

"What _can_ be the secret of this man's hold on me? How is it that he alters me so that I hardly know myself again? I was like myself in the railway carriage yesterday with Armadale. It was surely frightful to be talking to the living man, through the whole of that long journey, with the knowledge in me all the while that I meant to be his widow--and yet I was only excited and fevered. Hour after hour I never shrunk once from speaking to Armadale; but the first trumpery falsehood I told Midwinter turned me cold when I saw that he believed it! I felt a dreadful hysterical choking in the throat when he entreated me not to reveal my troubles. And once--I am horrified when I think of it--once, when he said, 'If I _could_ love you more dearly, Ishould love you more dearly now,' I was within a hair-breadth of turning traitor to myself. I was on the very point of crying out to him, 'Lies! all lies! I'm a fiend in human shape! Marry the wretchedest creature that prowls the streets, and you will marry a better woman than me!' Yes! the seeing his eyes moisten, the hearing his voice tremble, while I was deceiving him, shook me in that way. I have seen handsomer men by hundreds, cleverer men by dozens. What can this man have roused in me? Is it Love? Ithought I _had_ loved, never to love again. Does a woman not love when the man's hardness to her drives her to drown herself? A man drove _me_ to that last despair in days gone by. Did all my misery at that time come from something which was not Love? Have I lived to be five-and-thirty, and am I only feeling now what Love really is?--now, when it is too late? Ridiculous! Besides, what is the use of asking? What do I know about it? What does any woman ever know? The more we think of it, the more we deceive ourselves. I wish I had been born an animal. My beauty might have been of some use to me then--it might have got me a good master.

"Here is a whole page of my diary filled; and nothing written yet that is of the slightest use to me! My miserable made-up story must be told over again here, while the incidents are fresh in my memory--or how am I to refer to it consistently on after-occasions when I may be obliged to speak of it again?

"There was nothing new in what I told him; it was the commonplace rubbish of the circulating libraries. A dead father; a lost fortune; vagabond brothers, whom I dread ever seeing again; a bedridden mother dependent on my exertions--No! I can't write it down! I hate myself, I despise myself, when I remember that _he_believed it because I said it--that _he_ was distressed by it because it was my story! I will face the chances of contradicting myself--I will risk discovery and ruin--anything rather than dwell on that contemptible deception of him a moment longer.

"My lies came to an end at last. And then he talked to me of himself and of his prospects. Oh, what a relief it was to turn to that at the time! What a relief it is to come to it now!

"He has accepted the offer about which he wrote to me at Thorpe Ambrose; and he is now engaged as occasional foreign correspondent to the new newspaper. His first destination is Naples. I wish it had been some other place, for I have certain past associations with Naples which I am not at all anxious to renew. It has been arranged that he is to leave England not later than the eleventh of next month. By that time, therefore, I, who am to go with him, must go with him as his wife.

"There is not the slightest difficulty about the marriage. All this part of it is so easy that I begin to dread an accident.

"The proposal to keep the thing strictly private--which it might have embarrassed me to make--comes from Midwinter. Marrying me in his own name--the name that he has kept concealed from every living creature but myself and Mr. Brock--it is his interest that not a soul who knows him should be present at the ceremony; his friend Armadale least of all. He has been a week in London already. When another week has passed, he proposes to get the License, and to be married in the church belonging to the parish in which the hotel is situated. These are the only necessary formalities. I had but to say 'Yes' (he told me), and to feel no further anxiety about the future. I said 'Yes' with such a devouring anxiety about the future that I was afraid he would see it. What minutes the next few minutes were, when he whispered delicious words to me, while I hid my face on his breast!

"I recovered myself first, and led him back to the subject of Armadale, having my own reasons for wanting to know what they said to each other after I had left them yesterday.

"The manner in which Midwinter replied showed me that he was speaking under the restraint of respecting a confidence placed in him by his friend. Long before he had done, I detected what the confidence was. Armadale had been consulting him (exactly as Ianticipated) on the subject of the elopement. Although he appears to have remonstrated against taking the girl secretly away from her home, Midwinter seems to have felt some delicacy about speaking strongly, remembering (widely different as the circumstances are) that he was contemplating a private marriage himself. I gathered, at any rate, that he had produced very little effect by what he had said; and that Armadale had already carried out his absurd intention of consulting the head-clerk in the office of his London lawyers.

"Having got as far as this, Midwinter put the question which Ifelt must come sooner or later. He asked if I objected to our engagement being mentioned, in the strictest secrecy, to his friend.

" 'I will answer,' he said, 'for Allan's respecting any confidence that I place in him. And I will undertake, when the time comes, so to use my influence over him as to prevent his being present at the marriage, and discovering (what he must never know) that my name is the same as his own. It would help me,' he went on, 'to speak more strongly about the object that has brought him to London, if I can requite the frankness with which he has spoken of his private affairs to me by the same frankness on my side.'

  • 南华真经口义


  • 佛教西来玄化应运略录


  • 游禁苑幸临渭亭遇雪


  • 文殊问经字母品


  • 茶寮记


  • 墨客江湖行


  • 世界500强总经理的管理笔记


  • 较量


  • 遇见你


  • 第七个夜


  • 刀剑乱舞之我的本丸好特别


  • 傲天狂妃


    虽有绝世风华,却是废品灵根。忍下屈辱与人为妾,嫁入王府,却在大婚之日受尽侮辱,被王爷夫君毙于掌下。再睁眼时,她南宫莫邪已觉醒了前世记忆,废体封印被解,天地神器出世,人人唾弃的下堂妃如一柄出鞘寒剑,剑锋所指,欺我辱我者,一一奉还!前世情仇,今生恩怨,一起了结吧!满天的仙神又算什么?至尊神兽也只能匍匐在我脚下!颠倒这乾坤,换了这天地,只为我生生世世的爱人不再永镇黄泉之底!(推荐清鸢完结文:热血玄幻《异世仙尊》http://read。xxsy。net/info/379125。html)【精彩片花】极品帅皇子:莫邪,这世间的荣华富贵算得了什么?不及你回眸一笑,你若成魔,我亦与你共舞!傲娇小美男:嗯哼 ̄ ̄小爷就喜欢你这种强势的女人!嗯哼 ̄ ̄女人快点强大起来,爷需要你的保护哦。。。。。。冷酷帝王攻:莫邪,以后,我就是你的人了!要杀要剐,悉听尊便!素手妙神医:美人儿,别皱眉头哇!会长皱纹的,就算是吓不到我,吓坏小朋友也是不好的,对了,要不要做个拉皮?给你打八折!腹黑小神兽:莫邪姐姐,小黑喜欢被你抱在怀里,对了,就是这个姿势,嗯。。。。。。再往上一点,对,再往上。。。。。。软软的,有弹性,小黑帮你做按摩,有助发育哦!。。。。。。(美男无限,热血无限,纯情NP,结局圆满。喂,那谁,别左顾右盼,说的就是你!看了这么久还不点“加入书架”,磨磨唧唧的干啥呢?某鸢有个不良嗜好,看到收藏涨了,就会文思如雪崩!最后再叨叨一句,不会让你失望滴——信清鸢,得永生!)
  • 宠妃当道:帝王的娇蛮皇妃


  • 重生之侯府毒后


  • 细雪

