very glad to see that you understand the value of these papers.""I regard them as invaluable."

"Now," said Monte Cristo "as to the mother of the young man"--

"As to the mother of the young man" -- repeated the Italian, with anxiety.

"As regards the Marchesa Corsinari" --

"Really," said the major, "difficulties seem to thicken upon us; will she be wanted in any way?""No, sir," replied Monte Cristo; "besides, has she not" --"Yes, sir," said the major, "she has" --

"Paid the last debt of nature?"

"Alas, yes," returned the Italian.

"I knew that," said Monte Cristo; "she has been dead these ten years.""And I am still mourning her loss," exclaimed the major, drawing from his pocket a checked handkerchief, and alternately wiping first the left and then the right eye.

"What would you have?" said Monte Cristo; "we are all mortal.Now, you understand, my dear Monsieur Cavalcanti, that it is useless for you to tell people in France that you have been separated from your son for fifteen years.Stories of gypsies, who steal children, are not at all in vogue in this part of the world, and would not be believed.You sent him for his education to a college in one of the provinces, and now you wish him to complete his education in the Parisian world.That is the reason which has induced you to leave Via Reggio, where you have lived since the death of your wife.That will be sufficient.""You think so?"


"Very well, then."

"If they should hear of the separation" --"Ah, yes; what could I say?"

"That an unfaithful tutor, bought over by the enemies of your family" --"By the Corsinari?"

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