

"If the launch is above water they will find her," said Holmes, as he rose from the table and lit his pipe."They can go everywhere, see everything, overhear every one.I expect to hear before evening that theyhave spotted her.In the mean while, we can do nothing but await results.We cannot pick up the broken trail until we find either the Aurora or Mr.Mordecai Smith.""Toby could eat these scraps, I dare say.Are you going to bed, Holmes?""No: I am not tired.I have a curious constitution.I never remember feeling tired by work, though idleness exhausts me completely.I am going to smoke and to think over this queer business to which my fair client has introduced us.If ever man had an easy task, this of ours ought to be.Wooden-legged men are not so common, but the other man must, I should think, be absolutely unique.""That other man again!"

"I have no wish to make a mystery of him,--to you, anyway.But you must have formed your own opinion.Now, do consider the data.Diminutive footmarks, toes never fettered by boots, naked feet, stone- headed wooden mace, great agility, small poisoned darts.What do you make of all this?""A savage!" I exclaimed."Perhaps one of those Indians who were the associates of Jonathan Small.""Hardly that," said he."When first I saw signs of strange weapons I was inclined to think so; but the remarkable character of the footmarks caused me to reconsider my views.Some of the inhabitants of the Indian Peninsula are small men, but none could have left such marks as that.The Hindoo proper has long and thin feet.The sandal-wearing Mohammedan has the great toe well separated from the others, because the thong is commonly passed between.These little darts, too, could only be shot in one way.They are from a blow-pipe.Now, then, where are we to find our savage?""South American," I hazarded.

He stretched his hand up, and took down a bulky volume from the shelf."This is the first volume of a gazetteer which is now being published.It may be looked upon as the very latest authority.What have we here? 'Andaman Islands, situated 340 miles to the north of Sumatra, in the Bay of Bengal.'Hum! hum!What's all this? Moistclimate, coral reefs, sharks, Port Blair, convict-barracks, Rutland Island, cottonwoods--Ah, here we are.'The aborigines of the Andaman Islands may perhaps claim the distinction of being the smallest race upon this earth, though some anthropologists prefer the Bushmen of Africa, the Digger Indians of America, and the Terra del Fuegians.The average height is rather below four feet, although many full-grown adults may be found who are very much smaller than this.They are a fierce, morose, and intractable people, though capable of forming most devoted friendships when their confidence has once been gained.' Mark that, Watson.Now, then, listen to this.'They are naturally hideous, having large, misshapen heads, small, fierce eyes, and distorted features.Their feet and hands, however, are remarkably small.So intractable and fierce are they that all the efforts of the British official have failed to win them over in any degree.They have always been a terror to shipwrecked crews, braining the survivors with their stone-headed clubs, or shooting them with their poisoned arrows.These massacres are invariably concluded by a cannibal feast.' Nice, amiable people, Watson! If this fellow had been left to his own unaided devices this affair might have taken an even more ghastly turn.I fancy that, even as it is, Jonathan Small would give a good deal not to have employed him.""But how came he to have so singular a companion?""Ah, that is more than I can tell.Since, however, we had already determined that Small had come from the Andamans, it is not so very wonderful that this islander should be with him.No doubt we shall now all about it in time.Look here, Watson; you look regularly done.Lie down there on the sofa, and see if I can put you to sleep."He took up his violin from the corner, and as I stretched myself out he began to play some low, dreamy, melodious air,--his own, no doubt, for he had a remarkable gift for improvisation.I have a vague remembrance of his gaunt limbs, his earnest face, and the rise and fall of his bow.Then I seemed to be floated peacefully away upon a soft sea of sound, until I found myself in dream- land, with the sweet face of Mary Morstan looking down upon me.

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    本书立足于最大限度满足农民朋友对提升科学文化素质和生产经营能力的现实需求,内容涵盖三个方面:一是如何运用种植、养殖等方面的农业科技知识;二是如何选择和利用各类教育培训渠道、形式等;三是如何获得和利用农业信息,做出正确决策, 降低农业经营成本与风险,提升农民对市场的应对能力。
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