

Then, kneeling down before a crucifix placed on a table, Pizarro remained for some minutes absorbed in prayer; after which, addressing the soldier who was to act as the minister of justice, he calmly bade him "do his duty with a steady hand" He refused to have his eyes bandaged, and, bending forward his neck, submitted it to the sword of the executioner, who struck off the head with a single blow, so true that the body remained for some moments in the same erect posture as in life.13The head was taken to Lima, where it was set in a cage or frame, and then fixed on a gibbet by the side of Carbajal's. On it was placed a label, bearing,-"This is the head of the traitor Gonzalo Pizarro, who rebelled in Peru against his sovereign, and battled in the cause of tyranny and treason against the royal standard in the valley of Xaquixaguana." 14His large estates, including the rich mines in Potosi, were confiscated;his mansion in Lima was razed to the ground, the place strewed with salt, and a stone pillar set up, with an inscription interdicting any one from building on a spot which had been profaned by the residence of a traitor.

Gonzalo's remains were not exposed to the indignities inflicted on Carbajal's, whose quarters were hung in chains on the four great roads leading to Cuzco. Centeno saved Pizarro's body from being stripped, by redeeming his costly raiment from the executioner, and in this sumptuous shroud it was laid in the chapel of the convent of Our Lady of Mercy in Cuzco. It was the same spot where, side by side, lay the bloody remains of the Almagros, father and son, who in like manner had perished by the hand of justice, and were indebted to private charity for their burial. All these were now consigned "to the same grave," says the historian, with some bitterness, "as if Peru could not afford land enough for a burial-place to its conquerors." 15Gonzalo Pizarro had reached only his forty-second year at the time of his death,--being just half the space allotted to his follower Carbajal. He was the youngest of the remarkable family to whom Spain was indebted for the acquisition of Peru. He came over to the country with his brother Francisco, on the return of the latter from his visit to Castile. Gonzalo was present in all the remarkable passages of the Conquest. He witnessed the seizure of Atahuallpa, took an active part in suppressing the insurrection of the Incas, and especially in the reduction of Charcas.

He afterwards led the disastrous expedition to the Amazon; and, finally, headed the memorable rebellion which ended so fatally to himself.

There are but few men whose lives abound in such wild and romantic adventure, and, for the most part, crowned with success. The space which he occupies in the page of history is altogether disproportioned to his talents. It may be in some measure ascribed to fortune, but still more to those showy qualities which form a sort of substitute for mental talent, and which secured his popularity with the vulgar.

He had a brilliant exterior; excelled in all martial exercises; rode well, fenced well, managed his lance to perfection, was a first-rate marksman with the arquebuse, and added the accomplishment of being an excellent draughtsman. He was bold and chivalrous, even to temerity; courted adventure, and was always in the front of danger. He was a knight-errant, in short, in the most extravagant sense of the term, and, "mounted on his favorite charger," says one who had often seen him, "made no more account of a squadron of Indians than of a swarm of flies."16While thus, by his brilliant exploits and showy manners, he captivated the imaginations of his countrymen, he won their hearts no less by his soldier-like frankness, his trust in their fidelity,--too often abused,-and his liberal largesses; for Pizarro, though avaricious of the property of others, was, like the Roman conspirator, prodigal of his own. This was his portrait in happier days, when his heart had not been corrupted by success; for that some change was wrought on him by his prosperity is well attested. His head was made giddy by his elevation; and it is proof of a want of talent equal to his success, that he knew not how to profit by it. Obeying the dictates of his own rash judgment, he rejected the warnings of his wisest counsellors, and relied with blind confidence on his destiny. Garcilasso imputes this to the malignant influence of the stars.17 But the superstitious chronicler might have better explained it by a common principle of human nature; by the presumption nourished by success; the insanity, as the Roman, or rather Grecian, proverb calls it, with which the gods afflict men when they design to ruin them.18Gonzalo was without education, except such as he had picked up in the rough school of war. He had little even of that wisdom which springs from natural shrewdness and insight into character. In all this he was inferior to his elder brothers, although he fully equalled them in ambition. Had he possessed a tithe of their sagacity, he would not have madly persisted in rebellion, after the coming of the president. Before this period, he represented the people. Their interests and his were united. He had their support, for he was contending for the redress of their wrongs. When these were redressed by the government, there was nothing to contend for. From that time, he was battling only for himself.

The people had no part nor interest in the contest. Without a common sympathy to bind them together, was it strange that they should fall off from him, like leaves in winter, and leave him exposed, a bare and sapless trunk, to the fury of the tempest?

  • 广嗣五种备要


  • 佛说圣最上灯明如来陀罗尼经


  • 高上玉皇本行集经


  • 闲居录


  • 明季三朝野史


  • 佛说五蕴皆空经




  • 办公室战争


  • 当下的修行:要学会淡定


    本书从八个方面详尽地论述了如何学会淡定。淡定是一种示现于外的状态,淡定是一种一心不乱的心境。淡定是泰然处之,正确抉择。淡定是正视磨难、正视挫折。淡定是随遇而安,正视得失。淡定是谋定而动,正确地面对挑战。淡定学会面对压力,轻松生活。淡定是放下恩怨,正确地面对是非功过。淡定是淡泊宁静,看淡名利。  这个时代需要“淡定”。我们每个人都需要这种心态,才会在生活中处之泰然,不会过于浮躁而迷失自我、过于兴奋而忘乎所以、过于悲伤而痛不欲生。淡定不是平庸,它是一种生活态度,是一种人生境界,是智慧的不争,是宠辱不惊,是对简单生活的一种追求。
  • 隐婚总裁,过期不候


  • 致命婚姻之毒爱残妻


  • 离开的,留下的


    “我”在未婚夫彼得罗一家人的帮助下,出版了首本小说,享受着成功的喜悦,而留在那不勒斯的莉拉却身陷贫困而卑贱的工厂生活。 “我”像个骑士一样,再度介入莉拉的生活,并动用丈夫一家人的关系,让莉拉和恩佐的生活有了转机——他们成了那不勒斯地区最早学习、掌握计算机技术的人,他们顽强、坚韧的学习能力让他们开始积累了巨大的财富。我和莉拉之间再次胜负难辨。婚后的“我”开始面临自己的创作危机,而平静的、中产阶级式的婚姻也令“我”疲惫不堪。对社会变革颇为冷淡的彼得罗希望“我”放弃作家的身份,而“我” 在扮演“母亲”、“妻子”这些角色时,总是避免不了内心的分裂、紧张……
  • 金箓大斋启盟仪


  • 最后的安眠


  • 系统之绝对铁匠

