

"The doctor admitted that he had spoken too hastily. 'That personal view of the subject had, I confess, escaped me,' he said. 'However, let us get back to the matter in hand. In the course of what I may term an adventurous medical life, I have been brought more than once into contact with the gentlemen of the law, and have had opportunities of observing their proceedings in cases of, let us say, Domestic Jurisprudence. I am quite sure I am correct in informing you that the proof which will be required by Mr. Armadale's representatives will be the evidence of a witness present at the marriage who can speak to the identity of the bride and bridegroom from his own personal knowledge.'

" 'But I have already told you,' I said, 'that there was no such person present.'

" 'Precisely,' rejoined the doctor. 'In that case, what you now want, before you can safely stir a step in the matter, is--if you will pardon me the expression--a ready-made witness, possessed of rare moral and personal resources, who can be trusted to assume the necessary character, and to make the necessary Declaration before a magistrate. Do you know of any such person?' asked the doctor, throwing himself back in his chair, and looking at me with the utmost innocence.

" 'I only know You,' I said.

"The doctor laughed softly. 'So like a woman!' he remarked, with the most exasperating good humor. 'The moment she sees her object, she dashes at it headlong the nearest way. Oh, the sex!

the sex!'

" 'Never mind the sex!' I broke out, impatiently. 'I want a serious answer--Yes or No?'

"The doctor rose, and waved his hand with great gravity and dignity all round the room. 'You see this vast establishment,' he began; 'you can possibly estimate to some extent the immense stake I have in its prosperity and success. Your excellent natural sense will tell you that the Principal of this Sanitarium must be a man of the most unblemished character--'

" 'Why waste so many words,' I said, 'when one word will do? You mean No!'

"The Principal of the Sanitarium suddenly relapsed into the character of my confidential friend.

" 'My dear lady,' he said, 'it isn't Yes, and it isn't No, at a moment's notice. Give me till to-morrow afternoon. By that time Iengage to be ready to do one of two things--either to withdraw myself from this business at once, or to go into it with you heart and soul. Do you agree to that? Very good; we may drop the subject, then, till to-morrow. Where can I call on you when Ihave decided what to do?'

"There was no objection to my trusting him with my address at the hotel. I had taken care to present myself there as 'Mrs.

Armadale'; and I had given Midwinter an address at the neighboring post-office to write to when he answered my letters.

We settled the hour at which the doctor was to call on me; and, that matter arranged, I rose to go, resisting all offers of refreshment, and all proposals to show me over the house. His smooth persistence in keeping up appearances after we had thoroughly understood each other disgusted me. I got away from him as soon as I could, and came back to my diary and my own room.

"We shall see how it ends to-morrow. My own idea is that my confidential friend will say Yes.

"November 24th.--The doctor has said Yes, as I supposed; but on terms which I never anticipated. The condition on which I have secured his services amounts to nothing less than the payment to him, on my stepping into the place of Armadale's widow, of half my first year's income--in other words, six hundred pounds!

"I protested against this extortionate demand in every way Icould think of. All to no purpose. The doctor met me with the most engaging frankness. Nothing, he said, but the accidental embarrassment of his position at the present time would have induced him to mix himself up in the matter at all. He would honestly confess that he had exhausted his own resources, and the resources of other persons whom he described as his 'backers,' in the purchase and completion of the Sanitarium. Under those circumstances, six hundred pounds in prospect was an object to him. For that sum he would run the serious risk of advising and assisting me. Not a farthing less would tempt him; and there he left it, with his best and friendliest wishes, in my hands!

"It ended in the only way in which it could end. I had no choice but to accept the terms, and to let the doctor settle things on the spot as he pleased. The arrangement once made between us, Imust do him the justice to say that he showed no disposition to let the grass grow under his feet. He called briskly for pen, ink and paper, and suggested opening the campaign at Thorpe Ambrose by to-night's post.

"We agreed on a form of letter which I wrote, and which he copied on the spot. I entered into no particulars at starting. I simply asserted that I was the widow of the deceased Mr. Armadale; that I had been privately married to him; that I had returned to England on his sailing in the yacht from Naples; and that Ibegged to inclose a copy of my marriage certificate, as a matter of form with which I presumed it was customary to comply. The letter was addressed to 'The Representatives of the late Allan Armadale, Esq., Thorpe Ambrose, Norfolk.' And the doctor himself carried it away, and put it in the post.

"I am not so excited and so impatient for results as I expected to be, now that the first step is taken. The thought of Midwinter haunts me like a ghost. I have been writing to him again--as before, to keep up appearances. It will be my last letter, Ithink. My courage feels shaken, my spirits get depressed, when my thoughts go back to Turin. I am no more capable of facing the consideration of Midwinter at this moment than I was in the by-gone time, The day of reckoning with him, once distant and doubtful, is a day that may come to me now, I know not how soon.

And here I am, trusting myself blindly to the chapter of Accidents still!

  • 浣花溪记


  • Personal Memoirs

    Personal Memoirs

  • 大方广佛花严经普贤菩萨行愿王品


  • 丽史


  • 太上三洞表文


  • 许我一个来生


  • 慕木于飞


  • 顾左右而言史


  • 正妻


  • 智慧人生选择(人生高起点)


  • 君子长诀


    良玉以媒,画扇为缘。一遇君子,情意长诀。 传闻,执掌诸神姻缘的神君良玉,画姻缘扇证亲,圆满情事见诸扇面。可是替别人画姻缘扇的她,自己的情缘却是惨淡。她看上了三十五天的长诀天尊,可五万年的痴缠不过换回一尺折扇,上书两字“无缘”。 于是,带着无法劝阻的决绝,知道同长诀做不得神界眷侣的她,以存着她对长诀情意的半颗心做祭,执意换了一场同长诀天尊的凡界情缘。 神世的良玉和长诀,凡间的薛轻和萧漫。他们纠缠了五万年之久的爱恨,在这场不足三十载的凡尘情缘中,究竟是会昏昏湮灭,还是会熠熠重生? 凡辰总有终了时,只待梦醒后。从凡尘归来的良玉,究竟是会潇洒放手,还是会执念难丢?
  • 抠神


  • 佛说大辩邪正经


  • 神奇的故事(世界少年文学经典文库)


    霍桑在一八五一年六月至七月间根据古希腊神话所写的少儿读物《神奇的故事》 也在全世界享有盛誉,不仅为少年读者所钟爱,对成人也具有极大的吸引力。霍桑的作品素以关注人的心灵状态而著称,他在写作《神奇的故事》时,时刻不忘有益于少年读者心灵的健康成长这一神圣目标。古老的希腊神话原来就为想像力的驰骋,为诸如勇敢、善良、不畏强暴、不怕困难、爱与同情等等人类美好品质的展现提供了理想的广阔的舞台。经霍桑的生花妙笔加以改写之后,希腊神话中关于弥达斯、赫拉克勒斯、潘多拉、柏勒洛丰等人的故事闪耀出新的异彩,具有了更引人入胜的文学魅力。相信霍桑的《神奇的故事》也必定会使中国的少年读者感到神奇和喜欢。
  • 木之泣

