

"What is it you want, dear grandpapa?" said Valentine, and she endeavored to recall to mind all the things which he would be likely to need; and as the ideas presented themselves to her mind, she repeated them aloud, then, --finding that all her efforts elicited nothing but a constant "No," -- she said, "Come, since this plan does not answer, Iwill have recourse to another." She then recited all the letters of the alphabet from A down to N.When she arrived at that letter the paralytic made her understand that she had spoken the initial letter of the thing he wanted."Ah,"said Valentine, "the thing you desire begins with the letter N; it is with N that we have to do, then.Well, let me see, what can you want that begins with N? Na -- Ne -- Ni -- No"--

"Yes, yes, yes," said the old man's eye.

"Ah, it is No, then?"

"Yes." Valentine fetched a dictionary, which she placed on a desk before Noirtier; she opened it, and, seeing that the odd man's eye was thoroughly fixed on its pages, she ran her finger quickly up and down the columns.During the six years which had passed since Noirtier first fell into this sad state, Valentine's powers of invention had been too often put to the test not to render her expert in devising expedients for gaining a knowledge of his wishes, and the constant practice had so perfected her in the art that she guessed the old man's meaning as quickly as if he himself had been able to seek for what he wanted.At the word "Notary," Noirtier made a sign to her to stop."Notary,"said she, "do you want a notary, dear grandpapa?" The old man again signified that it was a notary he desired.

"You would wish a notary to be sent for then?" said Valentine.


"Shall my father be informed of your wish?""Yes."

"Do you wish the notary to be sent for immediately?""Yes."

"Then they shall go for him directly, dear grandpapa.Is that all you want?""Yes." Valentine rang the bell, and ordered the servant to tell Monsieur or Madame de Villefort that they were requested to come to M.Noirtier's room."Are you satisfied now?" inquired Valentine.


"I am sure you are; it is not very difficult to discover that," -- and the young girl smiled on her grandfather, as if he had been a child.M.de Villefort entered, followed by Barrois."What do you want me for, sir?" demanded he of the paralytic.

"Sir," said Valentine, "my grandfather wishes for a notary."At this strange and unexpected demand M.de Villefort and his father exchanged looks."Yes," motioned the latter, with a firmness which seemed to declare that with the help of Valentine and his old servant, who both knew what his wishes were, he was quite prepared to maintain the contest."Do you wish for a notary?" asked Villefort.


"What to do?"

Noirtier made no answer."What do you want with a notary?"again repeated Villefort.The invalid's eye remained fixed, by which expression he intended to intimate that his resolution was unalterable."Is it to do us some ill turn?

Do you think it is worth while?" said Villefort.

"Still," said Barrois, with the freedom and fidelity of an old servant, "if M.Noirtier asks for a notary, I suppose he really wishes for a notary; therefore I shall go at once and fetch one." Barrois acknowledged no master but Noirtier, and never allowed his desires in any way to be contradicted.

"Yes, I do want a notary," motioned the old man, shutting his eyes with a look of defiance, which seemed to say, "and I should like to see the person who dares to refuse my request.""You shall have a notary, as you absolutely wish for one, sir," said Villefort; "but I shall explain to him your state of health, and make excuses for you, for the scene cannot fail of being a most ridiculous one.""Never mind that," said Barrois; "I shall go and fetch a notary, nevertheless," -- and the old servant departed triumphantly on his mission.

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