

"My adored Valentine, words cannot express one half of my satisfaction." Valentine had approached, or rather, had placed her lips so near the fence, that they nearly touched those of Morrel, which were pressed against the other side of the cold and inexorable barrier."Adieu, then, till we meet again," said Valentine, tearing herself away."I shall hear from you?""Yes."

"Thanks, thanks, dear love, adieu!" The sound of a kiss was heard, and Valentine fled through the avenue.Morrel listened to catch the last sound of her dress brushing the branches, and of her footstep on the gravel, then raised his eyes with an ineffable smile of thankfulness to heaven for being permitted to be thus loved, and then also disappeared.

The young man returned home and waited all the evening and all the next day without getting any message.It was only on the following day, at about ten o'clock in the morning, as he was starting to call on M.Deschamps, the notary, that he received from the postman a small billet, which he knew to be from Valentine, although he had not before seen her writing.It was to this effect: --Tears, entreaties, prayers, have availed me nothing.

Yesterday, for two hours, I was at the church of Saint-Phillippe du Roule, and for two hours I prayed most fervently.Heaven is as inflexible as man, and the signature of the contract is fixed for this evening at nine o'clock.Ihave but one promise and but one heart to give; that promise is pledged to you, that heart is also yours.This evening, then, at a quarter to nine at the gate.

Your betrothed,Valentine de Villefort.

P.S.-- My poor grandmother gets worse and worse; yesterday her fever amounted to delirium; to-day her delirium is almost madness.You will be very kind to me, will you not, Morrel, to make me forget my sorrow in leaving her thus? Ithink it is kept a secret from grandpapa Noirtier, that the contract is to be signed this evening.

Morrel went also to the notary, who confirmed the news that the contract was to be signed that evening.Then he went to call on Monte Cristo and heard still more.Franz had been to announce the ceremony, and Madame de Villefort had also written to beg the count to excuse her not inviting him; the death of M.de Saint-Meran and the dangerous illness of his widow would cast a gloom over the meeting which she would regret should be shared by the count whom she wished every happiness.The day before Franz had been presented to Madame de Saint-Meran, who had left her bed to receive him, but had been obliged to return to it immediately after.It is easy to suppose that Morrel's agitation would not escape the count's penetrating eye.Monte Cristo was more affectionate than ever, -- indeed, his manner was so kind that several times Morrel was on the point of telling him all.But he recalled the promise he had made to Valentine, and kept his secret.

The young man read Valentine's letter twenty times in the course of the day.It was her first, and on what an occasion! Each time he read it he renewed his vow to make her happy.How great is the power of a woman who has made so courageous a resolution! What devotion does she deserve from him for whom she has sacrificed everything! How ought she really to be supremely loved! She becomes at once a queen and a wife, and it is impossible to thank and love her sufficiently.Morrel longed intensely for the moment when he should hear Valentine say, "Here I am, Maximilian; come and help me." He had arranged everything for her escape; two ladders were hidden in the clover-field; a cabriolet was ordered for Maximilian alone, without a servant, without lights; at the turning of the first street they would light the lamps, as it would be foolish to attract the notice of the police by too many precautions.Occasionally he shuddered; he thought of the moment when, from the top of that wall, he should protect the descent of his dear Valentine, pressing in his arms for the first time her of whom he had yet only kissed the delicate hand.

When the afternoon arrived and he felt that the hour was drawing near, he wished for solitude, his agitation was extreme; a simple question from a friend would have irritated him.He shut himself in his room, and tried to read, but his eye glanced over the page without understanding a word, and he threw away the book, and for the second time sat down to sketch his plan, the ladders and the fence.At length the hour drew near.Never did a man deeply in love allow the clocks to go on peacefully.Morrel tormented his so effectually that they struck eight at half-past six.He then said, "It is time to start; the signature was indeed fixed to take place at nine o'clock, but perhaps Valentine will not wait for that.Consequently, Morrel, having left the Rue Meslay at half-past eight by his timepiece, entered the clover-field while the clock of Saint-Phillippe du Roule was striking eight.The horse and cabriolet were concealed behind a small ruin, where Morrel had often waited.

The night gradually drew on, and the foliage in the garden assumed a deeper hue.Then Morrel came out from his hiding-place with a beating heart, and looked through the small opening in the gate; there was yet no one to be seen.

The clock struck half-past eight, and still another half-hour was passed in waiting, while Morrel walked to and fro, and gazed more and more frequently through the opening.

The garden became darker still, but in the darkness he looked in vain for the white dress, and in the silence he vainly listened for the sound of footsteps.The house, which was discernible through the trees, remained in darkness, and gave no indication that so important an event as the signature of a marriage-contract was going on.Morrel looked at his watch, which wanted a quarter to ten; but soon the same clock he had already heard strike two or three times rectified the error by striking half-past nine.

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