

Fortunately for all of us, he was not impertinent, and though he spoke the language of his order, his tone disarmed offence.

"Now, then. Now, then. What is all this about?"

There was no need for me to answer. A dozen voluble tongues were ready to explain to him; and to explain wholly in my favour. This time the crowd was with me. Let a man school himself to bear dispraise, for thereby alone shall he call his soul his own. But let no man lie, saying he is indifferent to popular opinion. That was my first taste of public applause. The public was not select, and the applause might, by the sticklers for English pure and undefiled, have been deemed ill-worded, but to me it was the sweetest music I had ever heard, or have heard since. I was called a "plucky little devil," a "fair 'ot 'un," not only a "good 'un," but a "good 'un" preceded by the adjective that in the East bestows upon its principal every admirable quality that can possibly apply. Under the circumstances it likewise fitted me literally; but I knew it was intended rather in its complimentary sense.

Kind, if dirty, hands wiped my face. A neighbouring butcher presented me with a choice morsel of steak, not to eat but to wear; and I found it, if I may so express myself without infringing copyright, "grateful and comforting." My enemies had long since scooted, some of them, I had rejoiced to notice, with lame and halting steps. The mutilated kitten had been restored to its owner, a lady of ample bosom, who, carried beyond judgment by emotion, publicly offered to adopt me on the spot. The Law suggested, not for the first time, that everybody should now move on; and slowly, followed by feminine commendation mingled with masculine advice as to improved methods for the future, I was allowed to drift away.

My bones ached, my flesh stung me, yet I walked as upon air.

Gradually I became conscious that I was not alone. A light, pattering step was trying to keep pace with me. Graciously I slacked my speed, and the pattering step settled down beside me. Every now and again she would run ahead and then turn round to look up into my face, much as your small dog does when he happens not to be misbehaving himself and desires you to note the fact. Evidently she approved of me. I was not at my best, as far as appearance was concerned, but women are kittle cattle, and I think she preferred me so. Thus we walked for quite a long distance without speaking, I drinking in the tribute of her worship and enjoying it. Then gaining confidence, she shyly put her hand into mine, and finding I did not repel her, promptly assumed possession of me, according to woman's way.

For her age and station she must have been a person of means, for having tried in vain various methods to make me more acceptable to followers and such as having passed would turn their heads, she said:

"I know, gelatines;" and disappearing into a sweetstuff shop, returned with quite a quantity. With these, first sucked till glutinous, we joined my many tatters. I still attracted attention, but felt warmer.

She informed me that her name was Cissy, and that her father's shop was in Three Colt Street. I informed her that my name was Paul, and that my father was a lawyer. I also pointed out to her that a lawyer is much superior in social position to a shopkeeper, which she acknowledged cheerfully. We parted at the corner of the Stainsby Road, and I let her kiss me once. It was understood that in the Stainsby Road we might meet again.

I left Eliza gaping after me, the front door in her hand, and ran straight up into my own room. Robinson Crusoe, King Arthur, The Last of the Barons, Rob Roy! I looked them all in the face and was not ashamed. I also was a gentleman.

My mother was much troubled when she saw me, but my father, hearing the story, approved.

"But he looks so awful," said my mother. "In this world," said my father, "one must occasionally be aggressive--if necessary, brutal."

My father would at times be quite savage in his sentiments.

  • 洞真太上素灵洞元大有妙经


  • 退思集类方歌注




  • 空谷道澄禅师语录


  • 新城录


  • 做一个情场稳职场顺气场赢的智慧女人


  • 都市超品仙医


  • 还你祝福


    欧阳杏是被一串不歇气的电话振动声吵醒的。手机放在床边的床头柜上,等她准备伸出手去接时,振动停了。对于欧阳杏的职业来说,电话的多少深深地意味着业绩的好坏。可是昨天的一单生意让欧阳杏沮丧心烦,她索性偷了个小懒,放任自己没去在意这个电话。 屋里一片静默,欧阳杏感到被窝通凉,那是一股沁到骨头里的凉,像一阵诡异的妖风,在身体的各个通道里没有出路地钻啊钻的,直到她的身体彻底僵冷才善罢甘休。
  • 医谋天下


  • 菩萨本生鬘论


  • 篮球风云榜


  • 道德经篇章玄颂


  • 爱你迟迟不晚


  • 经理人必备会计与财税知识


  • 惊世弃后:神医小萌宝

